California approves bill banning child vaccine exemptions

Good , Children should not be put in danger because of others "religious " beliefs

California approves bill banning child vaccine exemptions MSNBC

Like tearing the tag off the mattress, this is just as stupid.

So, you can elect to murder your unborn, but hey, if you let them live, you have to give them the needle

Sure thing


So much for being pro-choice eh?

I never understood why people are so afraid of other people not getting vaccinated. If you are so worried then get yourself vaccinated and then you won't get that virus right?

Anyone who chooses not to vaccinate themselves or their children puts at risk those who cannot be vaccinated for other health reasons- including infants who are too young to be vaccinated and children and adults with compromized immune systems.

So your unvaccinated kids might get sick and survive- but they might infect your neighbors baby- and it dies. Your decision not to vaccinate your kids can kill other kids.
So much for being pro-choice eh?

I never understood why people are so afraid of other people not getting vaccinated. If you are so worried then get yourself vaccinated and then you won't get that virus right?
I had an intelligent person explain it to
Good , Children should not be put in danger because of others "religious " beliefs

California approves bill banning child vaccine exemptions MSNBC

Like tearing the tag off the mattress, this is just as stupid.

So, you can elect to murder your unborn, but hey, if you let them live, you have to give them the needle

Sure thing


So much for being pro-choice eh?

I never understood why people are so afraid of other people not getting vaccinated. If you are so worried then get yourself vaccinated and then you won't get that virus right?

Anyone who chooses not to vaccinate themselves or their children puts at risk those who cannot be vaccinated for other health reasons- including infants who are too young to be vaccinated and children and adults with compromized immune systems.

So your unvaccinated kids might get sick and survive- but they might infect your neighbors baby- and it dies. Your decision not to vaccinate your kids can kill other kids.

I see it now, a little differently.

Herd immunity protects those to young to be vaccinated, and those that cannot.

Anyway I was being a bit facetious above.

I am of the first generation to get polio vaccinations.

My best friend, in fact, my last surviving close friend, got polio, as did a good number of people I went to school with.

It is a horrible disease.

Measles, mumps, maybe not so bad.

I had measles, never mumps.

I need to get that shot, for sure.
I knew people who had polio also- I don't now how anyone who has ever known anyone who suffered from polio would not vacinate their own children.

My child is vaccinated- and is not going to accidentally transmit measles to some baby who cannot be vacinated.

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