CBO: Obamacare to cost over $1T, Jobs

The Rabbi

Diamond Member
Sep 16, 2009
Obamacare plans to exceed $1 trillion, create reluctant workers: CBO - Health Exchange - MarketWatch

President Obama’s health-care overhaul will put roughly 25 million people into public health exchanges by 2018, ring up more than $1 trillion in insurance costs over the next decade and could well create a small contingent of workers unwilling to work for fear of losing federal medical aid.

Those are the findings from a Congressional Budget Office report released Tuesday, which also said the number of those receiving subsidies through exchanges will total 20 million in that time.

Noting that footnotes suggest the new taxes "might" make it revenue neutral is a sop to the administration. I guess Doug Elmendorf doesn't want to be audited by the IRS.
Aw, C'Mon guys!! Didn't you hear the explanation from Nancy "the idiot" Pelosi and the spokes clown for Obama??? Now, it's GREAT!!! You no longer need be bothered with some pesky old full-time job!!! Now, you can work 15-20 hours a week and spend the rest of your time "taking pictures, or dancing, or acting"…….

Jesus tap dancing Christ!!!

They are killing this nation and they tell us to go into the streets and DANCE!?!?!?!?!?

SCREW trying to provide your family!!! To hell with it!!! Our Savior Obarry says "Relax"!!!!!

With apologies to that 80s band "Frankie goes to hollywood"….

RELAX! - Don't do it when you want to work. RELAX! Don't do it, when you want to work. RELAX! Don't do it - when you want to work…………...
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Well, let's see about that……

2010 Nancy Pelosi states that the ACA (Obarrycare) will yield 4 MILLION jobs with 400,000 IMMEDIATE Jobs. Never happened and it will NOT happen. - the left couldn't care less.

2010 The CBO - that bastion of "non-partisanship" stated that OBarrycare would cost the nation 650,000 jobs - the left says "COOL"!!

2010 Papa Doc Obama says that "Insurance rates will go down to "historic levels" - they have not, they will not and, in fact, healthcare rates are already skyrocketing. The left says "Who cares"!?!?!

2010-2011-2012-2013 Papa Doc Obama tells us that "if you like your healthcare, you can keep it. period" Then "If you like your Doctor, you can keep him - period". And the left goes wild!!! So much for the stinking truth - the left couldn't care less.

2014 The (again) bastion of "non-partisanship" states that "oops" looks like the actual number of jobs lost will be 2,300,000 and not what we said before. Sorry about that….and the left cheers!!

2014 Jason Frome - economic "adviser" to Papa Doc says "what the hell! Now, you don't have to worry about that pesky old 40-60 hour a week job! Just quit and work part time!!!

Folks….this is becoming a clown circus. I can't wait for someone with a little sense is elected as president and kills this total train wreck off. My God - and the left wonders why we (americans) despise them……jeeezzzz
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dimocraps lie. Top to bottom, inside-out, the long the short the tall the fat the skinny the young the old the elected the unelected the men the women the sexually confused long hair short hair brothers sisters cousins moms dads their dogs their cats their unions their teachers their tv personalities their actors actresses congressmen congresswomen senators

dimocraps lie. the ones in here are especially pathological liars

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJKGWEkkE7E]Pelosi: Obamacare Will Supply 400,000 Jobs Almost Immediately! - YouTube[/ame]

Obamacare will push 2 million workers out of labor market: CBO - Washington Times

WASHINGTON – Obamacare will push the equivalent of about 2 million workers out of the labor market by 2017
CBO Report: “[t]he estimated reduction [in labor] stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses’ demand for labor.”

– “A lot of people change their jobs. So the tax benefit should change and go with them, and not be attached to their jobs. We want to address job lock. So, the key question that ought to be addressed in any health care reform legislation, is are we going to continue job lock, or are we going to allow individuals more choice, and portability to fit the 21st century workforce?” [Paul Ryan, 5/20/2009]

– “Today, leaving a job or changing jobs means leav*ing behind the health insurance provided at the place of work. Individuals who wish to take a better job, change careers, or leave the workforce to raise a family or to retire early take substantial risks. [...] Under the McCain plan, which links tax breaks directly to individuals instead of to their place of work, individuals would no longer feel obligated to stay with their employers simply because they need to keep their employer-based health insurance. [Heritage Foundation, 10/15/2008]

– “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place…. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company.” [Mitt Romney, 9/9/2012]

– “[T]he employer-based system leads to ‘job lock,’ whereby people are afraid to leave their jobs if they fall ill on the job, because switching plans could mean higher premiums or denial of coverage.” [Avik Roy, former health care adviser to Mitt Romney, 2/7/2012]​

So people are no longer locked into jobs they don't want...and this is bad?
companies only do what makes them money.

pretending that is not true is just stupid
Everything Obama has promised about Obamacare has turned out to be misleading. As usual.

No! Not misleading! An outright ball faced LIE!!

Remember in 2009 when the CBO ruled it would be "cost neutral"?
Of course, that was after the Democrats juggled the numbers four or five times, double counted money, and just plain falsified information.

Now the same CBO, the same ACA, with the same information rules it will cost taxpayers over a TRILLION DOLLARS!! Heads should roll over this, I mean really roll off the chopping block!!
This is a profound truth!


