Brexit dividend - Johnson sacrifices Northern Ireland to please brexit crazies in tory party,

The purpose of Scotland joining in the first place was for economic reasons, and that has never changed. I think Southern Scotland are pro union, it's the inbreds further up that want to cut their own nose off to spite their face.

Here's the history of Wales, and as you can see from Tommy Tainant, there's confirmation about Neanderthals in the first few lines of the link -

Well, the time will show how the things will be sorted out. Hope the Union will be preserved in one form or another.
Well, the time will show how the things will be sorted out. Hope the Union will be preserved in one form or another.
It will do. I sincerely hope Sturgeon does a Catalonia and ends up getting jailed. I would sacrifice my left arm to see that happen.
Well, the time will show how the things will be sorted out. Hope the Union will be preserved in one form or another.
The Union is dead.
To answer the caveman argument. wales is self sufficient in energy. We export 90% of our energy production to England. You would thinh that Welsh electric bills ould be lower because we are not reliant on importd gas. They are not. because we re tied to the |Union we are forced to pay british costs. An independent Wales would reduce its domestic power bills and export power to England at a reasonable cost.

Its the same with water. We export water to England and large parts o their economy are dependent on Welsh water. certainly the areas around Birmingham and Liverpool could not exist without Welsh water.

And yet due to our colonial status the welsh economy does not benefit from this by a single penny. The water is exported at no charge. Again an independent Wales will charge our neighbours a fair price for this valuable commodity and Wales will benefit.

The idiot cavemen taklks about Wales relying on hanndouts. This is an effect of the colonial system. All goods in the UK incur a 20% value added tax.

All vat accrued in Wales goes direct to the english government and they remit some of it back to Wales. So it becomes a "handout" of the English government rather than money that Wales is entitled to as a right. I suspect it is a similar picture in Scotland. As you can see the Celtic nations subsidise England.

The Welsh coastline is designated as Crown Land. The Queen gets all the income from these areas not the \weslsh people. This is worth £500m a year as all the wind farms and other coastal industries pay rent to the queen not the people of Wales.

Other ways that we are being robbed. HS2 is the largst engineering project in England. It is a high speed railway that connects London and the North of England. Despite no one meter of track being laid in |Wales it has been gesignated as an "England and Wales" project. As such it has sucked up Welsh infrastructure funding to the tune of £5bn.

Welsh railways are falling apart but money to improve them is being spent on an English project.

Finally, Wales has never voted conservative but regularly has to endure a conservative government in London. They are cutting Welsh representation in parliament by 20% at the next election. This is to reduce the number of non conservative MPs. Its a form of gerrymandering that,guess what, Wales was not consulted on.

You can see from the racist and offensive posts by "captain caveman" a good example of how england views the other members of tthe "union".

He is a great example of the lying arrogant brexiter who has done so much to speed the end of the Union. The Union itself benefits england and not the rest of the UK. time to cut the cord.
The Union is dead.
To answer the caveman argument. wales is self sufficient in energy. We export 90% of our energy production to England. You would thinh that Welsh electric bills ould be lower because we are not reliant on importd gas. They are not. because we re tied to the |Union we are forced to pay british costs. An independent Wales would reduce its domestic power bills and export power to England at a reasonable cost.

Its the same with water. We export water to England and large parts o their economy are dependent on Welsh water. certainly the areas around Birmingham and Liverpool could not exist without Welsh water.

And yet due to our colonial status the welsh economy does not benefit from this by a single penny. The water is exported at no charge. Again an independent Wales will charge our neighbours a fair price for this valuable commodity and Wales will benefit.

The idiot cavemen taklks about Wales relying on hanndouts. This is an effect of the colonial system. All goods in the UK incur a 20% value added tax.

All vat accrued in Wales goes direct to the english government and they remit some of it back to Wales. So it becomes a "handout" of the English government rather than money that Wales is entitled to as a right. I suspect it is a similar picture in Scotland. As you can see the Celtic nations subsidise England.

The Welsh coastline is designated as Crown Land. The Queen gets all the income from these areas not the \weslsh people. This is worth £500m a year as all the wind farms and other coastal industries pay rent to the queen not the people of Wales.

Other ways that we are being robbed. HS2 is the largst engineering project in England. It is a high speed railway that connects London and the North of England. Despite no one meter of track being laid in |Wales it has been gesignated as an "England and Wales" project. As such it has sucked up Welsh infrastructure funding to the tune of £5bn.

Welsh railways are falling apart but money to improve them is being spent on an English project.

