Can you say...COUP? Homeland Security preparing for civil conflict

I'm not ignoring that you fucking idiot. It should have never been invented in the first place....that's ALL I was saying.

as for the "Coup".....I think not so Koshergirl is a fucking lunatic and probably a paid shit I believe that NO one is planning a coup.

God, you people are so fucked up. I hope he takes that into consideration on judgment day.
Steelplate, Koshergrl is a very patriotic family-supporting American citizen and deserves nothing but respect for participating after hours at USMB.

I know it's silly season of an election that is 7 weeks away, but it pays to debate. Swearing at your opposition does not strengthen your argument. It only shows you have no concept of the give-and-take that debating issues is.

If you're going to wear your team's logo, please don't tarnish their image by hiding behind it by using taboo speech in a public forum. Where is sportsmanship that Americans are famous for?

Quite frankly, I'm surprised you're not realizing that the same people who are buying bullets to use against American citizens refused to use any bullets to protect Americans in an embassy in Benghazi. Where's your sense of fairness? Bullets > American citizens vs. No bullets protecting Americans employed in our own American embassy in a terrorist country.

Doesn't that get your attention in the slightest?

FreedomBecki....That's great about Koshergirl's private life.... Good for her. But her "Participating" on the USMB certainly isn't to be revered anymore than my participation or yours.

Tell you what, when you assholes stop calling Dems Communists, Stop calling us baby killers, stop telling us that we just want "Mo' Gubmint Money" and all the rest of the bullshit you spew? I'll GLADLY treat you with respect. Until then? Fuck you.

I started here in April of 2011, and I tried the "civil" approach...and got promptly lambasted by people like you.... What you want is for me to treat you with kid gloves and accept being slapped around.....sorry sister....ain't happening.

Besides "Freedom" Becki? Why are you trying to limit my "FREEDOM" of speech? Why aren't you saying these things to Bigreb? Warrior? or any other of the far right loons? Hell they curse on a regular basis....why aren't you protecting Truthmatters or rdean?

I think what OUGHT to get your attention is that amazingly....not ONE thing a Democrat does....according to your right wing media correct, and is a probable Communist plot......What OUGHT to get your attention is a news network that claims every other news source is "state run" media and theirs is the only true source. What OUGHT to get your attention is that right wing conspiracy sites aren't legitimate sources of information.

but it won't, will it? You have way too much skin in the game to even CONSIDER that you could be a victim of a political marketing campaign.
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why are you being a shit-stirrer Allie? This doesn't belong in politics, it belongs in conspiracy theories or the rubber room.
But you are marxists and baby killers.

The facts are what they are, and they're ugly, so naturally you don't want us to comment on them.

Too bad.
why are you being a shit-stirrer Allie? This doesn't belong in politics, it belongs in conspiracy theories or the rubber room.

I guess because somebody's paying me?

I wish someone would tell them to send the check already.
[ame=]Obama In 1998: "I Actually Believe In Redistribution" - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Obama In 2003: I'm Pro-Choice Including Late Term/Partial Birth Abortions - YouTube[/ame]
See that Becki?....there's the person you say I should respect....

I rest my fucking case, and may God forgive her.
But you are marxists and baby killers.

The facts are what they are, and they're ugly, so naturally you don't want us to comment on them.

Too bad.

who is "us"? :eusa_eh: Looks like its just you & your zaney self. Do you actually know people who share your zaney beliefs?
yep....DHS was a great fucking idea, wasn't it? Part of the reason I left the GOP. Sounded too KGB to me.

Well, if the reason you left the GOP was over DHS, and it sounding too KGB, then this should really scare you:

"We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. People of all ages, stations, and skills will be asked to serve." - Barack Obama

Sounds to Brownshirt to me.

that's because you and many others on the 'right' never ever try to search out the truth and just parrot what you were told to say....

HERE is the statement IN CONTEXT:

Here is the relevant portion of what Obama actually said, with the sentences quoted selectively by Broun and others in bold.

Obama, July 2, Colorado Springs, CO: [As] president I will expand AmeriCorps to 250,000 slots [from 75,000] and make that increased service a vehicle to meet national goals, like providing health care and education, saving our planet and restoring our standing in the world, so that citizens see their effort connected to a common purpose.

People of all ages, stations and skills will be asked to serve. Because when it comes to the challenges we face, the American people are not the problem – they are the answer. So we are going to send more college graduates to teach and mentor our young people. We’ll call on Americans to join an energy corps, to conduct renewable energy and environmental clean-up projects in their neighborhoods all across the country.

We will enlist our veterans to find jobs and support for other vets, and to be there for our military families. And we’re going to grow our Foreign Service, open consulates that have been shuttered and double the size of the Peace Corps by 2011 to renew our diplomacy. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set.

We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. We need to use technology to connect people to service. We’ll expand USA Freedom Corps to create online networks where American can browse opportunities to volunteer. You’ll be able to search by category, time commitment and skill sets. You’ll be able to rate service opportunities, build service networks, and create your own service pages to track your hours and activities.

This will empower more Americans to craft their own service agenda and make their own change from the bottom up.

Does that sound like a force that could kick down your door in the middle of the night and haul you off to a Gulag or concentration camp? You decide.
– Brooks Jackson : Obama’s ‘National Security Force?’

and you found THAT reassuring? I'm adding paragraph separation for understanding. I added size to the sentence I found offensive, frightening. So far, hasn't come to pass, but context doesn't cut it.
But you are marxists and baby killers.

The facts are what they are, and they're ugly, so naturally you don't want us to comment on them.

Too bad.

who is "us"? :eusa_eh: Looks like its just you & your zaney self. Do you actually know people who share your zaney beliefs?

1. What "zaney" beliefs? 2. I share her concern with the purchase of thousands and thousands of rounds of bullets.
Lol...god doesn't exist people but whatever makes ya happy...I mean come on we got past believing in santa claus and the easter bunny but people still believe in some invisible being in the sky that dictates our lives? SERIOUSLY!?
Nope...but he will judge us too.

That he will.

That's why I'm not afraid, and you're about a millimeter from having a coronary.

Ignorance keeps you unafraid. Bearing false witness is one of the big 10 you know. You are doing just that when you state that me and millions of other people who have no links to Communism, or have harmed a hair on a baby's head as such.

You pretend to do the Lord's work by demonizing others...that's NOT his work at's a much darker agenda.
Lol...god doesn't exist people but whatever makes ya happy...I mean come on we got past believing in santa claus and the easter bunny but people still believe in some invisible being in the sky that dictates our lives? SERIOUSLY!?

Won't you be surprised when you find yourself in the afterlife?
Don't worry dears. I'll make sure you get the extra thin gruel at the FEMA camps.

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