Bush’s Record on VA Funding

Wingnut warmongers are sadly hypocritical.

The reason why the VA story won’t become a national scandal is that Republicans are also guilty of sweeping the issues under the rug, and letting them get worse. The real story features Republicans that are guilty of ignoring the VA, and this is something that Republicans in Congress would rather not talk about.

President Obama has done a lot of good things for our veterans. He has undertaken job creation initiatives for vets. The president has secured increased funding for the VA, and his administration has done remarkable work along with people like Senate Veterans Affairs Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders in cutting the VA backlog, but these kinds of scandals will continue to happen because very [few] people in Washington pay attention to the VA until it breaks.

This scandal isn’t President Obama’s fault. He is the guy who got stuck with this mess, because he is in office right now. If Republicans really cared about our veterans, they would stop trying to blame Obama, and start working with Democrats on legislation that would comprehensively reform the VA.

Veterans are waiting too long for care, but this has been an issues for years. The Republican attempts to blame Obama and call for the privatization of the VA are not answers.

The Republican compulsion to blame Obama for their own problems solves nothing, and will only allow a bad situation to continue to get worse for our nation’s veterans.

Republicans, as usual, have nothing, and President Obama is being left to clean up the decades worth of mess that they helped to cause.

Much More: Republicans Attack Obama For The VA Scandal That They Helped Cause


(it already is a national scandal)
Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? It stains the legacies of presidents as far back as John F. Kennedy

Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? - NationalJournal.com

Just being narrow-minded and partisan won't fix the problem. The problem requires a bi-partisan solution. Bumper stickers won't solve it.

Obama gave speeches 7 years ago about the VA, and he's done nothing but let it get worse.

When will you liberals ever admit that he's been screwing off and not taking care of business?

The problems in the VA are centered around a few things; The size of it is a major problem. Because of it's size, it is also inefficient. Also, instead of making sure there are enough qualified doctors to treat patients, they make sure that they have enough office furniture for paper-pushers. They support the bureaucracy but let service go down the toilet. They also don't demand that their doctors work as hard as they would if they had their own practices. They see half as many patients than a private doctor would see. On average only 2 a day. This is why the waiting time for patients are so long.

In a nut-shell, management at VA hospitals sucks. The current VA secretary has no experience running hospitals, only military units. One needs to be an expert in every aspect of the command you are in charge of. He was a poor choice. An honorable man who is in over his head.

An honorable man that suffered from "4 Star" syndrome. He's a political appointee and has been gunning for a high position since he retired and started to "speak out." Why do these idiots think that the only credential to run the largest healthcare system on the planet is an anti-war stance?
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Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? It stains the legacies of presidents as far back as John F. Kennedy

Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? - NationalJournal.com

Just being narrow-minded and partisan won't fix the problem. The problem requires a bi-partisan solution. Bumper stickers won't solve it.

Obama gave speeches 7 years ago about the VA, and he's done nothing but let it get worse.

When will you liberals ever admit that he's been screwing off and not taking care of business?

The problems in the VA are centered around a few things; The size of it is a major problem. Because of it's size, it is also inefficient. Also, instead of making sure there are enough qualified doctors to treat patients, they make sure that they have enough office furniture for paper-pushers. They support the bureaucracy but let service go down the toilet. They also don't demand that their doctors work as hard as they would if they had their own practices. They see half as many patients than a private doctor would see. On average only 2 a day. This is why the waiting time for patients are so long.

In a nut-shell, management at VA hospitals sucks. The current VA secretary has no experience running hospitals, only military units. One needs to be an expert in every aspect of the command you are in charge of. He was a poor choice. An honorable man who is in over his head.

Kind of hard to get qualified doctors when they can make a lot more in private practice, isn't it?

Here's the real problem. George W. Stupid fought two wars, added a million combat veterans to the system with an unprecedented number of traumatic head injuries, and then didn't expand the agency to meet with the day when those wars would be over.

Republican Congresses voted down every attempt to expand the VA to meet those needs. Got to make sure them millionaires have enough for their Dressage Horsies.

