Buy American is compassion. U.S taxpayers shouldn't subsidise Mexico and Canada


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
In regards to the NAFTA negotiations, Canada and to a lesser extent, Mexico are angry at the Buy American rules that Trump wants. US taxpayers buying from domestic sources rather than using taxpayer funds to prop up Canadian businesses; many in effect, propping up the Canadian government who have patsies in these businesses, or are de-facto management.

Since America is the only capitalist country in these negotiations, of course nations like Canada are mad at this premise, Canadian businesses have become welfare recipients, courtesy of the U.S taxpayer. The largest benefactor is the government and their crony capitalist pals.

I communicated the following to the Trump administration, and have shared it on this forum as well. The grievance process in NAFTA is not working (Chapter 19), as the Canadian security apparatus works covertly in American corporations. I stated that Canada would never accept changes to this agreement if it held them more accountable, I shared this opinion with my own federal government, the RCMP and their pals, and, the U.S negotiators. As it were, America has taken it a step further and is now interested in getting rid of the process altogether. I think this is a mistake where instead whistle blower processes should be in place, regardless, Canada is not happy with this suggestion.

I also communicated Canada's abuse of the auto industry, particularly in Ontario. I provided details of the $400M given to GM by Ontario and Canada to keep jobs in two cities in Ontario. Now, the auto industry is under the microscope as Trumps Team is wisely suggesting that rules of origin must be increased to avoid tariffs. This is a massive blow to Canada and Mexico who have stolen hundreds of thousands (millions?) of jobs in manufacturing while providing very little in return, because, as I've stated; they are not capitalist countries.

Bottom line, it is clear that Trumps Team is very well prepared and have listened to the concerns and eyed the facts regarding trade abuses. There is simply no way that so many major U.S corporations would move their HQ's and manufacturing to Canada unless there is some "incentive" being provided. At what cost? Does GM or other companies not believe there is a sovereignty issue when they are given money to move or stay in Canada?

You bet there is.

U.S. signals Trump’s Buy American agenda non-negotiable in NAFTA talks |

OTTAWA — The U.S. appears to be signalling that President Donald Trump's vow to aggressively promote a "buy American, hire American" agenda is not open to discussion during negotiations on a new North American Free Trade Agreement.

The Trump administration has served notice that it's dealing with the issue outside NAFTA.

While it's being pulled in one direction by Canada and Mexico, urging it to reduce Buy American rules for public-works contracts, and in the other direction by domestic U.S. politicians seeking an increase in Buy American, the administration has issued a reminder that it's working on a separate path.

The U.S. government posted a notice seeking public comment on the costs and benefits of trade agreements on the operation of Buy American laws in government procurement, which appeared just as negotiators were huddled in Washington for the opening round of NAFTA talks.

It flows from an executive order Trump signed earlier this year designed to make maximum use of Buy American rules. The order instructed government departments to perform studies within five months, with a report due to the president by Nov. 24.

A notice is now inviting public comment for this report. The notice from the Department of Commerce and the U.S. trade czar has just appeared online and is to be officially posted on the U.S. federal register on Monday, seeking industry submissions by Sept. 18.

Ohio-based trade lawyer Dan Ujczo says it's no coincidence that the notice turned up while NAFTA negotiators for Canada and Mexico were still in the U.S. capital.

"It's a strategy," he said in an interview. "They want people to know that it's coming out."

Both Canada and Mexico want to expand procurement obligations in NAFTA, giving their companies more opportunity to bid on major U.S. government contracts, particularly lucrative infrastructure projects at the state and local level.

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland in a speech last week referred to the argument that these buy-local rules are poor public policy, driving up prices and resulting in worse infrastructure, and harming the economy: "(It's) political junk food — superficially appetizing, but unhealthy in the long run," she said.
write a letter to Trump and tell him to shut down his mexican sweat shops and make his cheap ass suits in America.

The End
write a letter to Trump and tell him to shut down his mexican sweat shops and make his cheap ass suits in America.

The End

Buy American is government taxpayers buying locally rather than providing welfare payments to Canadian businesses and in many cases businesses with arms in the government. I see nothing wrong with such a premise.

Canada is banking on places like New York being unhappy about this, it was where the lobbying efforts by Ontario and Canada focused. This is an easy trade off as the U.S government budgets are much larger, capitalism, innovation and expansion much more prevalent in American businesses. So, it's about jobs, tax revenue from jobs and improved consumer spending.

