Can Trump's Brilliant Plan To Take Down China And Russia Actually Work?

Now I'm not a military expert, but, errr, no that wouldn't work. Unless somehow the U.S purchases Chinese jets and launches them from Chinese soil lol.

This isn't WWII where a plane is identified by a flag on the side and radar was just being introduced The Russians can follow transponder information, even if turned off, I imagine their air defenses will have some success in shooting down or identifying U.S aircraft.

If a nation were going to conduct a false flag, it would be easier to conduct cyber warfare and reflect suspicion to another country.
I fought for this country. What have you done other than support and repeat traitorous propaganda from the right? Your time is coming. You will recognize the damage done to America and if you have a brain, you will regret ever throwing your hat into the mad hatter's ring.
Ya see that Z he uses in his avatar?

That's the Russian symbol for the attack on Ukraine.

He's a sock puppet
Thanks for that Info. Does Z stand for Zelenskyy?
Nah...the Russians were putting it on their tanks and it became a symbol/meme for the invasion.

Probably started as a way to avoid friendly fire but it became more than that
Thanks for that Info. Does Z stand for Zelenskyy?
I'm thinking that it does, and even Zelinksky said that it was him that Putin was after, but if true then why didn't he just leave the country in order to spare it and it's people the horror's of war ????
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