British Pathe Palestine


Senior Member
Jun 1, 2014
In April of this year British Pathe films released hundreds of newsreels, much of which was raw footage that had never been published.

They are fascinating, the Palestinian social fabric is still intact for one thing:

Palm Sunday in Jerusalem, 1940:

illegal immigration:


King David Hotel bombing:


Martial law declared:


Palestine story:

War in Palestine:

Battle of the Roads:

with Arabs, nakba:
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How many times did we tell you NOBODY BOTHERS TO CLICK ON YOUR CLIPS. It's just a pile of spam garbage, if it's one clip or ten clips IT DOESNT MATTER.

There should be a rule for posting so many clips in one post.
See, you turkeys don't really love the place (..... or the people).
If you did, you'd love these old films.
See, you turkeys don't really love the place (..... or the people).
If you did, you'd love these old films.

Jews use the past to look to the future.
And based upon past experience with your postings, you're going to use these films as proof that all Jews are "EVIL!".
You also realizing you're eating YouTube bandwidth whilst avoiding their ads which Google uses to support the site.
See, you turkeys don't really love the place (..... or the people).
If you did, you'd love these old films.

Jews use the past to look to the future.
And based upon past experience with your postings, you're going to use these films as proof that all Jews are "EVIL!".
You also realizing you're eating YouTube bandwidth whilst avoiding their ads which Google uses to support the site.

That's ludicrous. I have deliberately sought out films of non-Zionist Jews repeatedly, posted DOZENS, specifically so that you could finally find someone normal for a role model.

There are some nice shots of brand new Israelis dancing the hora. But you don't care, you just want to see if you can persuade others that I try to prove that "all Jews are evil." (Your words, not mine!)

So I take it my points about Zionism have hit home. Good!!

The comment about bandwidth I don't get.
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That's ludicrous. I have deliberately sought out films of non-Zionist Jews so that you could finally have someone normal for a role model.

The comment about bandwidth I don't get.

you're supposed to feel guilty about wasting someone's money
It can't be using anymore bandwidth than if it was just a link and everyone went directly to You Tube. And sites WANT links from other websites. So if it was a problem I suppose the technology exists to prevent it.

But I knew that anyone who watched the videos would enjoy them. So its worth the bandwidth! I think you just don't like seeing all those Arab-built buildings, some hundreds of years old, and being forced to admit Palestine was real after all.
It can't be using anymore bandwidth than if it was just a link and everyone went directly to You Tube. And sites WANT links from other websites. So if it was a problem I suppose the technology exists to prevent it.

But I knew that anyone who watched the videos would enjoy them. So its worth the bandwidth! I think you just don't like seeing all those Arab-built buildings, some hundreds of years old, and being forced to admit Palestine was real after all.

Israel was, and is, the crossroads across Europe and Asia and so architecture from many civilizations will be found there.
In terms of Arabs living there for a millenia alongside Jews, why would that bother me.
The current state of affairs between both Muslims and Jews is based on religion, and the Muslims have no claim.
You are still trying to secularize the will never work.
Plus Muslims have way too many psycho members.
Its based on the fact that Z's stole their country, psycho.

Plus when you see an entire heavily populated and highly developed landscape it disproves the Z's thesis that Palestinians were just squatters. There aren't 'many different styles.' There is not "architecture from many different civilizations." There is one civilization ... Arab, with the thinnest veneer of Zionist laid over it. It looks very much like Beirut or Damascus of the same period.
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Its based on the fact that Z's stole their country, psycho.

Plus when you see an entire heavily populated and highly developed landscape it disproves the Z's thesis that Palestinians were just squatters. There aren't 'many different styles.' There is not "architecture from many different civilizations." There is one civilization ... Arab, with the thinnest veneer of Zionist laid over it. It looks very much like Beirut or Damascus of the same period.

21 Muslim nations with 1.2 billion citizens and trillions of dollars.
And God has handed them their rear ends since 1948.

