California Sen. Dianne Feinstein hospitalized with shingles. she is the oldest member of Congress at 89

Shingles are not fun from what I hear... I got the shingles vaccine when a customer of mine developed shingles... it breaks down your immune system so badly that cancer or worse seems to follow and then the patient dies from that....
Shingles are a pretty miserable ailment, but I never heard of people being admitted to the hospital for it. When my mum had it , she just stayed home and took medicine for a while.

California Sen. Dianne Feinstein hospitalized with shingles. she is the oldest member of Congress at 89​

89? Why are these older than dirt fossils still working? In government? Maybe she is dead--- someone should give her a nudge or hold a mirror under her nose just to check.

hope she recovers.
Hospitalized with shingles? My mother had shingles all her life and never once went to the hospital over it, while taking care of a home, raising a family and holding down a career working 12 hours a day 7 days a week I dare say far more than Feinstein ever did.
Shingles? Who goes to the hospital for shingles. You can't depend on democrats to be honest about anything so it's a reasonable guess that it's something more serious Feinstein said she was retiring at the end of her term in two years and that's good enough for me.
History will remember DiFi as a traitor and a sell out to the ccp. When their records are exposed, many political "faves" will be in trouble.
89? Why are these older than dirt fossils still working? In government? Maybe she is dead--- someone should give her a nudge or hold a mirror under her nose just to check.

Hospitalized with shingles? My mother had shingles all her life and never once went to the hospital over it, while taking care of a home, raising a family and holding down a career working 12 hours a day 7 days a week I dare say far more than Feinstein ever did.
Politicians do not stay that long unless there are a lot of fringe benefits along with the power. The 16th Amendment had done it purpose and helped to turn us from a Constitutional Republic into a Democracy.

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