British man faces 350 lashes for homemade wine in Saudi Arabia

Thisbis why it's necessary to have laws against religious nonsense.
We don't have laws against bootlegging?
You can make your own wine, beer, or liquor whenever you want in this country. And when was the last time a bootlegger was sentenced to a lashing here?

God you're dumb.
Production of wine and beer in limited amounts for personal use is permitted. Distilled spirits require a federal license that requires a
tax bond of at least $500,000.00 among many requirements. Make moonshine at your peril, Uncle Sam will have his tax.
In some countries young boys are kept as sex slaves US law would deal harshly with that practice. When in Rome do as the Romans do is still sound advice. The laws of the UK have no meaning in Saudi Arabia.
He blatantly broke the law of the land and became a criminal.

Why should he get special treatment? ....... :cool:
He should not get any special treatment. No one should be lashed, at all.
Yeah. Yet another one of Amurkas "Freedumb Loving allies"
Rubio/Kim Jong-un 2016 !
When I was in Saudi Arabia in the 80's they had 'chop day' every Wednesday, ie: Public executions. Organized religion.
But, since the UK is a haven for hundreds of billions of Saudi money, nothing will happen.

Saudi Arabia is a barbaric society.

How many hundreds of billions do you think is in the US?
Production of wine and beer in limited amounts for personal use is permitted. Distilled spirits require a federal license that requires a
tax bond of at least $500,000.00 among many requirements. Make moonshine at your peril, Uncle Sam will have his tax.

There are exemptions for neighborhood brewery's.
In some countries young boys are kept as sex slaves US law would deal harshly with that practice. When in Rome do as the Romans do is still sound advice. The laws of the UK have no meaning in Saudi Arabia.

Because Saudis believe their religious based laws trump all other. Again. The problem with organized religion.
He blatantly broke the law of the land and became a criminal.

Why should he get special treatment? ....... :cool:

How about, maybe...because if he is not released immediately, a video will be posted of the Saudi ambassador being thrown-alive-into a rendering machine followed by a truckload of pigs?

There is nothing wrong with Saudi Arabia that could not be solved with a few hundred kilotons.

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