Israel...What a miracle that only the One True God could have wrought in the middle of the World's Psycho Zone.

Go ahead and kvetch all you want but God is in the driver's seat.
That's ludicrous. I have deliberately sought out films of non-Zionist Jews repeatedly, posted DOZENS, specifically so that you could finally find someone normal for a role model.

There are some nice shots of brand new Israelis dancing the hora. But you don't care, you just want to see if you can persuade others that I try to prove that "all Jews are evil." (Your words, not mine!)

So I take it my points about Zionism have hit home. Good!!

The comment about bandwidth I don't get.

you never made any points about Zionism ---or genetics----you have simply
demonstrated that you are an islamo Nazi --------the term islamo Nazi refers --
correctly to those people who espouse the ideology you espouse. It's roots
go back into antiquity-----but were actually codified by the person who could
logically be called the father of the ISLAMO NAZISM that you espouse---
interestingly it is CONSTANTINE emperor of the first REICH He was
not entirely the creator of the filth you espouse----in fact precursors of your
stinking filth are found in the code of Hummarabi. A very interesting
reality is that the actual aim of ABRAHAM included the creation of a
code of law REPUDIATING the stink and filth aspects of the Code of
Hummarabi. Just as you cannot grasp simple mendelian genetics---there
is no chance of your grasping the really meaning of the most sublime
book of the bible-----genesis
See, you turkeys don't really love the place (..... or the people).
If you did, you'd love these old films.

Did you love the films showing arab muslims as the terrorist scum they are, or the old films showing that arab muslims target children all the time.
That's ludicrous. I have deliberately sought out films of non-Zionist Jews repeatedly, posted DOZENS, specifically so that you could finally find someone normal for a role model.

There are some nice shots of brand new Israelis dancing the hora. But you don't care, you just want to see if you can persuade others that I try to prove that "all Jews are evil." (Your words, not mine!)

So I take it my points about Zionism have hit home. Good!!

The comment about bandwidth I don't get.

Your idea of normal is an extremist Jew or Palestinian that says what you want to hear.
Its based on the fact that Z's stole their country, psycho.

Plus when you see an entire heavily populated and highly developed landscape it disproves the Z's thesis that Palestinians were just squatters. There aren't 'many different styles.' There is not "architecture from many different civilizations." There is one civilization ... Arab, with the thinnest veneer of Zionist laid over it. It looks very much like Beirut or Damascus of the same period.

How many more times do you need to be told about your RACIST INTOLERANCDE and INCITEMENT TO RELIGOUS HATRED. As well as being told time and time again that the Jews were INVITED TO PALESTINE BY THE LEGAL OWNERS. The arab muslims came illegally to steal the land. Under the Ottomans the land of Palestine was as devoid of arab muslims as the dark side of the moon. They could not get them to stay and be land owners they were that lazy. By the start of the 20c the arab muslims were migrating to Palestine illegally on the promise of free fertile land when the Jews had finished the hard work. By the way arab has never been a civilisation it has always been a thief in the night. So called Arabic architecture is a mix of Assyrian and Persian, so called arab food is a mixture of the surrounding countries and arab culture is what ever they could steal. They don't even have a religion that wasn't stolen from the Jews and Christians.

Now how about you step up to the mark and tell everyone in your own words what you mean when you call people Zionists. ( I believe that it is the new profanity used by the ISLAMONAZIS because they use their old one to give themselves credibility )
LMAO! "Zionists stole their country"??? Very cleaver those Zionists considering there never was a country of Palestine & the indigenous Palestinians WERE JEWS long before any Muslim squatters on Israel's land. Heh Heh!

Its based on the fact that Z's stole their country, psycho.

Plus when you see an entire heavily populated and highly developed landscape it disproves the Z's thesis that Palestinians were just squatters. There aren't 'many different styles.' There is not "architecture from many different civilizations." There is one civilization ... Arab, with the thinnest veneer of Zionist laid over it. It looks very much like Beirut or Damascus of the same period.

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