Calls for Biden to Step Aside Are Not Due to His Mental Decline

Correct and if he wasn’t having performance and health issues then he wouldn’t be down in the polls
I think the point is the only thing that matters are the poor poll numbers. If Biden was doing better in the polls he would have his party’s blessing in being the nominee, regardless of the mental decline
It is the 25th Amendment.

And to invoke it, the cabinet would have to behave honorably about the obvious mental disability which Biden is suffering from. The Amendment is only of value assuming the good intentions of a President’s cabinet. But since most politicians behave on behalf of their Party more than they behave honorably, the 25th is a dead end.

If invoked, Kamala would not become the President, by the way. She would officially be the “Acting President.”

Her polling sucks.

Correction taken.
They are due to his cratering poll numbers. If Biden were still reliably ahead of Trump, the Democrats wouldn't care less if he forgets his own name three times a day and there would be no calls for him to step aside.

Well, in a way it's all really part of the same ball of wax. He has cratering poll numbers because dem policies have destroyed the country AND he is too senile to be president. In fact, the left dismiss how bad the country is and are blaming his crater on Biden's senility while ignoring the fact that 65% of Americans are saying the country is going in the wrong direction.
I still don't see why they don't Article 25 him. That makes Kamala the first woman President, even if not elected.

It also gives her a form of incumbency.

Is her polling that bad?
Invoking the 25th Amendment would cause a constitutional crisis.

generally not seeing that as being justified because he loses his focus during a debate after recovering from a cold.

But the age issue is very legitimate for BOTH of these guys.

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