When trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program

Good. Guy was a monster.

Now back to tough guy Trump. What did he do after all these Americans got seriously injured?

Days later, Iran hit back by striking a U.S. military base in Iraq. One contractor suffered a serious eye injury, and 110 troops suffered traumatic brain injuries while sheltering in place.

On many occassions our forces hit iranian proxies in the region.

Personnaly Iraq was the wrong War. Iraq was contained. Iran was always a bigger threat.
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

President Donald Trump initially said that no Americans were harmed in the attack on the Ain al-Asad Air Base, which came amid tensions between Washington and Tehran.

He said Wednesday that he didn't mention the U.S. service members who were injured in a Iranian strike against a U.S. base because they suffered "headaches."

Story is ridiculous that the guy cannot even recall the briefing that he must have had or maybe he just ad lib it.

They suffered from headaches from Iranian strike

And people want to reelect him . I mean he just either makes it up or fell asleep during the briefing.
President Donald Trump initially said that no Americans were harmed in the attack on the Ain al-Asad Air Base, which came amid tensions between Washington and Tehran.

He said Wednesday that he didn't mention the U.S. service members who were injured in a Iranian strike against a U.S. base because they suffered "headaches."

Story is ridiculous that the guy cannot even recall the briefing that he must have had or maybe he just ad lib it.

They suffered from headaches from Iranian strike

And people want to reelect him . I mean he just either makes it up or fell asleep during the briefing.
And? Biden got Marines killed in his botched withdrawal frombl Afghanistan. Looked at his watch while they their caskets came off the plane.

Trump was right to take that POS OUT.
Anyone who thinks that Iran lives up to any treaty or promise is a fool. Biden removed the sanctions, allowing Iran to reap billions and billions in new oil revenue. And that is why the situation in the Holy Land is what it is today.

Never take your eye off the ball.
Trump broke the agreement not Iran.
Remember the P5+1? The Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to ensure that Iran's nuclear program will be exclusively peaceful. Anybody? Well, when trump pulled out of the JCPOA, he enabled Iran to reconstitute it's nuclear program.

News Flash:
With Nuclear Deal Dead, Containing Iran Grows More Fraught
View attachment 932621
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The U.S., Europe, Russia and China worked together on a 2015 deal to limit Iran’s nuclear program. The arrangement’s unraveling and the spike in superpower tensions make this a dangerous moment.

The Russians even took Iran’s nuclear fuel, for a hefty fee, prompting celebratory declarations that President Vladimir V. Putin could cooperate with the West on critical security issues and help constrain a disruptive regime in a volatile region.

President Donald J. Trump’s decision to pull out of the Obama-era nuclear deal triggered a predictable counterreaction from Tehran, and after a long pause, Iran resumed enriching uranium — some to near-bomb-grade quality. Today it is far closer to being able to produce bomb-grade material, according to the International Atomic Energy Agency, than it was when the accord was in effect. Iran has consistently denied that it intends to build a weapon but has recently begun hinting at the need to bolster its “deterrent” against nuclear-armed adversaries

Trump was just impulsive.. He was trying to hurt Obama..... Same when he pulled out of TPP...

Remember Trump's promise to get rid of ObamaCare and replace it with a much better healthcare program? Trump does a lot of things out of spite.
Iran has NEVER honored an agreement with the US since 1979. Do you never get tired of lying?

How much time have you spent in Iran? Israel bought all their oil from Iran for decades.... And, tens of thousands of Jews lived in Iran for 2500 years. The US has made one stupid blunder after another in Iran since 1951.
How much time have you spent in Iran? Israel bought all their oil from Iran for decades.... And, tens of thousands of Jews lived in Iran for 2500 years. The US has made one stupid blunder after another in Iran since 1951.
If you're so enamored with Iran, why don't you move your anti-American ass back there?

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