But like in any pyramid scheme, with Trump's proposals, the ones at the very top will benefit while everyone else loses out


Gold Member
Dec 27, 2011
But like in any pyramid scheme, with Trump's proposals, the ones at the very top will benefit while everyone else loses out.

Under Trump's massive $12 trillion tax plan, "the top 1 percent of Americans will receive an average tax break of $227,000 per year while the bottom 20 percent will receive an average tax cut of only $250," according to Citizens for Tax Justice, which found that "the majority of Trump's tax cut would go to the top five percent of taxpayers."

But the biggest winners of Trump's tax cut won't be the top five percent. They won't even be the top one percent.

"[T]he benefits would be overwhelmingly skewed to the highest-income taxpayers, with those in the top 0.1 percent (who make $3.7 million or more) getting an average tax cut of more than $1.3 million," says Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Center.

Forget about Voodoo Economics. This is Pyramid Scheme Economics.

The supposedly populist candidate also promises to pay off the entire $19 trillion national debt in just eight years -- "very easy" -- but one estimate found that his huge tax cut for the rich alone will grow the debt by almost 80 percent.

Just fulfilling his pledge to balance the budget would be mathematically impossible under the proposal he has laid out to do so.

Trump's plan, if ever implemented, would wreck the economy. And that is not even counting the human and economic costs of his massive deportation scheme.

Donald Trump's Pyramid Scheme for America Donald Trump's Pyramid Scheme for AmericaTrump the businessman knows a little something about pyramid schemes. He has endorsed, and in some cases put his...
I’m not at the very top, and I did GREAT under Trump. Healthy and rising stock portfolio!

So did everyone else: low inflation, record low unemployment for minorities, rising stock market, and real wage growth.
You need to do a lot of home work ............ republicans always leave behind a wrecked economy since Reagan/Bush ........always.
Netanyahu needs to be replaced .....he is an american war college maniac. Racist as well.

[T]he benefits were overwhelmingly skewed to the highest-income taxpayers, with those in the top 0.1 percent (who make $3.7 million or more) getting an average tax cut of more than $1.3 million," says Howard Gleckman of the Tax Policy Center.

TRump throws tons of taxpayers under the bus ......
You need to do a lot of home work ............ republicans always leave behind a wrecked economy since Reagan/Bush ........always.

We had an Inflation rate of less than 2% when Trump left. Now people can afford a carton of eggs.
Netanyahu needs to be replaced .....he is an american war college maniac. Racist as well.
Another antisemite enters the fray.

No word for the HAMAS terrorists who hunted down every Jew they could find and slaughtered them in cold blood?
Trump education secretary Betsy DeVoss and her brother Erik Prince are wealthy due a Pyramid Scheme their parents invaded many many many households with
.....guess Trump had to follow suit.
It seems to me that Trump campaign for President is unconstitutional as are a few other candidates plus all candidates seeking re-election who were front and center Jan 6th.

For example Lindsey Graham tried to get Georgia to find more than 11,000 votes for Trump.

What makes a number of possible candidates seeking election or re-election unconstitutional?

Browse the Constitution Annotated

Fourteenth Amendment Equal Protection and Other Rights

Section 3 Disqualification from Holding Office
No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.

Trump campaign money scams are nothing short of pyramid schemes such that Betsy DeVoss and Erik Prince grew up with.
Dipshit OP is citing an article from 2016, updated in 2017 ...when Trump was president.

This is what happens to your brain when you smoke pot.
Nothing changes in fake gop administrations no matter what dates are in place.

FAKE GOP members are criminals because they don't know of any other way ........ The GOP has been a minority party for decades which is why Charles Koch and ALEC have designed 61 methods of voter suppression which of course is against the law.

The Electoral College must be dissolved and defunded.
"Poor people have been voting Democrat for fifty years and they're still poor." - Sir Charles Barkley

Things are so peachy today under Democrats, haters of America.
High inflation caused by doubling gas prices after Idiot stopped the pipeline from Canada, stopped drilling on both coasts and the Gulf of Mexico.
Crime is out of sight in Democrat Haters of America cities.
CVS Drug Stores just closed 900 stores after widespread looting across the country, thanks to Democrat laws and attorneys general. Look at the pus sac of San Francisco. Not much different from Portland, Seattle, Chicago, Minneapolis, and Washington, D.C. Oh and NYC.

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