Caramel Coloring In Coke Causes Cancer


Apr 23, 2009
everywhere and nowhere
A few days ago it was revealed that diet soda can trigger strokes in regular drinkers of the sweet fizzy beverages. Now the Center for Science in the Public Interest is petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to prohibit what it says is carcinogenic “caramel coloring” (that is, not real caramel but synthetic, chemical “caramel”):
The “caramel coloring” used in Coca-Cola, Pepsi, and other foods is contaminated with two cancer-causing chemicals and should be banned, according to a regulatory petition filed today by the Center for Science in the Public Interest.
In contrast to the caramel one might make at home by melting sugar in a saucepan, the artificial brown coloring in colas and some other products is made by reacting sugars with ammonia and sulfites under high pressure and temperatures. Chemical reactions result in the formation of 2-methylimidazole and 4 methylimidazole, which in government-conducted studies caused lung, liver, or thyroid cancer or leukemia in laboratory mice or rats.
Yet another reason not to drink modern soda.
I quit drinking pop I guess it was about 4 years now because of kidney stones.
But I get an array of great side effects..

1) I sleep better
2) I no longer feel like I am "drugged" in the mid-afternoon..where I could barely function till I went to the pop machine.
3) I lost 12 lbs.
4) My blood sugar stabilized (I have diabetes in my family..I don't have it - but I do have some symptoms of it)

Other than that - I have the satisfaction knowing I am not ingesting a chemical-sugar-laden concoction that made me feel bad.
Yet another reason not to drink modern soda.
I quit drinking pop I guess it was about 4 years now because of kidney stones.
But I get an array of great side effects..

1) I sleep better
2) I no longer feel like I am "drugged" in the mid-afternoon..where I could barely function till I went to the pop machine.
3) I lost 12 lbs.
4) My blood sugar stabilized (I have diabetes in my family..I don't have it - but I do have some symptoms of it)

Other than that - I have the satisfaction knowing I am not ingesting a chemical-sugar-laden concoction that made me feel bad.

Sounds like symptoms of sugar overdose. It was a good idea to stop.
I have never liked Colas.

I cant drink a whole can of ginger ale let alone a cola.

I drink clean cold water filtered at the tap.

a couple of cups of weak coffee in the morning and water all day long.
Coke Adds Death?

A disturbing little study published recently in the journal, Epidemiology, received no coverage at all by the media. It found that drinking as little as two "cola drinks" a day could double the risk of "chronic kidney disease."

This was true for both regular and diet sodas. The study also found that drinking non-cola sodas did not appear have any impact on the incidence of chronic kidney disease.

The culprit appears to be the phosphoric acid found in cola drinks but not other kinds of sodas, which usually contain citric acid. Before this study was done, phosphoric acid was already known to promote the formation of kidney stones.

But this study was not reporting the incidence of kidney stones, it was reporting the risk of developing "chronic kidney disease" among people who drank various beverages. The study involved 932 people, half with newly diagnosed kidney disease and half controls.

Chronic kidney disease is the condition that leads to dialysis. It seems pretty clear to this Diet Cherry Pepsi addict that it's time to make a change. No one with diabetes can afford to do anything that further challenges our kidneys.

Diabetes Update: Coke Adds Death?

I never touch the stuff anymore.
I have never liked Colas.

I cant drink a whole can of ginger ale let alone a cola.

I drink clean cold water filtered at the tap.

a couple of cups of weak coffee in the morning and water all day long.

Coffee works with me, but only one cup a day. Then I go to tea.
they should keep the cancer causing agents in low quality food and drinks... its good for the gene pool
I love my coffee.

I drink it really weak so I dont feel quilty sharing a pot with my hubby in the morning.

I drank green tea for quite awhile but got back into the coffee due to having it arround for guests.

Green tea with whatever fruit juice you have arround is a great summer drink.

I think I will buy another coffee maker for tea again. Its how I used to make it. Make it in a pot just like the coffee.
Yet another reason not to drink modern soda.
I quit drinking pop I guess it was about 4 years now because of kidney stones.
But I get an array of great side effects..

1) I sleep better
2) I no longer feel like I am "drugged" in the mid-afternoon..where I could barely function till I went to the pop machine.
3) I lost 12 lbs.
4) My blood sugar stabilized (I have diabetes in my family..I don't have it - but I do have some symptoms of it)

Other than that - I have the satisfaction knowing I am not ingesting a chemical-sugar-laden concoction that made me feel bad.
I also tend to drink coffee weaker than some others.
I drink unsweetened tea maybe 2-3 times a weak...other than that it is either water, beer, milk or cranberry juice.
Everything in excess causes health problems.

Moderate consumption of Coca Cola is not going to hurt anyone. There are far worse things one can do to one's body.

The only time I ever drink it is at a local Mexican restaurant which serves the imported glass bottled variety made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup. It's delicious.

My usual beverages are home made cappuccinos, water, and ginger kombucha.
Everything in excess causes health problems.

Moderate consumption of Coca Cola is not going to hurt anyone. There are far worse things one can do to one's body.

The only time I ever drink it is at a local Mexican restaurant which serves the imported glass bottled variety made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup. It's delicious.

My usual beverages are home made cappuccinos, water, and ginger kombucha.

same, I love going to a place like that around here. its a 20 minute drive into the real ghetto (the place has iron bars and like 15 securtiy cameras), but the coke is imported and the food is authentic to a T
I drink coke. I do care about my weight and may reduce or eliminate that from my diet because of it. I dun give a blazing flying monkey fuck about living to be 100, and will not be doing so because yet another food item is found to be "bad for me".

I live in Cleveland -- breathing is "bad for me".

P.S. I never, ever gave soda to a child and think doing so is borderline abuse.
I wouldn't mind living to 100. My plan is to emulate Beatrice Wood:

"I owe it all to chocolate and young men."
Statistically speaking, we're all dead anyway, so we might as well enjoy our time while the universe blinks our existence.
Dontcha just love medical research. Just think by this time next year a study will show drinking lots of soda is good for you. :lol:
(Note to self, check out grant renewal cycles.)
Quality of life matters. I certainly wouldn't want to die from kidney failure.

Or cancer.. Moderation is key but the article I posted states as little as two regular or diet colas per day can get you chronic kidney disease and we all know what that means.


People I know are addicted to the stuff and drink more than 2 cans a day.


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