Can The Government Force You To Buy an EV?

Can the government force you to buy an electric vehicle (EV)?
> Unlikely.

This involves alot of money and will end up in the Supreme Ct.
I can see blue shitholes like Mexifornia “forcing” us to buy EV’s through tax code, road taxes etc etc…I can also see Mexifornia forcing me to subsidize the cost of ShaQuita‘s and Guadalupe’s EV.
I see lefties like Golfing Gator embracing such impositions.
I can see blue shitholes like Mexifornia “forcing” us to buy EV’s through tax code, road taxes etc etc…I can also see Mexifornia forcing me to subsidize the cost of ShaQuita‘s and Guadalupe’s EV.
I see lefties like Golfing Gator embracing such impositions.

And yet you freely choose to live there! :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :banana: :banana: :banana:
How blissfully ignorant!
The government can force most people to buy an EV by keeping the price of gas high enough to motivate the people.
How blissfully ignorant!
The government can force most people to buy an EV by keeping the price of gas high enough to motivate the people.
This government claims to love and cherish it’s taxpayer dependent bottom feeders…How will ShaQuita and Humberto ever be able to afford / qualify (credit wise) for an EV?
If the U.S. diverted 3% of the subsidies it gives to fossil fuels every year it would cover the revenue brought in by gas taxes
Government doesn't "give" a damn thing. Allowing oil companies to keep THEIR OWN MONEY they earned is not giving them something.
This government claims to love and cherish it’s taxpayer dependent bottom feeders…How will ShaQuita and Humberto ever be able to afford / qualify (credit wise) for an EV?
Dems love the poor and working class so much they are doubling the cost of gas, heating their home, food and other goods...oh wait? :eusa_think: Democrats WILL sacrifice you and your kids on the alter of the liberal agenda.

Ethanol is the GOP's pet. It lets farmers in flyover country pretend they're still needed.

Repeats your claims and utterly fails to support them.

Ethanol is the GOP's pet. It lets farmers in flyover country pretend they're still needed.
So now you hate American farmers as well as America. And America needs you around for what reason?
Obviously they aren't going to come right out and say it ya dipshit.
They'll just do whatever they can to make driving a gas powered car as difficult and costly as they can.

Then it seems you just answered the question of the OP.

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