In the U.S. led Iraq War, Iran Was the Winner

You mean in those refrigerated box trucks they captured?

The US provides the gas ... and hanged Saddam Hussein for the same thing Churchill did in 1920.
wrong again---the Nitrogen mustard gas recipe was donated to
the Baathist Nasser and he spread it around the UAR---you are
really out of date. Your handlers told you that the US provided
SARIN gas to your BAATHIST brethren ---NOPE they lied. Your
hero was hanged by his own for the murder of tens of thousands.
by his own ----neither Churchill or the US had anything to do with it------so sorry for YOUR LOSS
Excellent post and accurate..
so? you long for WESTERN involvement in the ongoing
rift related to the IN-LAWS of the rapist dog of arabia?
right---and I happen to know---Sadaam was working on weaponized biologicals
like anthrax and bubonic plagues but he could never bring it off---he gassed
the kurds with nitrogen mustard and sarin and a few other nerve gases
surada laughs---nothing like a pile of dead kurds to amuse her.
For the record ---at that time the US was working on treatments
for anthrax in the event of a biological attack by Surada's friends.
Caught early bubonic plague can be treated
wrong again---the Nitrogen mustard gas recipe was donated to
the Baathist Nasser and he spread it around the UAR---you are
really out of date. Your handlers told you that the US provided
SARIN gas to your BAATHIST brethren ---NOPE they lied. Your
hero was hanged by his own for the murder of tens of thousands.
by his own ----neither Churchill or the US had anything to do with it------so sorry for YOUR LOSS

wrong again---the Nitrogen mustard gas recipe was donated to
the Baathist Nasser and he spread it around the UAR---you are
really out of date. Your handlers told you that the US provided
SARIN gas to your BAATHIST brethren ---NOPE they lied. Your
hero was hanged by his own for the murder of tens of thousands.
by his own ----neither Churchill or the US had anything to do with it------so sorry for YOUR LOSS

Nasser died in 1970. Saddam used gas against Iran in 1988.

Churchill and Arthur Harris bombed thousands of Arabs and Kurds with gas in 1920.
so? you long for WESTERN involvement in the ongoing
rift related to the IN-LAWS of the rapist dog of arabia?

surada laughs---nothing like a pile of dead kurds to amuse her.
For the record ---at that time the US was working on treatments
for anthrax in the event of a biological attack by Surada's friends.
Caught early bubonic plague can be treated

Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were no threat to anyone. Israel just wanted the US to depose Saddam Hussein.
Iraq was crippled by 2 decades of war and sanctions. They were no threat to anyone. Israel just wanted the US to depose Saddam Hussein.
oh---you really enjoyed the murder of kurds and shiites---so
sorry for your loss. ISRAEL had something against Saddam.
That's so interests me-----you might have liked his side-kick---
a jerk named something MEHDI----so sorry ---that jerk dropped
dead. Any decent person would have wanted your murdering hero SAINT BAATHIST PIG SADDAM of the nitrogen mustard gas
dead-----especially the shiites of the world. The episcopalians may
have liked him
oh---you really enjoyed the murder of kurds and shiites---so
sorry for your loss. ISRAEL had something against Saddam.
That's so interests me-----you might have liked his side-kick---
a jerk named something MEHDI----so sorry ---that jerk dropped
dead. Any decent person would have wanted your murdering hero SAINT BAATHIST PIG SADDAM of the nitrogen mustard gas
dead-----especially the shiites of the world. The episcopalians may
have liked him

Don't forget that nice Mr Rumsfeld helped Saddam get the gas and other chemical agents.
what gas and what chemical agents? Saddam did not need Rumsfeld to give
him nitrogen mustard gas----he got the simple recipe from his Baathist pig friend,
We sold him bioweapons ( missiles tipped with a new strain of anthrax) to use on Iran and the Kurds ..... he never did.
STRAIN OF ANTHRAX-----the old one is more than enough and it would have trouble
surviving a MISSILE. Anthrax is easily treated with standard antibiotics. A MISSILE LAUNCH IS NO WAY TO SPREAD IT AROUND a naive population
STRAIN OF ANTHRAX-----the old one is more than enough and it would have trouble
surviving a MISSILE. Anthrax is easily treated with standard antibiotics. A MISSILE LAUNCH IS NO WAY TO SPREAD IT AROUND a naive population
One of my younger brothers had to take rumsfield's experimental anthrax vaccine before he was shipped to the the Persian Gulf in 1990....... so you can save the disingenuous rap for the Sunday school kids Skippy
One of my younger brothers had to take rumsfield's experimental anthrax vaccine before he was shipped to the the Persian Gulf in 1990....... so you can save the disingenuous rap for the Sunday school kids Skippy
your post is silly----the fact that a vaccine was being developed does not mean that the
EARLY infection cannot be treated with antibiotics
your post is silly----the fact that a vaccine was being developed does not mean that the
EARLY infection cannot be treated with antibiotics
He received a medical discharge from the Marines cuz it gave him epilepsy.

Any other witty comments I need to respond to ?
He received a medical discharge from the Marines cuz it gave him epilepsy.

Any other witty comments I need to respond to ?
did anyone suggest that his epilepsy was RELATED TO THE ANTHRAX VACCINE?
"epilepsy" as a complication of Anthrax vaccine is NEWS TO ME. My kid got the
shot and managed to survive. There has been some controversy on that particular
shot-----nothing particularly exciting. The common forms (ie cutaneous) respond to
did anyone suggest that his epilepsy was RELATED TO THE ANTHRAX VACCINE?
"epilepsy" as a complication of Anthrax vaccine is NEWS TO ME. My kid got the
shot and managed to survive. There has been some controversy on that particular
shot-----nothing particularly exciting. The common forms (ie cutaneous) respond to
He took a large lump settlement and signed a non-disclosure agreement not to talk about it so obviously they're trying to keep it quiet just like Gulf War syndrome depleted uranium birth defects Etc the Oklahoma City bombing connection Etc things we probably shouldn't even talk about especially knowing some of it's related to the clintons
He took a large lump settlement and signed a non-disclosure agreement not to talk about it so obviously they're trying to keep it quiet just like Gulf War syndrome depleted uranium birth defects Etc the Oklahoma City bombing connection Etc things we probably shouldn't even talk about especially knowing some of it's related to the clintons
don't be coy----if EPILEPSY is an outcome of the anthrax vaccine ---that fact
would show up in the medical literature-----You need not answer, of course,---
but----he did have a reasonable W/O regarding "NEW ONSET OF EPILEPSY"---
right? There are a whole host of reasons for a person to have a convulsion
don't be coy----if EPILEPSY is an outcome of the anthrax vaccine ---that fact
would show up in the medical literature-----You need not answer, of course,---
but----he did have a reasonable W/O regarding "NEW ONSET OF EPILEPSY"---
right? There are a whole host of reasons for a person to have a convulsion
I did a whole thread on this subject 4 years ago
what gas and what chemical agents? Saddam did not need Rumsfeld to give
him nitrogen mustard gas----he got the simple recipe from his Baathist pig friend,

Nasser died in 1970. He was a much kinder man than Saddam Hussein.

Saddam Hussein (born April 28, 1937, Al-ʿAwjah, Iraq—died December 30, 2006, Baghdad) president of Iraq (1979–2003)

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