California 'comprehensive reparations' for African Americans

I just looked it up….only 5.8% of Californians are black. So the radical leftists want to elevate this slim majority to such a position of privilege that they get a college education for free, while the other 94.2% have to not only struggle to pay for that, but have to pay for their own education as well?

This used to be the type of anti-white thing that the radical Marxist group BLM demanded. Now it’s part of the political left in California.
It’s a form of reverse slavery, in which one race gains from the labors of another.
I posted this story on another thread

Two white guys flipping Detroit homes. Black people can't do this? Seems like there are a lot of homes you can buy cheap and flip for a nice profit. This would create a lot of jobs. Every house flipper has a crew of at least 3 or more. And even entrepreneurs can buy a run down home cheap, fix them up and make a profit. Come on black people! Why are whites and foreigners moving to Detroit and making money?
A California task force has released a report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' for African American residents, that include free four-year college, payouts, and raising the minimum wage in predominantly black industries, such as agricultural.

The more than 500-page document consists of 13 chapters and breaks down reparation suggestions for the eligible black community in California to compensate for the 'racial terror' they've endured.

The task force voted in March to limit reparations to descendants of slaves, overruling reparations advocates who wanted to expand compensation to all black people in the US.

Do you think that this will help race relations or hurt race relations?
Or, is this just another greedy liberal money grab?

I have a feeling much of the money will end up in the pockets of well-connected Democrats.

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A California task force has released a report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' for African American residents, that include free four-year college, payouts, and raising the minimum wage in predominantly black industries, such as agricultural.

The more than 500-page document consists of 13 chapters and breaks down reparation suggestions for the eligible black community in California to compensate for the 'racial terror' they've endured.

The task force voted in March to limit reparations to descendants of slaves, overruling reparations advocates who wanted to expand compensation to all black people in the US.

Do you think that this will help race relations or hurt race relations?
Or, is this just another greedy liberal money grab?

I can see a lot of pissed off Mexicans and Asians.
I would suggest moving to CA for free stuff, but you said you're from a Caribbean shithole, so would it work?
I don't qualify for reparations and it isn't free stuff. If you could read you'd see the findings show this is the least Black Americans are due.
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I said crying that they're victims which is a hell of a long way form actually being one. You remember Jussie Smollette?

Anyway, go with it. I want it a front-and center-issue this year and 2024.
Jussie Smollette has nothing to do with report you retarded fuck. Learn how to read. His name never comes up once. 😄
A California task force has released a report calling for 'comprehensive reparations' for African American residents, that include free four-year college, payouts, and raising the minimum wage in predominantly black industries, such as agricultural.

The more than 500-page document consists of 13 chapters and breaks down reparation suggestions for the eligible black community in California to compensate for the 'racial terror' they've endured.

The task force voted in March to limit reparations to descendants of slaves, overruling reparations advocates who wanted to expand compensation to all black people in the US.

Do you think that this will help race relations or hurt race relations?
Or, is this just another greedy liberal money grab?

Making the country a more equal place would be great, but me thinks these people won't actually get anywhere near achieving it.
What is needed is something to sort out the problems in inner cities, get better social education and opportunities for making a living, for a start.

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