"dimocraps lie. Top to bottom, inside-out, the long the short the tall the fat the skinny the young the old the elected the unelected the men the women the sexually confused long hair short hair brothers sisters cousins moms dads their dogs their cats their unions their teachers their tv personalities their actors actresses congressmen congresswomen senators

dimocraps lie. the ones in here are especially pathological liars"
CBO Report: “[t]he estimated reduction [in labor] stems almost entirely from a net decline in the amount of labor that workers choose to supply, rather than from a net drop in businesses’ demand for labor.”

– “A lot of people change their jobs. So the tax benefit should change and go with them, and not be attached to their jobs. We want to address job lock. So, the key question that ought to be addressed in any health care reform legislation, is are we going to continue job lock, or are we going to allow individuals more choice, and portability to fit the 21st century workforce?” [Paul Ryan, 5/20/2009]

– “Today, leaving a job or changing jobs means leav*ing behind the health insurance provided at the place of work. Individuals who wish to take a better job, change careers, or leave the workforce to raise a family or to retire early take substantial risks. [...] Under the McCain plan, which links tax breaks directly to individuals instead of to their place of work, individuals would no longer feel obligated to stay with their employers simply because they need to keep their employer-based health insurance. [Heritage Foundation, 10/15/2008]

– “Of course there are a number of things that I like in health care reform that I’m going to put in place…. I also want individuals to be able to buy insurance, health insurance, on their own as opposed to only being able to get it on a tax advantage basis through their company.” [Mitt Romney, 9/9/2012]

– “[T]he employer-based system leads to ‘job lock,’ whereby people are afraid to leave their jobs if they fall ill on the job, because switching plans could mean higher premiums or denial of coverage.” [Avik Roy, former health care adviser to Mitt Romney, 2/7/2012]​

So people are no longer locked into jobs they don't want...and this is bad?

What's bad witchie-poo, is all the lying the scum of the earth dimocraps have been doing.

It isn't that people can change jobs or take a couple years off or maybe, as in the case of my wife, retire a few years early. Yes, the ACA would help my wife (and by extension, me) but what has me, and everybody else, pissed off is the natural way in which you lie...... ABOUT EVERYTHING.

When most of the time, it isn't even necessary

From, "If you like your Insurance...." to, "It will create 3,812,567,043 Jobs" to the bullying tactics used by the scum of the earth dimocraps, "Elections have consequences, we won." to LITERALLY locking Republicans out of ACA planning sessions and meetings INSIDE THEIR OWN BUILDING....

THAT is what's got me pissed off.

Look, I was in the (P&C) business for 20 years. For most of that time I have understood the need for serious Health Insurance Reform... Not "Health Care" but Health Insurance Reform.

I'm for it. Always have been.

But your scumbag party, in its arrogance, isn't for Health Insurance Reform, they want a form of European style 'socialism' (like a social democracy or democratic socialism) imposed through their HEALTH CARE SYSTEM.

Not only that, but after locking us out (the very people with the expertise in these matters) and letting MORONS like Nazi Pelousy and Sebellious and other IDIOTS who couldn't organize a one-car-funeral, take over..... It goes to shit (Which will cause most dimocrap scum to lie[again, for the 100th time], "The ACA is working fine")

Now, the scum of the earth dimocraps want to blame us!!!! And we had NO PART IN IT!!!!!

THINKING Republicans and THINKING Conservatives could have sold this to our constituents if you had invited us on board. But you didn't.

We could have controlled the scumbag lawyers with Tort Reform. We could have.....

I give up. You people are exactly what I've been ssaying about dimocraps for decades...

You really are, just simply, stupid human beings. I'm talking animal dumb. Incapable of reason. All you know is what you want. You have no idea how to get it other than to lie, cheat and steal.

And when that doesn't work, you blame everybody but yourselves. Which is why you will ALWAYS BE stupid.

dimocraps lie. I despise liars. Can't deal with them, can't trust them, can't depend on them.... I got no use for them. At all

And ALL dimocraps lie
And the uswashed peasants on the Democrat Plantation will continue to march in lockstep with their fearless leaders.
This is a profound truth!


"dimocraps lie. Top to bottom, inside-out, the long the short the tall the fat the skinny the young the old the elected the unelected the men the women the sexually confused long hair short hair brothers sisters cousins moms dads their dogs their cats their unions their teachers their tv personalities their actors actresses congressmen congresswomen senators

dimocraps lie. the ones in here are especially pathological liars"

You are an obviously brilliant individual :smiliehug:
How much was our current health care system costing? This certainly does suck and really so when it comes to science, innovation and r@d within the healthcare field :(

FACTS deal with FACTS and the Internet!!

Health Expenditures - The 2012 Statistical Abstract - U.S. Census Bureau

Projections for 2010 from U.S. Census Bureau National Health Expenditures--Summary, and Projections
$2.150 Trillion from these sources:
$801 billion paid by Private Health insurance
$502 billion Medicare
$373 billion Medicaid
$299 billion paid by individuals out of pocket
$173 billion DoD,Veteran Affairs,other private philanthropic payments.

NOW these are who pays the bills..
NOW the biggest single source of outrageous wasted EXPENDITURES.....
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles
$850 BILLION ALL because of FEAR of Lawsuits!

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