And even though Shinkesi has reduced the backlog by about half of where it was, it still isn't where it needs to be, and a couple of hospitals gamed the system.
loser lefties passed a 2,400 page bill without reading it; it's a trainwreck

but Dems couldn't be bothered to read a 3-PAGE BILL addressing Obama's obscene VA scandal before running away for their Holiday weekend

idiot Bernie Sanders said they needed time to read it

such massive hypocrisy
Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? It stains the legacies of presidents as far back as John F. Kennedy

Who Really Broke Veterans Affairs? - NationalJournal.com

Just being narrow-minded and partisan won't fix the problem. The problem requires a bi-partisan solution. Bumper stickers won't solve it.

It's simple, It's broke, and your guy has known it for over 5 years....he has done nothing to fix it. It is not Bush's fault 5 years later that nothing has been done. It is not bush's fault that the backlog is still there just hidden behind fake numbers. Get a clue...when you screw up fix it don't blame somebody else and pretend it's fixed......

Partisan narrow minds like yours are part of the problem. The VA problem requires a BI-PARTISAN solution because BOTH parties helped create it.

The VA problem requires something more than speeches to correct.

And it's not a Democrat problem or a Republican problem. This VA points out the flaws in socialized medicine. Remove competition from any service related program and you get the problems the VA has.
Check out this bulletin. We'll be paying for bush screwing things up for decades. Everything didn't get set back to zero when he left office.
Check out this bulletin. We aren't discussing your IQ, I was in civil service at the VA in the late 70s and it was screwed up then and probably much earlier. Bush wasn't president then.
loser lefties passed a 2,400 page bill without reading it; it's a trainwreck

but Dems couldn't be bothered to read a 3-PAGE BILL addressing Obama's obscene VA scandal before running away for their Holiday weekend

idiot Bernie Sanders said they needed time to read it

such massive hypocrisy

I don't expect them to find a solution because communists like Bernie Sanders never work with their opposition.

They don't care that they look like hypocrites when they say they need to have time to read a 3 page bill. They have control of the media. For what reason would they even want to do the right thing anyway? They feel they can sell any bullshit excuse to the public. They know they can count on the media to carry their water for them, no matter what.
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Or maybe they just realize a 3 page bill is inadequate.

Ever hear of Amendments?

How many pages does one need to give the VA Sec the power to fire permanent employees?

How many pages is the US Constitution?

It is 6 pages.

Now I can see why Democrats keep trying to change it or go around it.
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Or maybe they just realize a 3 page bill is inadequate.

Ever hear of Amendments?

How many pages does one need to give the VA Sec the power to fire permanent employees?

How many pages is the US Constitution?

The original Constitution was one page, but today it is 6.

And it's a woefully inadequate document.

Sorry, the VA Sec does have the power to fire employees. He just needs something called "Cause". Oh, gosh, really?
Or maybe they just realize a 3 page bill is inadequate.

Ever hear of Amendments?

How many pages does one need to give the VA Sec the power to fire permanent employees?

How many pages is the US Constitution?

The original Constitution was one page, but today it is 6.

And it's a woefully inadequate document.

Sorry, the VA Sec does have the power to fire employees. He just needs something called "Cause". Oh, gosh, really?

One of the "Causes" doesn't cover poor performance. All you have to do is show up for work every day and sit behind your desk. We've got several guys in my shop who aren't doing their jobs. It's a constant struggle. Yet they're the first SOBs to put in their leave around the Holidays. Many of them haven't given "We The People" a full 5 day week of work since they've been here.

I've worked in government service for over 11 years. I know how it is.

Fact is, both parties are trying to pass something and neither fixes all of the problems. The Democrat's solution spends money we don't have and doesn't fix the problem, and the GOP solution only addresses discipline.
President Bush has remained committed to ensuring all veterans receive the care and support they need from the Federal government. Under his leadership, the Administration has:
Dramatically Increased Funding To Support And Care For Those Who Have Served Our Nation