Finally, Wales has never voted conservative but regularly has to endure a conservative government in London. They are cutting Welsh representation in parliament by 20% at the next election. This is to reduce the number of non conservative MPs. Its a form of gerrymandering that,guess what, Wales was not consulted on.

You can see from the racist and offensive posts by "captain caveman" a good example of how england views the other members of tthe "union".

He is a great example of the lying arrogant brexiter who has done so much to speed the end of the Union. The Union itself benefits england and not the rest of the UK. time to cut the cord.
I can express my point as an outsider only and may be wrong in my conclusions. But I think that the Union in its current form is coming to an end.

The Union will consist of politically independent states with a common trade and travel area. It is somewhat a win win solution.
I can express my point as an outsider only and may be wrong in my conclusions. But I think that the Union in its current form is coming to an end.

The Union will consist of politically independent states with a common trade and travel area. It is somewhat a win win solution.
We would want good relations with our neighbours. But that has to be built on mutual respect. That is currently lacking. A proper government in Westminster may address that.
The Union is dead.
To answer the caveman argument. wales is self sufficient in energy. We export 90% of our energy production to England. You would thinh that Welsh electric bills ould be lower because we are not reliant on importd gas. They are not. because we re tied to the |Union we are forced to pay british costs. An independent Wales would reduce its domestic power bills and export power to England at a reasonable cost.

Its the same with water. We export water to England and large parts o their economy are dependent on Welsh water. certainly the areas around Birmingham and Liverpool could not exist without Welsh water.

And yet due to our colonial status the welsh economy does not benefit from this by a single penny. The water is exported at no charge. Again an independent Wales will charge our neighbours a fair price for this valuable commodity and Wales will benefit.

The idiot cavemen taklks about Wales relying on hanndouts. This is an effect of the colonial system. All goods in the UK incur a 20% value added tax.

All vat accrued in Wales goes direct to the english government and they remit some of it back to Wales. So it becomes a "handout" of the English government rather than money that Wales is entitled to as a right. I suspect it is a similar picture in Scotland. As you can see the Celtic nations subsidise England.

The Welsh coastline is designated as Crown Land. The Queen gets all the income from these areas not the \weslsh people. This is worth £500m a year as all the wind farms and other coastal industries pay rent to the queen not the people of Wales.

Other ways that we are being robbed. HS2 is the largst engineering project in England. It is a high speed railway that connects London and the North of England. Despite no one meter of track being laid in |Wales it has been gesignated as an "England and Wales" project. As such it has sucked up Welsh infrastructure funding to the tune of £5bn.

Welsh railways are falling apart but money to improve them is being spent on an English project.

Finally, Wales has never voted conservative but regularly has to endure a conservative government in London. They are cutting Welsh representation in parliament by 20% at the next election. This is to reduce the number of non conservative MPs. Its a form of gerrymandering that,guess what, Wales was not consulted on.

You can see from the racist and offensive posts by "captain caveman" a good example of how england views the other members of tthe "union".

He is a great example of the lying arrogant brexiter who has done so much to speed the end of the Union. The Union itself benefits england and not the rest of the UK. time to cut the cord.
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales are funded by using the Barnett Formula -

The figures vary slightly every year, but in 2012-2013 , externalNorthern Ireland got the most - £10,876 per head.

Scotland got £10,152 per head and Wales, despite being much poorer, got £9,709. England received £8,529.

The UK average was £8,788.

Obviously Tommy Tit is unaware of which country gets the most money, and which one receives the least than the average. But that's Tommy, a brain washed thick fuck.

If Wales wants to leave the Union, just simply give the referendum to the English, you sheep shaggers will be out the door in seconds, and you come crawling back cap in hand, you'll be told to go and do one. I for one would vote you sheep faggots out.
England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales are funded by using the Barnett Formula -

The figures vary slightly every year, but in 2012-2013 , externalNorthern Ireland got the most - £10,876 per head.

Scotland got £10,152 per head and Wales, despite being much poorer, got £9,709. England received £8,529.

The UK average was £8,788.

Obviously Tommy Tit is unaware of which country gets the most money, and which one receives the least than the average. But that's Tommy, a brain washed thick fuck.

If Wales wants to leave the Union, just simply give the referendum to the English, you sheep shaggers will be out the door in seconds, and you come crawling back cap in hand, you'll be told to go and do one. I for one would vote you sheep faggots out.
Robbing english bastards.
Robbing English bastards.
Rob off the English, give to the drunk Scots, Religious worried Irish, and the sheep shagging Welsh.

The English need to get rid of you costly thieving scum.

You shouldn't be on this thread, it requires above low comprehension skills. Idiot.

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