Brown Would Be Alive Today if...

Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Blaming the victim for the irrational acts of others. That's the way their pea brains work.

I bet they think if Eric Garner hadn't been selling cigarettes in Staten Island he would be alive today, too.

Nobody (including you) knows if the cop acted irrationally. All the evidence points to the opposite of that. Sounds like you're one of the pea brain protesters, who don't even know what they're protesting about.
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Just don't get what ? When you commit crimes and attack police you can end up dead? That's common sense. No, it's the left that is in the cosmos on this.

Who had the gun, you stupid fucking idiot?

The one with the gun is the one in control.

Wilson was out of control.

Yuo don't have a shred of evidence to support that, and you can't even "control" your mouth. :lol:
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

What is there to get? Explain it to me than?
Seems obvious that if he had done any of the three things mentioned above he would still be alive.

Of course you are right. Some people in this forum just have mental block when it comes to common sense.
The shot in the palm of the hand indicates his hand was outstreched, facing the officer, thus surrender posture, and there was another shot to the head after that.
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It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

What is there to get? Explain it to me than?
Seems obvious that if he had done any of the three things mentioned above he would still be alive.

Of course you are right. Some people in this forum just have mental block when it comes to common sense.

Their mental block is called ideology and they follow the talking points of that ideologies leaders in spite of plain facts and reason.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

dont get what

Don't get the looneytune mindset that CClayton Jones and other ultraliberals have been programmed to accept. When one of these loons comes up with some goofball idea, the others say "Oh yeah, man!" Before you know it, the goofball idea is accepted as standard policy by the whole nutjob group, without a single one of them ever really examining the common sense logic of it. :cuckoo:
It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Just don't get what ? When you commit crimes and attack police you can end up dead? That's common sense. No, it's the left that is in the cosmos on this.

Who had the gun, you stupid fucking idiot?

The one with the gun is the one in control.

Wilson was out of control.

And who was trying to grab the gun? Idiot!
The shot in the palm of the hand indicates his hand was outstreched, facing the officer, thus surrender posture, and there was another shot to the head after that.

Could be a surrender posture, but could just as easily be an attacking posture too. Or he could have been running toward Wilson, and holding on to his hat. Or he could have been holding up a Black power fist...or...or...

Bottom line. > Inconclusive.
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The shot in the palm of the hand indicates his hand was outstreched, facing the officer, thus surrender posture, and there was another shot to the head after that.

Could be a surrender posture, but could just as easily be an attacking posture too. Or he could have been running toward Wilson, and holding on to his hat. Or...or...or...

Bottom line. > Inconclusive.

but could just as easily be an attacking posture too. Or he could have been running toward Wilson

witness accounts say this happened

[ame=]Mike Brown Witness Audio - 'He Came Back Towards Police' - YouTube[/ame]
The shot in the palm of the hand indicates his hand was outstreched, facing the officer, thus surrender posture, and there was another shot to the head after that.

An out stretched hand can also be reaching for a throat. How about you let the experts at this kind of thing determine what Brown was doing.
If Brown had just not acted like a common criminal then the whole situation could have been avoided. Now his community is in turmoil, a good cop has been smeared, hundreds of National Guardsman will be away from their families, and Mr. Thug Life 4 Eva is dead.
Nobody (including you) knows if the cop acted irrationally. All the evidence points to the opposite of that. Sounds like you're one of the pea brain protesters, who don't even know what they're protesting about.

If Wilson didn't do anything wrong he wouldn't have "cut n' run". There, that's language I'm sure you can understand.

If Brown had just not acted like a common criminal then the whole situation could have been avoided. Now his community is in turmoil, a good cop has been smeared, hundreds of National Guardsman will be away from their families, and Mr. Thug Life 4 Eva is dead.

You really swallowed hard on that video, which had absolutely nothing to do with what Wilson did.

You have the mouth of a bass and the brain of a guppy.

Mark my words, if this goes to trial the store video will be absolutely inadmissible in court.
If Brown had just not acted like a common criminal then the whole situation could have been avoided. Now his community is in turmoil, a good cop has been smeared, hundreds of National Guardsman will be away from their families, and Mr. Thug Life 4 Eva is dead.

I just don't have a pic of a violin large enough to convey my lack of sympathy..The kid did not have a criminal record and nothing has been established as fact what really went on...
You are exactly right. Officer Wilson shot Brown in self defense with TOTAL justification according to the autopsy results.

The autopsy results prove nothing. From your link:

“This one here looks like his head was bent downward,” he said, indicating the wound at the very top of Mr. Brown’s head. “It can be because he’s giving up, or because he’s charging forward at the officer.”

He stressed that his information does not assign blame or justify the shooting.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

Blaming the victim for the irrational acts of others. That's the way their pea brains work.

I bet they think if Eric Garner hadn't been selling cigarettes in Staten Island he would be alive today, too.
Also true. Millions of people who don't break the law are alive today.
Common sense question. Would Michael Brown be alive today if, on Friday, he : #1.) paid for his merchandise at the confidence store. #2.) did not attack a police officer and just stepped onto the sidewalk? Seems to me that if Mr. Thug Life just acts responsibly he is not laid out on the ground with a bullet in his head.

It comes as no surprise that you and others on the right just don't get it.

You are so amusing, Clayton. Are you going to tell me, that if Michael had just paid for those cigars and gone home to smoke them, he wouldn't be alive today?

Or, if he hadn't attacked the officer, he would not be alive today?

Just what is it WE don' get? :dunno:

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