Can an ambassador be rejected by the receiving country?

Note to mods. The answer below came from AI so I don't have a link to provide.

Yes, a country can reject an ambassador nominated by another country by refusing to grant them "agrément," which is essentially their approval to serve as an ambassador in that country; this is often done without explanation and is considered a diplomatic signal of disapproval, with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations outlining this right within international law.....
The receiving country has full freedom to refuse any person as ambassador under Article 4 agreement, without assigning any reasons.

Article 4​

1. The sending State must make certain that the agreement of the receiving State has been given for the person it proposes to accredit as head of the mission to that State.

2. The receiving State is not obliged to give reasons to the sending State for a refusal of agreement.
I've thought a lot about that over these ugly years.

I believe they know they lack the capacity for collaboration, innovation and advanced, patient problem-solving. So all they have left is to attack and destroy. It's much easier. I wonder how many of them have ever had a job in which they had to work with others to solve complicated problems. I'd guess not many have.

It's the child in the sandbox.

Nope, it's the remodel the house theory. You have to tear out the old to install the new and improved. The permeant bureaucracy think's they are the government, it's high time to remind them they are servants of the people and not the ones in charge. If some have to go in the process, so be it.

It clearly is. The more disruption and destruction and rage and discomfort they cause and see, the happier they are.

There is no way to understand this degree of anger. They feel incredibly victimized, and this is all a big FUCK YOU to America.

They want everyone else to feel as miserable and hopeless as they are.
Fuck me running, you're stupid.
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