Can A Muslim Be A Good American?

not sure they had to blow up a building for that.....refresh my memory did he blow it up in the name of william wallace?


If he had blown it up in the name of St. Francis of Assisi, do you think it makes sense to then hate all Christians?

If he had blown it up in the name of St. Francis of Assisi, do you think it makes sense to then hate all Christians?

thank you i was going for cute....

pointless....christians are already hated....i think they are second behind the jews though...
I think youre getting off topic. This thread is not about skinny white guys, but about whether muslims can be good americans.

I am honestly tired of any time somebody criticizes a muslim or islam, someone inevitably goes off-topic, and brings up whites, christians, others.

I made my view knows earlier in the thread, but lets stick on topic people, please. Thank You

did you start hating all skinny white guys of scottish descent after Oklahoma City?
I hated everyone involved with the White Power Movement and the Militia orginizations.

so you think that every muslim in America and worldwide is involved with Wahhabist Islamic extremism movement and is a member of some extremist militia?

Your stated hatred of all muslims is profoundly anti-American, indefensible and irrationally xenophobic.

The founding fathers would have a great deal of contempt for you. I know I sure do.
Gunny, why cant people stay on topic, this thread has nothing to do with christians, and yet, every thread about muslims, we have people excusing the bad behavior of terrorists by comparing christians, who are not a global threat, but are globally persecuted to radical muslims.

Are some people on this board, really that ignorant, or just that stupid.

Muslims account for atleast 75% of the worlds terrorism, and yet, its a hate crime if i mention that. I understand if people disagree with me, but is truth going to be a hate crime soon too, or just excusing bad behavior and apologizing for others, by pointing out others bad behavior.

Do whites, christians, and jews, have to be perfect to criticize islam or muslim radicals?

Its retarded
He didnt say he hated all muslims on his initial thread opener. The terrorists are not just the ones that committing the acts, but those who stand by and do nothing to stop it, those who finance it, think its morally ok to do. We have terrorists and their sympathizers all over the world, and while i dont advocate putting all muslims in camps like we did to the japanese, we need to monitor every mosque and stop calling everyone who has an opinion about muslims or islam racist, but face the real danger. One day we will be hit again by terrorists, its not if but when.

so you think that every muslim in America and worldwide is involved with Wahhabist Islamic extremism movement and is a member of some extremist militia?

Your stated hatred of all muslims is profoundly anti-American, indefensible and irrationally xenophobic.

The founding fathers would have a great deal of contempt for you. I know I sure do.
I am opposed to the black power movement, the new black panther party, la raza, white power people, luis farrakhan and his nation of islam organization.

To me, their is no difference between any of them, they are all racists.

I hated everyone involved with the White Power Movement and the Militia orginizations.
You dont get it, which is really sad. Radical christianity is not a global threat. Radical islam is, your making a strawman, or fake argument. I wish you would just stick to topic. Im not advocating hating all muslims, or saying they are all terrorists, but we dam well better make sure, who is a terrorist and deport them.


If he had blown it up in the name of St. Francis of Assisi, do you think it makes sense to then hate all Christians?
calling everything and anything critical or islam or muslims hate or bigotry does not foster a discussion, it is intolerance of the left, that nobody dare criticize islam or muslims.
Calm down mate. Their are some moderates out there, fighting the bad ones. You shouldnt hate them all, I understand better now, about why you feel so strongly.

I agree, limit muslim immigration, only allow non-devout muslims.

Devout muslims, have a higher chance of becoming lunatics and terrorists

Yes, the only good Muslim is a dead one.
Gunny, why cant people stay on topic, this thread has nothing to do with christians, and yet, every thread about muslims, we have people excusing the bad behavior of terrorists by comparing christians, who are not a global threat, but are globally persecuted to radical muslims.

Are some people on this board, really that ignorant, or just that stupid.

Muslims account for atleast 75% of the worlds terrorism, and yet, its a hate crime if i mention that. I understand if people disagree with me, but is truth going to be a hate crime soon too, or just excusing bad behavior and apologizing for others, by pointing out others bad behavior.

Do whites, christians, and jews, have to be perfect to criticize islam or muslim radicals?

Its retarded

The same group of posters that resort to this tactic complain if it is done on some topic they are passionate about, saying exactly the same thing.
Here is the problem. Secular muslims like the kurds are less of a threat to us, while very devout muslims, like the saudi's have a higher chance of becoming terrorists.

This is a very fine line here superlative, between an observant muslim, and a fundamentalist muslim.

Would you agree mate?

So all muslims are dangerous and deadly?
"This is something I've wondered about for some time now: How & why do the Muslims hate us & everyone else so much? Doesn't their God teach them to love?

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

I sent that question to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for
20 years."

"You" sent this question to a good friend in saudi arabia?

That's wierd. Because what you posted is word for word, from a chain internet chain email, that takes 5 seconds on google to find.

You sure this was "your friend"?

BTW: Snopes debunked this piece of bigoted clap trap. Its riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods.
I think youre getting off topic. This thread is not about skinny white guys, but about whether muslims can be good americans.

I am honestly tired of any time somebody criticizes a muslim or islam, someone inevitably goes off-topic, and brings up whites, christians, others.

I made my view knows earlier in the thread, but lets stick on topic people, please. Thank You

quit being a self-righteous prick. The guy claims that after 9/11 he hates all muslims. Clearly, the actions of 19 radicals can make this guy hate six billion people. I think that is pretty bizarre. I think asking him if acts of terror by individuals always makes him hate the entire ethnic or religious group the perpetrator is from is ON topic.

And please note that I wasn't responding to YOUR views.
So all muslims are dangerous and deadly?

Dangerous as in right now? No BUT dangerous in the sense their entire religious goal is total assimilation OR death to all that do not convert. THAT IS IN THE Koran. Muslims are warned by their religious leaders to NEVER make friends with non muslims only to tolerate them. Non Muslims are second class citizens at best in any Muslim Country BECAUSE of the religion and what it teaches.

The religion is a direct threat to our way of life. And before I get the usual relativist moralizing about Christians wanting to take over the world I suggest you RAED what is said. Christians are NOT tasked with conquering or converting the world. They believe and the bible teaches that God will send Jesus back to earth to destroy evil and that after that all those judged and not permanently destroyed will live either in heaven or on earth for 1000 years. No mortal man is tasked by Christian teachings to forcefully convert or kill unbelievers.

Until the Islamic religion has a change in their beliefs the religion is a threat. What should we do about it? We should stop allowing ANY new muslim immigrants into this country as should all Non Muslim countries. We should take the required security steps to monitor their communities and religious sites and religious leaders for the active terrorists. We should NOT pander to or excuse their behavior or their tolerance and acceptance of murder and mayhem as an acceptable method of religious service.
I think there is a bigger issue here. Which is, people on the left side of the specrum, calling anyone who saying one bad word about muslims or islam a biggot, while at the same time, disparing jewish and christian values, every day.

That is hypocritical.

"This is something I've wondered about for some time now: How & why do the Muslims hate us & everyone else so much? Doesn't their God teach them to love?

Can a good Muslim be a good American?

I sent that question to a friend who worked in Saudi Arabia for
20 years."

"You" sent this question to a good friend in saudi arabia?

That's wierd. Because what you posted is word for word, from a chain internet chain email, that takes 5 seconds on google to find.

You sure this was "your friend"?

BTW: Snopes debunked this piece of bigoted clap trap. Its riddled with inaccuracies and falsehoods.
Got anything to say about a poster who takes an internet chain email and tries to pass it off as his/her own?
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