British Medical Journal Scotches "Safe and Effective": Vaccines 20x More Dangerous Than COVID


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012
It's all coming down alright.

"Continuing a pattern like dominos falling of key elements of the official COVID narrative, the prestigious British Medical Journal has published a study which puts the last nail in the coffin of the “safe and effective” COVID “vaccine” mantra, drugs which are more accurately mRNA cocktail injections.

A December 2022 study in the British Medical Journal (BMJ,) as mainstream medical establishment a journal as there is, concludes that the COVID vaccines are “likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults,” causing nearly 20 times the “serious adverse events,” including death, for every COVID hospitalization averted.

In other words, for every person the Covid shots keep out of the hospital, they put 20 other people at death’s door, or even kills them. A “serious adverse event” is defined in the Medical Dictionary as one which:

“…results in death; is life threatening; requires inpatient hospitalisation or prolongation of existing hospitalisation; results in persistent or significant disability/incapacity; or causes a congenital anomaly/birth defect.”

The study in the British Medical Journal, second only to The Lancet in prestige, states unequivocally that the mRNA shots are:

“likely to cause net expected harms to young healthy adults—for each hospitalisation averted we estimate approximately [20 serious adverse events] —that is not outweighed by a proportionate public health benefit“

The study states that “University booster mandates are unethical.”

As for the commonly heard defense of the injections, that the risk of heart attack following COVID is greater than the risk imparted by the “vaccines,” bunk, the study in essence says. The study, “COVID-19 vaccine boosters for young adults: a risk benefit assessment and ethical analysis of mandate policies at universities,” concludes:

“Postvaccination myocarditis has been found to be equivalent to or exceed the risk of post-COVID myocarditis in males less than 40 years old…”

In other words, having Covid does not give you a greater risk of having a heart attack later than the shots do. Period."
Pure cheese. Used to take 10 years or more to test a vaccine. I will never ever respect or take the word of either the media or medical establishment ever again.
Pure cheese. Used to take 10 years or more to test a vaccine. I will never ever respect or take the word of either the media or medical establishment ever again.
You never should have in first place.... They are still ramming Biden Boosters down children, and teenager throats, with murderous fascist mothers not hesitating to force their children to submit, killing untold thousands of them, that die off is going to continue to become worse and worse! Excess death's in UK children 0-14 years of age is up over 700%!

You never should have in first place.... They are still ramming Biden Boosters down children, and teenager throats, with murderous fascist mothers not hesitating to force their children to submit, killing untold thousands of them, that die off is going to continue to become worse and worse! Excess death's in UK children 0-14 years of age is up over 700%!

Portable morgues at hospitals in UK...NOT on CNN. And we KNOW what's killing them we have the autopsies now.

Autopsies Show Direct Causal Link Between Unexpected Deaths and COVID Vaccines



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