Catastrophic problem. Mortgage rates may exceed 8% under Biden. The banks won’t play ball on a home loan unless you make $120,000 a year


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
This goes out to all of the Biden supporters. People who support equity who keep on waving their LGBT flags, the BLM flag the Ukraine flags. If they vote for Biden at this point how can they justify telling their children everything is OK.

These are really monstrous politicians and media people in our country who keep on talking about how bad Donald Trump is, about how January 6 was a threat to our country while never, or at least almost, never addressing a catastrophic economic issues This country is facing. For those people who own homes and saying I’m not seeing this. Of course they’re not seeing it. They already own a home. But if they want to sell their home and find something else, we’ll they better be a millionaire.

10 min mark of the following the numbers are shown for anybody interested

You can see yes this is a catastrophic issue. How the average price of a home in this country is well over $400,000 you couple that with a high interest rate as much as 8% under Biden you have a disaster.

When under Trump The average price of a home was under 250,000 and the mortgage rate was around 3% if not lower. But sure Biden supporters keep on telling us how important BLM and your Ukrainian flag is while Americans are starving on the streets. How about the poor black man in this country ??? who can’t even feed his family how about him. This country is not what it used to be because of the horrendous leader ship by democrats and their neocon Ally’s.

These used to be the core issues that Democrats tackled in the 1950s. But now it’s all about “equity”, BLM, Ukraine, allowing men to go into women’s bathrooms, allowing naked men to dance in front of children, and saying that it’s a wonderful thing. If we don’t bring back the Democratic Party, that means we have to rely upon Republicans to tackle these issues and Will they tackle this issue? Hopefully they will.

For those out there in the world saying the Democrats want people to eat bugs… along with neoconservatives like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney denigrating Donald Trump.

Some are saying “They want us to eat bugs live in tiny little slave communist apartments” .

^Biden supporters Prove them wrong …well you can’t prove them wrong unless somehow the Democrat party goes back to being a party of John F Kennedy.
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This goes out to all of the Biden supporters. People who support equity who keep on waving their LGBT flags, the BLM flag the Ukraine flags. If they vote for Biden at this point how can they justify telling their children everything is OK.

These are really monstrous politicians and media people in our country who keep on talking about how bad Donald Trump is, about how January 6 was a threat to our country while never, or at least almost, never addressing a catastrophic economic issues This country is facing. For those people who own homes and saying I’m not seeing this. Of course they’re not seeing it. They already own a home. But if they want to sell their home and find something else, we’ll they better be a millionaire.

10 min mark of the following the numbers are shown for anybody interested

You can see yes this is a catastrophic issue. How the average price of a home in this country is well over $400,000 you couple that with a high interest rate as much as 8% under Biden you have a disaster.

When under Trump The average price of a home was under 250,000 and the mortgage rate was around 3% if not lower. But sure Biden supporters keep on telling us how important BLM and your Ukrainian flag is while Americans are starving on the streets. How about the poor black man in this country ??? who can’t even feed his family how about him. This country is not what it used to be because of the horrendous leader ship by democrats and their neocon Ally’s.

These used to be the core issues that Democrats tackled in the 1950s. But now it’s all about “equity”, BLM, Ukraine, allowing men to go into women’s bathrooms, allowing naked men to dance in front of children, and saying that it’s a wonderful thing. If we don’t bring back the Democratic Party, that means we have to rely upon Republicans to tackle these issues and Will they tackle this issue? Hopefully they will.

For those out there in the world saying the Democrats want people to eat bugs along neoconservatives like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney denigrating Donald Trump. They want us to eat bugs live in tiny little slave communist apartments. Prove them wrong you can’t. Biden supporters you can’t prove them wrong unless somehow the Democrat party goes back to being a party of John F Kennedy.

Also factor in that gas, groceries, and utilities are sky high as well. This is unsustainable.

Trump’s Trillion-Dollar Hit to Homeowners​

By reducing deductions for real estate taxes, Trump’s 2017 tax plan has harmed millions — and helped give corporations a $680 billion gift.

In recent weeks, President Donald Trump has been talking about plans for, as he put it, a “very substantial tax cut for middle income folks who work so hard.” But before Congress embarks on a new tax measure, people should consider one of the largely unexamined effects of the last tax bill, which Trump promised would help the middle class: Would you believe it has inflicted a trillion dollars of damage on homeowners — many of them middle class — throughout the country?

That massive number is the reduction in home values caused by the 2017 tax law that capped federal deductions for state and local real estate and income taxes at $10,000 a year and also eliminated some mortgage interest deductions. The impact varies widely across different areas. Counties with high home prices and high real estate taxes and where homeowners have big mortgages are suffering the biggest hit, as you’d expect, given the larger value of the lost tax deductions. But as we’ll see, homeowners all over the country are feeling the effects.

In a flash, the world has changed for bond investors, savers and borrowers.

President-elect Donald Trump’s White House victory was a surprise, and so is the ripping sell-off in global bond markets, which has quickly driven U.S. interest rates to the highest levels in a year. The rout has wiped out an estimated $1 trillion from global bond markets and has Wall Street scrambling to retool its forecasts.

The sell-off comes on the expectation that Trump’s promised infrastructure spending and tax cuts will result in higher growth — but also higher inflation and higher amounts of U.S. government debt.
If only Biden could magically forgive home loans like he can student loans. What a wonderful world it would be! There's an election coming up in 2024 I shouldn't be giving him any ideas.
This goes out to all of the Biden supporters. People who support equity who keep on waving their LGBT flags, the BLM flag the Ukraine flags. If they vote for Biden at this point how can they justify telling their children everything is OK.

Surely your magical cloud fairy can save us all.
There is one man who is attempting to help the middle class above all his name is Robert F Kennedy, junior. He’s going to bring in a policy as president to guarantee a 3% mortgage rate for working class Americans.

he will do this by fighting the corrupt Bankster’s and mortgage loan companies. As well as fighting back against major companies, buying up homes in huge numbers and then selling them for astronomical prices. Something has to be done or else we will not have a country anymore. America will turn into a Third World shit hole before our very eyes.

Without the middle class, America is nothing. We are turning into a Third World country.

At least under Trump the mortgage rates were under 3%.

All the Biden supporters are brainwashed into believing that blacks have it worse, that they absolutely must wear the Ukraine flag in an LGBT flag. And they’re not talking about the downfall of the middle class which affects everyone every skin color every sexuality.
Which one of the fanatics are replying. Posts 3-5

The Biden blm people can’t help themselves they keep responding to my threads …. Even though I’ve had some of them on ignore for months.


Here’s an idea to the Biden BLM supporter. Wake up. Start supporting equality and admire American history and start voting for politicians that support the middle class. Think about your children and how your gonna look them in the face when they grow up in a country that is unsustainable. We need to reverse the current course were in.
Also factor in that gas, groceries, and utilities are sky high as well. This is unsustainable.
You do realize that increasing the interest rates is how the FED, (not Biden), fights inflation?

At the macro level inflation is a result of a supply demand problem. To high a demand, not enough supply drives prices up.

The only way a the government can actively influence this problem is by taking money out of the economy. Making individual dollars more valuable and decreasing demand. This happens by increasing interest rates, making saving money more interesting and borrowing more expensive.

When you complain about both high interest rates and inflation at the same time. You are complaining about both the disease and the cure.

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