CA Gov. Brown calls tax payers 'freeloaders' for not wanting to pay even more taxes


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What a major douchebag. California already has incredibly high tax rates and they want to increase it again. Because a lot of tax payers are speaking out against it, he considers them 'freeloaders.' Only a leftwing radical would consider opposition to being robbed as wanting a free ride. Never mind that they are a sanctuary state and offer free rides to illegals and others. It's those who don't want to foot the increasingly huge bill that get called names.

Gov. Brown Calls Law-Abiding California Taxpayers 'Freeloaders'
Possibly what a free loader actually is escapes moonbeam. Are we now to assume those that earn it are the freeloaders and those that do nothing are to be rewarded? From the article its apparent space cadet believes that it is ones civic responsibility to turn over their earnings to the state and shut up.
brown whoppers.jpg
Possibly what a free loader actually is escapes moonbeam. Are we now to assume those that earn it are the freeloaders and those that do nothing are to be rewarded? From the article its apparent space cadet believes that it is ones civic responsibility to turn over their earnings to the state and shut up.

That pretty well sums it up. Don't be selfish and give more of your earnings so someone else doesn't have to work. Government dependents vote for those who subsidize them and that includes illegal aliens. Therefore, those on the doles are more valuable to nanny government than those who fund their big promises. They must pander to their base so they treat them as virtuous and accuse the workers of greed.

California can't stay within it's budget so their solution is to keep raising taxes. And when tax payers leave the state, they must tag the remaining earners even harder. This is why leftwing policies fail. They don't understand human nature or possess any common sense. It surprises them every time they fail because they couldn't predict what the results of their stupid ideas would be.
He has been the worst Governor in California history. During his first two terms, he canceled every road building and water storage project in the State. During his second two terms he ignored road and dam maintenance, instead concentrating on building a monument to himself: The $100 billion Bullet Train to nowhere.

Now as he is walking out the door, he is saddling California taxpayers with $5 billion a year in new taxes to pay for what he neglected during his 16 years in office. Of course this parting gift wasn't announced until after the past election, where Democrats gained super-majorities in the Legislature, allowing them to raise taxes at will.

California is going down the drain faster than anyone had imagined. Without a federal bailout, it will be bankrupt within a decade. Then the idiots who voted for him will get what they deserve.
He has been the worst Governor in California history. During his first two terms, he canceled every road building and water storage project in the State. During his second two terms he ignored road and dam maintenance, instead concentrating on building a monument to himself: The $100 billion Bullet Train to nowhere.

Now as he is walking out the door, he is saddling California taxpayers with $5 billion a year in new taxes to pay for what he neglected during his 16 years in office. Of course this parting gift wasn't announced until after the past election, where Democrats gained super-majorities in the Legislature, allowing them to raise taxes at will.

California is going down the drain faster than anyone had imagined. Without a federal bailout, it will be bankrupt within a decade. Then the idiots who voted for him will get what they deserve.
It was already bankrupt. Kind'a like the walking dead, dead but unaware their dead yet.
I hope they tax the shit out of the idiots!:lol:

They will. And those that didn't vote for him and his cronies will likely bail after the next big tax hike. Those takers who elected the money grabbers will be left with promises from CA politicians and not enough money to back them up.
It's always amused me how the left will call you greedy for wanting to keep the money you worked for, but they don't consider themselves greedy for wanting to live off of your money they didn't work for.
Please please secede.
No. They need to just do it and get their bankruptcy out of the way. That over and done with those high priced government retirees, included all of those over paid college professors can take a pay cut like everyone else has had to do down there.
It's always amused me how the left will call you greedy for wanting to keep the money you worked for, but they don't consider themselves greedy for wanting to live off of your money they didn't work for.
California's biggest expense when I looked it all over ten years ago was its college professor retirement pensions and the over-inflated paychecks in political positions.

Why is CA broke? Anchor Babies?

2007-08: Overview of the Governor’s Budget

Isn't that special ....Arnold Schwarzenegger - Wikipedia

California Spending Plan 2006-07: The Budget Act and Related ...
Sep 26, 2006 - The state spending plan for 2006-07 includes total budget expenditures of $128.4 billion, sharply increasing funding for education, providing ...
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