Cameron: We are helping the Kurdish forces with ammunition, training and support


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Good for the British. Everyone should be helping the Kurds; and if the help was given sooner, more ISIS members would be dead.

Cameron: We are helping the Kurdish forces with ammunition, training and support
By GARY KENT 4 hours ago

British PM David Cameron. AFP photo

LONDON—The massacre by a lone wolf Daesh supporter of dozens of British and other tourists in Tunisia was the subject of a sombre debate in the Commons following a statement by the Prime Minister, David Cameron.

The UK High Representative of the KRG sent a message to MPs. Karwan Jamal Tahir, a former Deputy Foreign Minister in Kurdistan, told MPs that 'The grotesque massacres by the so-called Islamic State in Tunisia, France, Kuwait, and Kobane all confirm deepening fears about its global reach. One of the best and most willing allies of the West and its people are the Kurds, who are in the frontline but whose brave Peshmerga forces need proper arming and for Baghdad to release the full budget payments so we can pay the Peshmerga and other employees, and grow our economy to present prosperity, pluralism and peace as the answer to a cult of death, mass murder and genocide.'

His view was echoed in the Commons by Jason McCartney, the Chairman of the all-party parliamentary group and a former RAF officer based in Zakho during the no-fly zone in 1995, who told the Prime Minister that 'I join the Prime Minister in praising our brave Royal Air Force for the role that it is playing in the skies over northern Iraq. Meanwhile, on the ground, the brave Kurdish Peshmerga forces are taking on Daesh. Does he agree that now is the time for the Peshmerga forces to be properly armed and to receive the funding from Baghdad that was promised?

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Cameron We are helping the Kurdish forces with ammunition trai
You make someone your enemy, then get shocked that they come and kill your people as you kill their people. Hmm.

Maybe if Bush hadn't started all of this, we wouldn't have an unstable world where the Republicans can be "tough on terror".

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