Canada meat processing plant grinds up baby chicks alive.


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
Sounds like an american abortion mill. Oh i forgot - dems say abortion should be a sacrament. - Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive At Meat Processing Plant.

Published April 14 2014

New hidden-camera video taken by a Mercy For Animals Canada investigator
exposes horrific cruelty to baby chicks at a Maple Leaf chicken
hatchery. Workers fling birds by their fragile wings, slam them into
metal dividers, drown them in scalding hot industrial washing machines,
and roughly cram chicks into a macerator machine to be ground up alive.

video at link
so, you should see how they treat chickens that are pullets at the kill plants. I could never do it, but, I do love my fried chicken.
On the farm you could either snap their necks by swinging and then yanking hard while holding the chicken by the neck, slit their throats or chop off da heads....being a carnivore is brutal but essentially animals must suffer and die for our needs, or as they say, life feeds off death...
Sounds like an american abortion mill. Oh i forgot - dems say abortion should be a sacrament. - Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive At Meat Processing Plant.

Published April 14 2014

New hidden-camera video taken by a Mercy For Animals Canada investigator
exposes horrific cruelty to baby chicks at a Maple Leaf chicken
hatchery. Workers fling birds by their fragile wings, slam them into
metal dividers, drown them in scalding hot industrial washing machines,
and roughly cram chicks into a macerator machine to be ground up alive.

video at link

Canada, eh?

Canada condemns abuse at U.S. processing facility

TORONTO - Alleged abuse of chickens in U.S. is completely unrelated to KFC's Canadian operations.

KFC Canada condemns the apparent abuse of chickens at a U.S. processing facility. This particular facility does not supply any of KFC Canada's 750 independently owned and operated restaurants.

"The images captured on the video are appalling and represent something we would never tolerate in Canada. The alleged abuse of chickens in the United States is an issue that is completely unrelated to KFC Canada," said Rupert Altschuler, President. "KFC is committed to the ethical treatment of chickens and to the hard-working men and women who are employed in chicken farming and processing across Canada. The Canadian poultry supply is tightly regulated by the government."

Do as I say and not as I do....

Usually when the chicks are thrown into the grinding thingy, they die immediately as the machine is so quick. This didn't look quick at all - the way that woman was poking at them with that stick like thing...if you must kill them, do it as quickly as humanly possible.
Sounds like an american abortion mill. Oh i forgot - dems say abortion should be a sacrament. - Baby Chicks Ground Up Alive At Meat Processing Plant.

Published April 14 2014

New hidden-camera video taken by a Mercy For Animals Canada investigator
exposes horrific cruelty to baby chicks at a Maple Leaf chicken
hatchery. Workers fling birds by their fragile wings, slam them into
metal dividers, drown them in scalding hot industrial washing machines,
and roughly cram chicks into a macerator machine to be ground up alive.

video at link

Enjoy your mcnuggets.
Damn, what the hell do Canadian's freaking eat, feathers and beaks?

Yes, and so does everyone else who eats burgers, chicken nuggets and so on.

[ame=]What Are Chicken Nuggets Made Of? - YouTube[/ame]
Sounds like an american abortion mill. Oh i forgot - dems say abortion should be a sacrament.


97% of abortions are performed before 12 weeks when the fetus is less than an inch long.

What difference does that make.? Now you liberals say killing short people is ok!!! Get help please.

Well, it kind of makes a difference, if you are going to argue to a woman that she has to endure a major medical condition for nine months because she has something smaller than a kidney bean inside of her that your Magic Sky Fairy says is a person.

Fact is, most abortions are performed when the fetus isn't viable. The few that aren't are bcause th ere are good medical reasons.

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