The San Joaquin Valley doesn't just grow cotton it grows several different crops from almonds to cotton. The result of cutting off the water has resulted in 40% unemployment in that area and 100's of acres of farmland once rich and useful now dry and barren. The real reason why the water was cut off is because of the strong need to litigate by environmental groups in CA. and the argument was that the pollution from these fields was causing the smelt to die off and thus effect eventually the salmon. Let's face it if you know anything about CA. and it appears you do, the environmental groups there will litigate there at the drop of a hat. If the intention is to save the Delta smelt then there were many solutions in which could have been added to this situtaion rather than sending the unemployment to that area up to 40% and still take into consideration that the Delta Smelt was an endangered species. I agree though, didn't mean to sidetrack the conversation, please continue with Sen. Boxer.