  • Increased funding for veterans' medical care by more than 115 percent since 2001.
  • FY 2009 funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) totals more than $97 billion, nearly double the level of funding when the President took office and the highest level of support for veterans in history.
  • Provided more than $6 billion to modernize and expand VA medical facilities and more than $1 billion over the past three years to support traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder treatment and research.
  • Honored our veterans with a hallowed, final resting place by implementing and fully funding the largest expansion in the national cemetery system since the Civil War.
Improved Care And Services For Wounded Warriors

  • Created the Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors – co-chaired by former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala – to ensure that wounded service members and veterans receive quality care and services and can live lives of hope, promise, and dignity. Nearly all of the Commission's recommendations have already been implemented, such as:
    • Expanded training, screening, and staff resources to help service members and veterans suffering from mental health disorders.
    • Created a joint Recovery Coordinator Program for seriously injured service members.
    • Initiated a pilot program to replace the cumbersome system of two separate disability examinations with a single, comprehensive medical exam.
  • Established a Center of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury and expanded VA's polytrauma system of care to 21 network sites and clinic support teams to provide state-of-the-art treatment to injured veterans at facilities closer to their homes.
Ensured Those Who Have Served Our Country Receive The Benefits They Deserve

  • Called for and signed a GI Bill for the 21st century, which expanded education benefits for service members and veterans and made it easier for those who defend our Nation to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses or children.
  • Increased career counseling services for returning veterans, particularly those wounded in combat.
  • Signed legislation that increased from two to five years a combat veteran's eligibility to enroll for lifetime VA medical care and allowed family members of injured service members to take additional time away from their jobs to care for their loved ones.
  • Signed legislation to ensure military retirees with severe disabilities receive both their military retired pay and their VA disability compensation.
  • Helped more than 1.9 million veterans enroll in the VA health care system since 2001.
  • Reduced the average length of time to process a veteran's disability claim to under 180 days, down from 230 days when the President took office.
Worked To Decrease The Number Of Homeless Veterans

  • Expanded Federal grants and worked extensively with faith-based and community organizations to help homeless veterans.
  • Cut the number of homeless veterans by nearly 40 percent from 2001 to 2007.
THE BUSH RECORD - FACT SHEET: The Bush Administration Has Provided Unprecedented Support for Our Veterans
Thank God for Pelosi and the Democrats taking power in 2007!!!

She / they created and passed the largest VA budget increase in the VA's history! And thank God Bush signed it! Or did he? I'll have to look and see if he vetoed it and congress over road it???


HUGE and great strides have been taken under the O's rule.....funding has increased...over 1000 New medical clinics added, lots of help to vets for any housing woes due to the housing bubble bust and mortgage crisis and many more docs hired...efforts to get Vets working again which could come with insurance and better medical attention....

WITH all of this....it is STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!!


It just isn't't enough!!! PERIOD!

What can we do?

First.....FIRE the bitch and bastard dministrators that devised these Cheating methods....and maybe even charge them with negligence leading to death.

This will make it clear to ALL VA Administrators..... their ass is grass if they devise such deviant schemes....

Shoot....battery is going dead on my Kindle....

What are your ideas on the fix?
President Bush has remained committed to ensuring all veterans receive the care and support they need from the Federal government. Under his leadership, the Administration has:
Dramatically Increased Funding To Support And Care For Those Who Have Served Our Nation

  • Increased funding for veterans' medical care by more than 115 percent since 2001.
  • FY 2009 funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) totals more than $97 billion, nearly double the level of funding when the President took office and the highest level of support for veterans in history.
  • Provided more than $6 billion to modernize and expand VA medical facilities and more than $1 billion over the past three years to support traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder treatment and research.
  • Honored our veterans with a hallowed, final resting place by implementing and fully funding the largest expansion in the national cemetery system since the Civil War.
Improved Care And Services For Wounded Warriors

  • Created the Commission on Care for America's Returning Wounded Warriors – co-chaired by former Senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Services Secretary Donna Shalala – to ensure that wounded service members and veterans receive quality care and services and can live lives of hope, promise, and dignity. Nearly all of the Commission's recommendations have already been implemented, such as:
    • Expanded training, screening, and staff resources to help service members and veterans suffering from mental health disorders.
    • Created a joint Recovery Coordinator Program for seriously injured service members.
    • Initiated a pilot program to replace the cumbersome system of two separate disability examinations with a single, comprehensive medical exam.
  • Established a Center of Excellence for Psychological Health and Traumatic Brain Injury and expanded VA's polytrauma system of care to 21 network sites and clinic support teams to provide state-of-the-art treatment to injured veterans at facilities closer to their homes.
Ensured Those Who Have Served Our Country Receive The Benefits They Deserve