In short, Canada allowed the security apparatus, lifelong cronies and other government schleps to superseed what is best for Canada and the Canadian people. Now the golden goose is going to stop laying eggs for us.

I for one, warned Canada about the consequences, but when you have a system lead by the RCMP, you know arrogance and self serving attitudes will reign supreme. Canada, and Ontario in particular are going to pay a price.
Never thought I'd see the day where republicans abandoned free trade

This isn't free trade unfortunately, this is free market capitalism, privately owned businesses going against centralized government and state owned operations. The RCMP and their surrogates have screwed Canadians and American businesses over for decades, now at least one of these two have awoken. America is no longer interested in being the sponsor of Canadian government officials and their families.
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Never thought I'd see the day where republicans abandoned free trade

fits right in with Trump's hypocrisy of promoting MADE IN AMERICA then hauling his manufacturing businesses to China, Mexico, and various other parts of the world.

He's a POS.
write a letter to Trump and tell him to shut down his mexican sweat shops and make his cheap ass suits in America.

The End

Buy American is government taxpayers buying locally rather than providing welfare payments to Canadian businesses and in many cases businesses with arms in the government. I see nothing wrong with such a premise.

Canada is banking on places like New York being unhappy about this, it was where the lobbying efforts by Ontario and Canada focused. This is an easy trade off as the U.S government budgets are much larger, capitalism, innovation and expansion much more prevalent in American businesses. So, it's about jobs, tax revenue from jobs and improved consumer spending.

In short, Canada allowed the security apparatus, lifelong cronies and other government schleps to superseed what is best for Canada and the Canadian people. Now the golden goose is going to stop laying eggs for us.

I for one, warned Canada about the consequences, but when you have a system lead by the RCMP, you know arrogance and self serving attitudes will reign supreme. Canada, and Ontario in particular are going to pay a price.

The trouble is what does buy American mean. The i-phone is assembled in China but the components are sourced throughout the world including the US. The US should buy the best products available at the best price regardless of the source. You want the government to control the economy. There will be retaliation against the US and consumers will be the losers.
write a letter to Trump and tell him to shut down his mexican sweat shops and make his cheap ass suits in America.

The End

Buy American is government taxpayers buying locally rather than providing welfare payments to Canadian businesses and in many cases businesses with arms in the government. I see nothing wrong with such a premise.

Canada is banking on places like New York being unhappy about this, it was where the lobbying efforts by Ontario and Canada focused. This is an easy trade off as the U.S government budgets are much larger, capitalism, innovation and expansion much more prevalent in American businesses. So, it's about jobs, tax revenue from jobs and improved consumer spending.

In short, Canada allowed the security apparatus, lifelong cronies and other government schleps to superseed what is best for Canada and the Canadian people. Now the golden goose is going to stop laying eggs for us.

I for one, warned Canada about the consequences, but when you have a system lead by the RCMP, you know arrogance and self serving attitudes will reign supreme. Canada, and Ontario in particular are going to pay a price.

The trouble is what does buy American mean. The i-phone is assembled in China but the components are sourced throughout the world including the US. The US should buy the best products available at the best price regardless of the source. You want the government to control the economy. There will be retaliation against the US and consumers will be the losers.

This isn't the government controlling the economy, this is the taxpayer funding local initiatives rather then foreign governments. You don't know how socialism works if you think Canada is a capitalist system. It's a system that chooses winners (government employees, friends, agents) and losers, the American taxpayer should not subsidise these initiatives any more than they should subsidise North Korean or Iranian businesses.

If Canada was a capitalist country, NAFTA would have succeeded fairly for all, and not a one way exodus of U.S jobs to Canada (and Mexico).
obama nationalized gm and chrysler and shut down republican dealerships.
i like this kind of thread. well thought out.

In reality, the U.S government would be poorly advised if they allowed the continued abuse of American businesses going forward. I've said before, the list in order of nations abusing America most are China, Mexico, Canada.

America is interested in human rights, individual liberty, free market capitalism, innovation, the Right of Self Determination of both individuals and businesses. If they engage in free market "deals" that only serve to benefit foreign governments and foreign workers, you have to understand that you are shooting yourself in the foot and are in fact rewarding nations that DON'T share these principles.

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