California: Land of Zero Income Earners

Like I said, you’re oblivious to what margins are in the restaurant industry and you’re just a typical commie ignoramus for acting like you do.

The answer is 2-6% ignoramus. Only idiots have a business that stays on the verge of collapse in a good year.
WTF are you whining about now?
A millionaire complaining how his huge profits will be slightly reduced.

What is your 2-6% example supposed to suggest.
C’mon I’m listening
WTF are you whining about now?
A millionaire complaining how his huge profits will be slightly reduced.

What is your 2-6% example supposed to suggest.
C’mon I’m listening
Ignoramus dumbass extraordinaire.

Expect to see lots of touchscreen ordering next year and onward to AI
And folks eating at home. Fast food was successful because it was convenient and cheap. You can feed yourself at home and let those $20 jobs go the way of the dinosaurs. The victims will be our youth who will no longer have entry level jobs to teach them how to work. The social effects will be seen soon.
Ignoramus dumbass extraordinaire.

Winco is a democrat moron. Apparently these social justice warriors don't realize that entry level jobs are made for young folks who are looking to build a resume' and earn a few bucks. Now they learn nothing, earn nothing and they are tomorrow's homeless, criminals and drains on society. Bbbut, Bbbut, Bbbut that guy that risked everything and provided jobs isn't deserving of the profits that he built. If there are no upper level occupations, there is no incentive for those on the lower end to climb the ladder. SMH. Have the democrats all had lobotomies?
Don’t like $15?
Learn to code.
I did learn to code from my students.
They are pretty bright.
But I'm 62 now, no need to learn a new trade.
I'm making plenty now, plus my pension.
SS in the future once I quit the PT job.
Ignoramus dumbass extraordinaire.

ALL restaurants are different.
I did learn to code from my students.
They are pretty bright.
But I'm 62 now, no need to learn a new trade.
I'm making plenty now, plus my pension.
SS in the future once I quit the PT job.

ALL restaurants are different.
If you’re 60 and working at a fast food restaurant, that’s on you.
All in Fairness

Why does the owner get to bitch about Only Netting 2+ million per year all while bitching about an employee that gets a yearly raise to poverty level of $30,000 per year.

Nothing fair about an “Ayatollah of Fairness” who decides on the distribution of other people’s money.

The owner is the one accepting risk for his business. He’s the one paying taxes, insurance, costs for capital improvements, loans for equipment and paying staff.

Ayatollah Newsom is trying your wealth distribution scheme in California.

Fast Food workers often work less than 32 hours at a fast food joint. And fast food companies have help wanted ads up. So let me get this straight. These workers got their hours cut? But now they make more? If I were them, instead of working 32 hours at McD I'd work 16 hours at Taco Bell and 16 hours at McD and make $20 hr?

Sounds good to me.

Tell us, how are Comp and Unemployment premiums calculated?
If you’re 60 and working at a fast food restaurant, that’s on you.

What gave you that idea.
I support helping the poorer.
WTF is wrong with you.

If a restaurant owner is making Millions off his/her employees, Then Yes, I support paying them a higher salary.
Nothing fair about an “Ayatollah of Fairness” who decides on the distribution of other people’s money.

The owner is the one accepting risk for his business. He’s the one paying taxes, insurance, costs for capital improvements, loans for equipment and paying staff.

Ayatollah Newsom is trying your wealth distribution scheme in California.

Fair enough.

Did you ever hold a JOB?
Maybe you did.
Yeah. I didn’t spend my time counting other people’s money.
You come across as....

1). Protect the Rich.....they deserve it...and mind your own business.
2). Keep the poor poorer, and don't dare suggest that a business owner give a larger proportion of the profits to their employees.
You come across as....

1). Protect the Rich.....they deserve it...and mind your own business.
2). Keep the poor poorer, and don't dare suggest that a business owner give a larger proportion of the profits to their employees.
I come across as a
1) Proponent of those who build, design and create jobs,
2) Not a fan of confiscation from wage earners. You seem to want a Soviet style ‘equity’ system where hard work, accepting risk and responsibility are discouraged.

BTW. I’m entitled to a portion of your earnings. I’ll take 15%.
I come across as a
1) Proponent of those who build, design and create jobs,
2) Not a fan of confiscation from wage earners. You seem to want a Soviet style ‘equity’ system where hard work, accepting risk and responsibility are discouraged.

BTW. I’m entitled to a portion of your earnings.
Not true at all.
Keep the poor poorer,
The poor have the same opportunities as everyone else in the country. There are immigrants that have come into this country with nothing but ambition who have done very well for themselves. Why should a communist like yourself be able to take away the rewards of someone else's ambition to give it to someone who does unskilled labor and has no ambition to improve themselves? By your own boasts, you've done very well off of the taxpayer's $$$. Why don't you give half of everything you own to the poor in Seattle? Oh---that's different, eh? NOT.
True. You make too much.

How curious you feel entitled to take other people’s money but you won’t walk the walk when it comes to a redistribution of your income.
Where'd that comment come from?

I ran an installation of Synthetic Grass Turf, mostly Putting Greens.
I hired my stud HS football players to haul rock and lift heavy shit.
I paid them $15 an hour, back in the early 2000's.
Why did I pay them $15 per hour, because I gave some of the profit to them.
I made less, but still made money.
That worked for me and definitely for them.

DO you have a problem with my business model?

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