Cath cardinal gay-hater had long term gay relationship

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Cardinal Keith O'Brien Had Physical Relationship With Accuser, Report Claims

Cardinal Keith O'Brien, the former head of the Roman Catholic church in Scotland who is accused of groping priests since the 1980s, was physically involved with one of his accusers for years, according to a report in the Scottish newspaper The Herald.

According to the report, the unnamed man now works as a priest in mainland Europe, "in a post the cardinal helped him secure." The newspaper quoted a senior church figure as saying there had been "many questions that others were asking about the relationship." He is alleged to have been in contact with O'Brien until recently, frequently talking on the telephone and visiting the cardinal's residence.

These holier than thou creeps are just despicable.

I have no objection to any relationship between consenting adults and couldn't care less if all priests are doing each other over chalices full of sacramental wine. I DO however, object to the constant stream of scum who hold themselves up to be better than the rest of us while simultaneously doing exactly what they rant and rave against.

And, we can all be thankful that this professional hypocrite (apparently) isn't a child molester.
A celibate clergy is an especially good idea, because it tends to suppress any hereditary propensity toward fanaticism.

Carl Sagan

It truly is a blessing that the nuttiest among the religious supposedly do not pass on their genes.
Living all those years with a dick up your azz would prolly make you hate gays too!

Or maybe his boyfriend dropped him for a 12 year old Choir Boy/Altar Boy?
Either or, he and other priests want us to believe they have a direct line to their deity who, I assume, would not approve their constant lies.

Why would anyone believe anything a priest or the Catholic church says?
organizing religious belief distroys its validity.

If you believe something dont organize into a church or you will get the same thing.

Anywhere there is a power structure to guide people arround by EXPLAINING to them WHAT to believe you end up with sociopathic leaders who Merely want people to order arround.
So, he's accused and that makes him guilty?

Another Duddley dud. Have you ever thought of trying to smash your head against a brick wall until you fall unconcious? It might be an improvement.

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