But this never happens. Knoxville Police edition.


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.
We will eventually get a system where the police no longer are responsible for investigating themselves.
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.

The only evidence you've provided is that this in the culture in the Knoxville, Police Department.

You need to paint with a narrower brush...
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.

The only evidence you've provided is that this in the culture in the Knoxville, Police Department.

You need to paint with a narrower brush...

Ah. The Blue Wall of Silence only exists in Knoxville. Right.
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.

The only evidence you've provided is that this in the culture in the Knoxville, Police Department.

You need to paint with a narrower brush...

Ah. The Blue Wall of Silence only exists in Knoxville. Right.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

But the fact of the matter is that you only presented one example: Knoxville. You can't say that culture exists in, say, St. Augustine, Florida. There's actually no evidence that it does. The majority of our police departments are manned by people who actually strive to do the right thing and serve their communities the best they can.

Yes, there are certainly problems, but it's ignorant to believe that all police departments conduct themselves as Knoxville does...
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.

The only evidence you've provided is that this in the culture in the Knoxville, Police Department.

You need to paint with a narrower brush...

Ah. The Blue Wall of Silence only exists in Knoxville. Right.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

But the fact of the matter is that you only presented one example: Knoxville. You can't say that culture exists in, say, St. Augustine, Florida. There's actually no evidence that it does. The majority of our police departments are manned by people who actually strive to do the right thing and serve their communities the best they can.

Yes, there are certainly problems, but it's ignorant to believe that all police departments conduct themselves as Knoxville does...

The phrase Blue Wall of Silence was not a happenstance. It wasn’t an accident.

It has been around a long time. And is nowhere near getting eliminated. Let’s take a recent case. Chauvin had a dozen complaints against him before Floyd. But they were all hushed up and downplayed.

Take a minute. Think about this. Imagine if instead of downplaying those complaints they had gotten serious and informed Chauvin that any further action of that sort would result in his being fired or prosecuted. Floyd might still be dead. But the riots of last summer would not be a historical fact.

In Massachusetts the police refused to hire a candidate because he said he would arrest family, friends, or even other cops for DUI.

The existence of this behavior is an established fact. With far more evidence than the Conspiracy Theory of Trumps being cheated in the election. With tons of first hand accounts and the results of investigations.
Perhaps, perhaps not.

But the fact of the matter is that you only presented one example: Knoxville. You can't say that culture exists in, say, St. Augustine, Florida. There's actually no evidence that it does. The majority of our police departments are manned by people who actually strive to do the right thing and serve their communities the best they can.

Yes, there are certainly problems, but it's ignorant to believe that all police departments conduct themselves as Knoxville does...
Over 10 million police encounters a year with the public and very very few issues.
A major investigation into racism and sexism as well as misconduct in the Knoxville Police Department. The story opens with a quote from a Cop who said he was afraid to report any of what he saw out of fear of retaliation. The story explains why he would feel that way.

When officers did mention misconduct to Supervisors the officers were discouraged from reporting it officially. And to make sure the officers knew. They put a Lieutenant who had made a report on display. The Lieutenant was required to sit at a desk with no paperwork or computer just outside the Chiefs office. Just sit there and be aware that you are a warning not to report misconduct.

This is the culture in our Police Departments. And this is one of the reforms that are desperately needed.
"major investigation into racism and sexism"

This could be anything. I'm instinctively on the cops' side given the rampant abuse of these racism and sexism witch-sniffers. What happened? Did the shadow from the drawstring of the police chief's office blinds look like a noose between 2 and 2:15 every day? Let's see heads roll.

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