Brutally accurate critique of US/Israeli depredations


"Twenty Palestinians killed in Israeli strike on Mawasi"​

"The latest death toll from Israel's strike on al-Mawasi has now reached at least 20 Palestinians, with dozens of others wounded.

"That number also includes several children, according to Gaza's civil defence.

"The massacre in Mawasi, which Israel had designated a humanitarian zone, comes two months after Israel struck the same area in September. That strike killed dozens of Palestinians."

Twenty Palestinians killed in Israeli strike on Mawasi
Nations go to war to serve the financial interests of their richest citizens.

Corporations are the institutions that create the private fortunes of a nation's richest citizens.

Those private fortunes are subsidized by public taxes, underwriting private profits drawn directly from mass human suffering.

Nations go to war to generate private profits.

"In War Is a Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where industrialists, whose operations were subsidized by public funding, were able to generate substantial profits, making money from mass human suffering."

War Is a Racket - Wikipedia

I thought that you might appreciate the observations of former British Prime Minister, Lloyd George concerning the infamous Treaty Of Versailles.

'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

War-Treaty of Versailles 1919."
I thought that you might appreciate the observations of former British Prime Minister, Lloyd George concerning the infamous Treaty Of Versailles.

'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

War-Treaty of Versailles 1919."
Your link:

People behind Treaty of Versailles;
Treaty of Versailles signed on 28th June 1919 was the work of International Bankers.

"They took all the measures necessary to ensure the next WW2.

"The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: 'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

"'Upon returning from the unsuccessful Peace Conference at Versailles, President Wilson stated, 'There is a secret force at work in Europe which we were unable to trace.'"

I suspect that "secret force" was the same power FDR recognized:
Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes (Author of Fireside Chats) (page 2 of 6)

"'The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.'
― Franklin D. Roosevelt"

Prior to US entry into WWI there was a "peace without victory" movement sweeping across Europe.

Had that been successful, bankers on all sides would have lost their investments, and millions of Europeans would have argued for bringing the Bolshevik revolution in Russia to Berlin and London.
"GAZA CITY — The Israeli military forced thousands of Palestinians in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, to flee from one of the last remaining shelters and surrounding homes in the besieged town in the early hours of Wednesday morning, sending men, women and children on an hours-long death march under heavy artillery shelling and gunfire..."

"Witnesses describe tear-streaked children covered in dust running panicked in the streets as warplanes and drones roared overhead.

"Some pleaded for water but Israeli soldiers refused to give them anything and instead poured water on the ground in front of them to taunt them, according to witnesses.

"At the checkpoint, Israeli troops separated the men and detained them as their families screamed in desperation. Witnesses described children clinging to Israeli tanks in a desperate attempt to stay with their fathers."

Death march from Beit Lahia
Another "humanitarian zone."

"The massacre in Mawasi, which Israel had designated a humanitarian zone, comes two months after Israel struck the same area in September.

"That strike killed dozens of Palestinians."

Twenty Palestinians killed in Israeli strike on Mawasi

I'm sure that you can imagine the howling, wailing and gnashing of teeth from our gaggle of Zio-Nuts if the same number of Israeli Jews had been blown away in a suicide bombing.

There would be demands for an immediate retaliations, execution of those who were even remotely connected and perpetual torment for the innocent.

Your link:

People behind Treaty of Versailles;
Treaty of Versailles signed on 28th June 1919 was the work of International Bankers.

"They took all the measures necessary to ensure the next WW2.

"The British Prime Minister, Lloyd George, wrote: 'The international bankers swept statesmen, politicians, journalists and jurists all to one side and issued their orders with the imperiousness of absolute monarchs.'

"'Upon returning from the unsuccessful Peace Conference at Versailles, President Wilson stated, 'There is a secret force at work in Europe which we were unable to trace.'"

I suspect that "secret force" was the same power FDR recognized:
Franklin D. Roosevelt Quotes (Author of Fireside Chats) (page 2 of 6)

"'The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson.'
― Franklin D. Roosevelt"

Prior to US entry into WWI there was a "peace without victory" movement sweeping across Europe.

Had that been successful, bankers on all sides would have lost their investments, and millions of Europeans would have argued for bringing the Bolshevik revolution in Russia to Berlin and London.
That is an amazing quote from FDR. He said the truth out loud. Something few presidents or politicians are willing to do. It’s a quote few know about. I wonder how many Americans know it’s even more true today than in his time.

The consequence of moneyed interests controlling government will ultimately lead to the demise of the US empire. We’re watching it happen before our eyes, but few Americans are aware.

It’s too bad FDR did nothing to stop this.
"GAZA CITY — The Israeli military forced thousands of Palestinians in Beit Lahia in northern Gaza, to flee from one of the last remaining shelters and surrounding homes in the besieged town in the early hours of Wednesday morning, sending men, women and children on an hours-long death march under heavy artillery shelling and gunfire..."

"Witnesses describe tear-streaked children covered in dust running panicked in the streets as warplanes and drones roared overhead.

"Some pleaded for water but Israeli soldiers refused to give them anything and instead poured water on the ground in front of them to taunt them, according to witnesses.

"At the checkpoint, Israeli troops separated the men and detained them as their families screamed in desperation. Witnesses described children clinging to Israeli tanks in a desperate attempt to stay with their fathers."

Death march from Beit Lahia
Beyond appalling. Thanks to Israel and the US government we’re living in a new Dark Age.
You didn't answer the question.
What did the Israelis strike?
What was the target of their attack?
Only an Israeli loving fool asks such a question.

Women and children were the target dumb ass.

Fucking TRAITOR!!!!
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