Calif. Top Court Annuls San Francisco Gay Marriages

I have mixed feelings about this, happy as hell that the state court saw some reason and threw these marriages out, scared as hell that its going to the 9th circuit court of appeals, notoriously the most liberal court in the nation.
OCA said:
I have mixed feelings about this, happy as hell that the state court saw some reason and threw these marriages out, scared as hell that its going to the 9th circuit court of appeals, notoriously the most liberal court in the nation.

True, so true.
Bullypulpit said:
And why does anyone really care if two people of the same gender marry?

Frankly, I don't. Just don't call it marriage. That is like saying an apple is an orange.
Bullypulpit said:
And why does anyone really care if two people of the same gender marry?

Because a lot of us find it disgusting and offensive, and don't want it part of mainstream society.
jimnyc said:
Because a lot of us find it disgusting and offensive, and don't want it part of mainstream society.

I agree I don't LIKE it, but if they wanna join together in some manner, that is their PROBLEM. JUST DON'T CALL IT MARRIAGE!
freeandfun1 said:
I agree I don't LIKE it, but if they wanna join together in some manner, that is their PROBLEM. JUST DON'T CALL IT MARRIAGE!

Agreed. I could deal with 'civil unions'. This way there is a clear difference between them and us normal people. :)
jimnyc said:
Agreed. I could deal with 'civil unions'. This way there is a clear difference between them and us normal people. :)

why do you hate gay people so much?
ChristianLibral said:
why do you hate gay people so much?

I don't hate them, I find homosexuality to be extremely offensive and disgusting. More power to them for what they do behind closed doors but I think these sick actions would be better off with treatment by physicians than granting them marriage licenses.
jimnyc said:
I don't hate them, I find homosexuality to be extremely offensive and disgusting. More power to them for what they do behind closed doors but I think these sick actions would be better off with treatment by physicians than granting them marriage licenses.

understood, just seems by your posts that you do.
ChristianLibral said:
why do you hate gay people so much?

I don't see hate in that post...You do?
Explain for me please...I'm a bit sloooooowww sometimes.:dev3:
ChristianLibral said:
understood, just seems by your posts that you do.

Look, I see queers almost daily here in NY, and if I 'hated' them I would knock them out if they kissed or fondled one another near me. I find it offensive, but I'll just go out of my way to avoid them. I have no desire for them to be a part of my daily life. That's why I'll vote against anything that would make these actions more acceptable.
Mr. P said:
Well, as we say down here in da South...SURPRISE, SURPRISE!

why don't you enlighten me then, since all of you in da south are so sophisticated.
I guess freeandfun really isn't responding to me anymore, guess he/she knows when their beat. :tng:
ChristianLibral said:
I guess freeandfun really isn't responding to me anymore, guess he/she knows when their beat. :tng:

i felt sure they'd wanna respond to me in this thread
ChristianLibral said:
why don't you enlighten me then, since all of you in da south are so sophisticated.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You're going to be fun!
Perhaps you would like to scroll back and address my first post to you before we move on, If we do.
freeandfun1 said:
Calif. Top Court Annuls San Francisco Gay Marriages

Finally, common sense prevails in California. Can you believe it?

Yeah i do believe it. There wasnt much other choice. here was an executive power trying to impose his will contrary to the will of the people through the legislature and through direct election. If the courts had let this stand it would have undermined the very foundation of our republic, the idea that the people have a right to govern themselves.

I am worried about the 9th circuit court, if they get the appeal they couldnt care less about the foundations of our republic. They only care about their activism.
Avatar4321 said:
Yeah i do believe it. There wasnt much other choice. here was an executive power trying to impose his will contrary to the will of the people through the legislature and through direct election. If the courts had let this stand it would have undermined the very foundation of our republic, the idea that the people have a right to govern themselves.

I am worried about the 9th circuit court, if they get the appeal they couldnt care less about the foundations of our republic. They only care about their activism.

I guess my question was more rhetorical than anything. I am glad to see the California Court applied the law, but like you, I too am worried about the 9th Circus.

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