Can The GOP Outcheat The DemocRats In November?


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
Everybody knows what's coming and gearing up for it....the question is can the GOP match the notorious scumbag commies in vote-harvesting and computer shenanigans. There's never been a better time for the GOP to get off it's high horse and out-cheat these snakes. The late Lee Atwater and current Rat captive Roger Stone are sidelined with Atwater being dead and Stone under a gag order and phony charges. Surely Dirty Dick Cheney, Newt, and other old pros can finagle a few million votes in swing states for the GOP. Time to call them in along with our own computer hackers, Putin, or anybody else who refuses to let the Rats steal 2020.

I'll throw out a prediction here and I don't even care if I'm wrong BUT...…...between now & the election the headlines will read 'All polls lead to Biden with 97%, Trump an utter failure with only -1% hard core right extremists', he may as well drop out now'...…..then come Tuesday as results are being tallied and they start to see a 2016 rerun and all news cuts to commercials...…..for hours

and I don't even want to speculate after that point, though I have a few ideas......and all of them are bad
Everybody knows what's coming and gearing up for it....the question is can the GOP match the notorious scumbag commies in vote-harvesting and computer shenanigans. There's never been a better time for the GOP to get off it's high horse and out-cheat these snakes. The late Lee Atwater and current Rat captive Roger Stone are sidelined with Atwater being dead and Stone under a gag order and phony charges. Surely Dirty Dick Cheney, Newt, and other old pros can finagle a few million votes in swing states for the GOP. Time to call them in along with our own computer hackers, Putin, or anybody else who refuses to let the Rats steal 2020.


The assumption is the GOP has to cheat in Nov.

As long as the American people don't have the memory of a gold fish - or the GOP can remind them of the laundry list od despicable, illegal, immoral, partisan, self-serving crap the Democrats engaged in the GOP SHOULD have little trouble winning....that is if all things were equal and the Dems weren't planning on lying, cheating, and stealing....
Everybody knows what's coming and gearing up for it....the question is can the GOP match the notorious scumbag commies in vote-harvesting and computer shenanigans. There's never been a better time for the GOP to get off it's high horse and out-cheat these snakes. The late Lee Atwater and current Rat captive Roger Stone are sidelined with Atwater being dead and Stone under a gag order and phony charges. Surely Dirty Dick Cheney, Newt, and other old pros can finagle a few million votes in swing states for the GOP. Time to call them in along with our own computer hackers, Putin, or anybody else who refuses to let the Rats steal 2020.

Doubt it. They don't have Hillary to run against and trump is a proven fk up, especially now with the much denied coronavirus epidemic and all the dead.
The dems stole the congressional elections in Orange County California with vote harvesting and so now they want that for the nation...Pelosi is a fake speaker the mid term elections were stolen....will the GOP stop them is the question....
You have to be a snake to cheat like a snake, and honestly, that's not how conservatives roll.

Oh, that's how we'll roll more of this bullshit "rather be right than President" in 2020. The Commies are poised to destroy this nation and we won't allow it. Either they are defeated or we'll have to hang every damn one of them (my preference regardless of the election outcome). Trump can't be defeated in a fair way no how.
The dems stole the congressional elections in Orange County California with vote harvesting and so now they want that for the nation...Pelosi is a fake speaker the mid term elections were stolen....will the GOP stop them is the question....

Exactly. Herr Mueller kept his fake investigation going into the midterms....He had nothing, knew it, and only delayed saying so until the House was back in Rat hands.....The old fucker should be horsewhipped for it.
You have to be a snake to cheat like a snake, and honestly, that's not how conservatives roll.

Oh, that's how we'll roll more of this bullshit "rather be right than President" in 2020. The Commies are poised to destroy this nation and we won't allow it. Either they are defeated or we'll have to hang every damn one of them (my preference regardless of the election outcome). Trump can't be defeated in a fair way no how.
The only communist party candidate I could find on List of registered 2020 presidential candidates - Ballotpedia was Chiyo Mihama. It that the guy you are threatening to hang on a public message board? Kind of a radical move, isn't it? The Republican Party was much better before it was taken over by radicals.
The only communist party candidate I could find on List of registered 2020 presidential candidates - Ballotpedia was Chiyo Mihama. It that the guy you are threatening to hang on a public message board? Kind of a radical move, isn't it? The Republican Party was much better before it was taken over by radicals.

C'mon ya cretin...everybody knows the commies still giggle when they're called commies. They envision old Soviet faces with dead eyes and missing teeth. Today's western communists wore designer clothes and posed as "democrats" until Obama with his Armani suits and hatred of Israel and free enterprise. Of course he and his husband Mike will take the NetFlix money and build a mansion by the ocean (has he forgotten gorebal warming already or does he believe he "lowered the oceans" by getting us ripped off in the TPP or Paris climate baloney?). You can play the stooge and look up communists and find nobody...and then you can read any Schumer/Pelousy edict and see it bright and bold, fool.
Trumpist are already preparing for a Trump lose. This thread is nothing more than pathetic attempt to explain away his lose before the election is even held.

The writing is on the wall. Trump will lose in November. You all can feel it.
The only communist party candidate I could find on List of registered 2020 presidential candidates - Ballotpedia was Chiyo Mihama. It that the guy you are threatening to hang on a public message board? Kind of a radical move, isn't it? The Republican Party was much better before it was taken over by radicals.

C'mon ya cretin...everybody knows the commies still giggle when they're called commies. They envision old Soviet faces with dead eyes and missing teeth. Today's western communists wore designer clothes and posed as "democrats" until Obama with his Armani suits and hatred of Israel and free enterprise. Of course he and his husband Mike will take the NetFlix money and build a mansion by the ocean (has he forgotten gorebal warming already or does he believe he "lowered the oceans" by getting us ripped off in the TPP or Paris climate baloney?). You can play the stooge and look up communists and find nobody...and then you can read any Schumer/Pelousy edict and see it bright and bold, fool.
Wow. I have voted Republican more often than not, all the way back to Nixon (OK, I fkd up on that one) but, you are pretty far out there. Hopefully you will not try to implement any of your radical methods out in the real world. Be calm. Everything going to be alright, fella.
Wow. I have voted Republican more often than not, all the way back to Nixon (OK, I fkd up on that one) but, you are pretty far out there. Hopefully you will not try to implement any of your radical methods out in the real world. Be calm. Everything going to be alright, fella.

Who gives a shit who you say you voted for? I don't . I'm a Combat Vet...I know more about calm during chaos than you can ever imagine, got it? I was a Perotista...then Tea Party...then with Trump we took the party back from the country club fakes like Romney and McCain, Kasich, the Bush family and Paul Ryan. We are what the GOP once looked like when Reagan was kicking the shit out of the Ivans and our domestic communists. Goddamn right we're ready to hang some stinkin traitors...we take America very seriously.

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