California is out


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
California and Virginia will exclude themselves from the Trump Administration's voter fraud probe. CA's Secretary of State calls the probe "a waste of taxpayer's money."

From Huff Post: California and Virginia on Thursday refused to comply with a request from President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission to provide personal information about registered voters.
BREAKING! California is Out!

Oh they're hiding something, as if they won't get caught anyway.
Kentucky, Massachusetts, and Connecticut also rejected participation citing a total waste of taxpayer money. Probably more states did too, but I have to look further into it.
California never has had a problem with wasting taxpayers money before? What are they hiding?
No state should have a say in declining. If it is ordered to supply something for evidence or study to make sure everything is on the up and up...then Trump should give EO for ALL to comply.
No state should have a say in declining. If it is ordered to supply something for evidence or study to make sure everything is on the up and up...then Trump should give EO for ALL to comply.
Trump is not an Emperor, and states have rights. Sorry, alt-righties :fu:
California and Virginia will exclude themselves from the Trump Administration's voter fraud probe. CA's Secretary of State calls the probe "a waste of taxpayer's money."

From Huff Post: California and Virginia on Thursday refused to comply with a request from President Donald Trump’s voter fraud commission to provide personal information about registered voters.
BREAKING! California is Out!

Oh they're hiding something, as if they won't get caught anyway.
Yeah they definitely don't want to be investigated for sure. Because if so besides the crime of harboring illegals in sanctuary cities, the following voter fraud will probably be revealed as well. The real reason officials are helping them is so they can obviously vote for them in upcoming elections just as they did last year. If not stopped, they plan to do it again in 2018 and 2020 by handing them ballots and also the names of dead people to use on them.

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