  • Called for and signed a GI Bill for the 21st century, which expanded education benefits for service members and veterans and made it easier for those who defend our Nation to transfer unused education benefits to their spouses or children.
  • Increased career counseling services for returning veterans, particularly those wounded in combat.
  • Signed legislation that increased from two to five years a combat veteran's eligibility to enroll for lifetime VA medical care and allowed family members of injured service members to take additional time away from their jobs to care for their loved ones.
  • Signed legislation to ensure military retirees with severe disabilities receive both their military retired pay and their VA disability compensation.
  • Helped more than 1.9 million veterans enroll in the VA health care system since 2001.
  • Reduced the average length of time to process a veteran's disability claim to under 180 days, down from 230 days when the President took office.
Worked To Decrease The Number Of Homeless Veterans

  • Expanded Federal grants and worked extensively with faith-based and community organizations to help homeless veterans.
  • Cut the number of homeless veterans by nearly 40 percent from 2001 to 2007.
THE BUSH RECORD - FACT SHEET: The Bush Administration Has Provided Unprecedented Support for Our Veterans
Thank God for Pelosi and the Democrats taking power in 2007!!!

She / they created and passed the largest VA budget increase in the VA's history! And thank God Bush signed it! Or did he? I'll have to look and see if he vetoed it and congress over road it???


HUGE and great strides have been taken under the O's rule.....funding has increased...over 1000 New medical clinics added, lots of help to vets for any housing woes due to the housing bubble bust and mortgage crisis and many more docs hired...efforts to get Vets working again which could come with insurance and better medical attention....

WITH all of this....it is STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!!


It just isn't't enough!!! PERIOD!

What can we do?

First.....FIRE the bitch and bastard dministrators that devised these Cheating methods....and maybe even charge them with negligence leading to death.

This will make it clear to ALL VA Administrators..... their ass is grass if they devise such deviant schemes....

Shoot....battery is going dead on my Kindle....

What are your ideas on the fix?

Best thing to do with any government program is remove government from it first.
Thank God for Pelosi and the Democrats taking power in 2007!!!

She / they created and passed the largest VA budget increase in the VA's history! And thank God Bush signed it! Or did he? I'll have to look and see if he vetoed it and congress over road it???


HUGE and great strides have been taken under the O's rule.....funding has increased...over 1000 New medical clinics added, lots of help to vets for any housing woes due to the housing bubble bust and mortgage crisis and many more docs hired...efforts to get Vets working again which could come with insurance and better medical attention....

WITH all of this....it is STILL NOT ENOUGH!!!!


It just isn't't enough!!! PERIOD!

What can we do?

First.....FIRE the bitch and bastard dministrators that devised these Cheating methods....and maybe even charge them with negligence leading to death.

This will make it clear to ALL VA Administrators..... their ass is grass if they devise such deviant schemes....

Shoot....battery is going dead on my Kindle....

What are your ideas on the fix?

Best thing to do with any government program is remove government from it first.

So give all vets Obama care?

One of the "Causes" doesn't cover poor performance. All you have to do is show up for work every day and sit behind your desk. We've got several guys in my shop who aren't doing their jobs. It's a constant struggle. Yet they're the first SOBs to put in their leave around the Holidays. Many of them haven't given "We The People" a full 5 day week of work since they've been here.

I've worked in government service for over 11 years. I know how it is.

Fact is, both parties are trying to pass something and neither fixes all of the problems. The Democrat's solution spends money we don't have and doesn't fix the problem, and the GOP solution only addresses discipline.

sounds to me like poor management, not bad employees.

And frankly, I've been in the private sector for 22 now. What I've found is what I found in the service. That when a department or a unit performs poorly, it's usually because the leadership doesn't motivate them.

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