Zone1 Is Atheism Depressing?

“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.”

written by the crucifiers - the events of the fist century to its conclusion is the repudiation of judaism.

* who put them to death.
For instance, we know Noah's flood is BS. At least the flood as described in the Bible. Not only isn't there enough water to cover the globe. A global flood would be visible in the geological record.
Learn Hebrew and read the account in Hebrew.
You can toss Genesis. The origin of life is covered in multiple science disciplines. It's quite incredible to assume there's a person who could multiply food, raise people from the dead and arise himself. Etc. Etc.
Stop reading Genesis as a science book or an Encyclopedia account. It's literature.
You do realize that I've been quoting and replying to you and other people about all these things for about a day now, right? You keep on insisting I'm not looking at the evidence when at the same time urging me to find evidence. Completely trying to switch the burden of proof from you, who makes the God claim to me who doesn't. I don't refuse to look at any evidence, nor do I reject a God claim out of hand. The only thing I'm asking is to provide actual evidence. Not some claims based on very unsound epistemology.
It's not my job to convince you. I'm more than happy for you to miss out on the functional advantage of faith.

There is no evidence you will accept. You dismiss it all. Your mind is made up. Go be happy.
It's not an assumption at this point. I'm sorry. Saying I need to find something that I can't question is assuming.
I said find first. Once you have found, only then will questions have some intelligence behind them.
It's not my job to convince you. I'm more than happy for you to miss out on the functional advantage of faith.

There is no evidence you will accept. You dismiss it all. Your mind is made up. Go be happy.
It's not my job to convince you.
It is your job to support what you claim in a discussion.
There is no evidence you will accept.
Who says? I'm the guy who told you flat out I changed my position on morality. I can change my mind. I do require convincing.
It is your job to support what you claim in a discussion.

Who says? I'm the guy who told you flat out I changed my position on morality. I can change my mind. I do require convincing.
It's not my job to convince you. You said you were looking for signs. I gave you the first and 2nd sign. You dismissed them both. Why should I waste my time arguing about it?
Why don't you tell me know how it differs? Then I can check if it's true what you are claiming, and we can continue. It's not me claiming there's a difference.
Why? Because you are not listening. And, you can figure it out for yourself if you weren't gung-ho determined not to believe. But I'll give you two hints: In Hebrew, 'earth' does not refer to the entire planet. The earth in your backyard could be flooded without the flood covering the planet Earth. In Hebrew a heavy vertical rain can also cover/flood one's sight of hills and mountains.
The image of the angry and hateful Christian is either wholly made up, or based on political differences,

you are a joke ...


nothing lower in religion or politics than bible belt christianity.
I suppose believing in imaginary beings brings some sort of relief from an otherwise miserable existence.

This is the entire purpose of religion.

In the book "Everything is Fucked" Mark Manson has a whole section on "How to start your own religion"

Step One is to Sell hope to the Hopeless
you are a joke, that equation is a cyclical event - essentially verification of both the bb and boomerang theory ... as well refutes bings - pop corn theory.
e=mc^2 says otherwise.

But feel free to post a link to your BS boomerang theory.

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