Can a nearly dead woman be elected President?

What part of your Christian beliefs, that you claim to be so proud of, causes you to post such hateful lies? Were the 10 commandments modified to say
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Unless It's About Hillary?
Did you view the video? It's all spelled out right there. Hillary is dying, she probably doesn't have more than a year to live. Instead of denying the obvious, you Democrats should be working on a back-up plan.

When did the doctor examine Secretary Clinton?
This is the issue that finally tipped it for me, and made me realize I have to vote for Trump. It's not the illness itself that bothers me, but all of Hillary's lies about her illness. She can't be honest about ANYTHING.

So you will vote for Trump- who lies about everything.
She wants to break the glass coffin and be the first corpse elected President.
It would be amusing to see Hillary's supporters in denial here, but it is tragic for them. The consequences of so much lying is taking a toll on their already tattered and much abused souls.
Hillary Clinton is a dead woman walking, a medical school professor released a statement giving her one year to live.

With that in mind, shouldn't she withdraw her candidacy so some other person can take her place on the Democratic ticket?

My are going to be so disappointed...but we get the bonus of seeing you so-called Christians as you really are.
What part of your Christian beliefs, that you claim to be so proud of, causes you to post such hateful lies? Were the 10 commandments modified to say
You Shall Not Bear False Witness Unless It's About Hillary?
Did you view the video? It's all spelled out right there. Hillary is dying, she probably doesn't have more than a year to live. Instead of denying the obvious, you Democrats should be working on a back-up plan.

Are you really crazy enough to believe that?
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