Call me a nut,but as an ordinary running in 2016!!!!

Nafta, what is an appropriate level for Legal immigration, should we raise legal immigration, if we do raise legal immigration.... should we pile on the penalties for illegal immigration?
Eliminate NAFTA, and anything detrimental to the jobs here in america.
as in regards to immigration,i have strict standards-
as my ancestors had to do,a person must apply for citizenship.

*must pass international criminal check.
*must NOT be from a terror-sponsored nation.unless alliegence proved with asylum exception.
*must not have infectious diseases.
*must be at least a high school or equivilent education(to weed out those coming here for welfare)
*before naturalization,must have a complete proficiency of the english language,read,speak,and write,and only after these requirements are met,will naturalization be considered.
As long as all core prioritizations are met for natueal born americans,then we can extend citizenship. Regardless of race,color,creed,any and i mean any immigrant here illegally,will be immediately deported back to their nation of origin. Then,at that point,provided americans needs are met,will citizenship application be considered.
You should run this year. I hear running is good for the health.
Nafta, what is an appropriate level for Legal immigration, should we raise legal immigration, if we do raise legal immigration.... should we pile on the penalties for illegal immigration?

I'll tell you what I'd do..

Nafta-repeal it.
Legal immigration-limit it to the first world or people with education we could use.
I think we should limit legal immigration as it takes jobs away.
I think we should deport all illegal immigrants.
Nafta, what is an appropriate level for Legal immigration, should we raise legal immigration, if we do raise legal immigration.... should we pile on the penalties for illegal immigration?

I'll tell you what I'd do..

Nafta-repeal it.
Legal immigration-limit it to the first world or people with education we could use.
I think we should limit legal immigration as it takes jobs away.
I think we should deport all illegal immigrants.
How about observing the Constitution?

Would be a start...NO?
As long as all core prioritizations are met for natueal born americans,then we can extend citizenship. Regardless of race,color,creed,any and i mean any immigrant here illegally,will be immediately deported back to their nation of origin. Then,at that point,provided americans needs are met,will citizenship application be considered.
How about adhering to the Constitution? Nice idea, eh?
Nafta, what is an appropriate level for Legal immigration, should we raise legal immigration, if we do raise legal immigration.... should we pile on the penalties for illegal immigration?

I'll tell you what I'd do..

Nafta-repeal it.
Legal immigration-limit it to the first world or people with education we could use.
I think we should limit legal immigration as it takes jobs away.
I think we should deport all illegal immigrants.
How about observing the Constitution?

Would be a start...NO?

How is any of what I said against the constituion? We don't have to allow the third world into our country! Time to start enforcing our laws on our borders.
I'll tell you what I'd do..

Nafta-repeal it.
Legal immigration-limit it to the first world or people with education we could use.
I think we should limit legal immigration as it takes jobs away.
I think we should deport all illegal immigrants.
How about observing the Constitution?

Would be a start...NO?

How is any of what I said against the constituion? We don't have to allow the third world into our country! Time to start enforcing our laws on our borders.
Didn't say that it was. Sorry if it came off that way.

If it did? Muh bad.
I have two questions:

  • Are you in favor of recalling all permits and registration for guns and allow everyone to carry guns, but if they kill someone, they get murdered, they go to jail?
  • Are you planning to put plant grass or vegetation across the country where any vacant lot and sell it for gas so we can use it for our expenses?
Dem solutions really solve problems, unlike the RW ravings that just kick them down the road, electioneering the dupes. Throwing out 10 million contributing people, and making it impossible for non-english speaking to immigrate is a joke.

Pass the Schumer/Graham bill, with reasonable amnesty, a path to citizenship, and a real work ID card and enforcement to end illegal work, and thus illegal immigration- what Pubs will never do..

And yes, I'm running too.LOL

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