CBO: Obamacare to cost over $1T, Jobs

Well, let's see about that……

2010 Nancy Pelosi states that the ACA (Obarrycare) will yield 4 MILLION jobs with 400,000 IMMEDIATE Jobs. Never happened and it will NOT happen. - the left couldn't care less.

2010 The CBO - that bastion of "non-partisanship" stated that OBarrycare would cost the nation 650,000 jobs - the left says "COOL"!!

2010 Papa Doc Obama says that "Insurance rates will go down to "historic levels" - they have not, they will not and, in fact, healthcare rates are already skyrocketing. The left says "Who cares"!?!?!

2010-2011-2012-2013 Papa Doc Obama tells us that "if you like your healthcare, you can keep it. period" Then "If you like your Doctor, you can keep him - period". And the left goes wild!!! So much for the stinking truth - the left couldn't care less.

2014 The (again) bastion of "non-partisanship" states that "oops" looks like the actual number of jobs lost will be 2,300,000 and not what we said before. Sorry about that….and the left cheers!!

2014 Jason Frome - economic "adviser" to Papa Doc says "what the hell! Now, you don't have to worry about that pesky old 40-60 hour a week job! Just quit and work part time!!!

Folks….this is becoming a clown circus. I can't wait for someone with a little sense is elected as president and kills this total train wreck off. My God - and the left wonders why we (americans) despise them……jeeezzzz

When one thinks about how the mantra of the left was that Bush lied us into war it is interesting their reaction to democrat lying. Now I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that MAYBE they just don't know what they are talking about, which seems to be the case or they are really, really big fat liars.

But think about it, the war did effect a lot of people who volunteered to go to war. The Congress had a straight up vote on the war and said OK. But Obamacare was passed in the middle of the night at Christmas with their own party needing to be bought off. How many people is it going to effect? It has already effected many. Yes, 47 percent may be very happy if they get free health care, but the middle class, not so much. Companies are already using Obamacare to cut health care for retirees pushing anyone not 65 onto the exchanges which are extremely outrageously priced. Millions upon millions will be effected and it all started with a fairy story told to us by democrats. I would be very surprised if they won another election, we know they shouldn't but starting out with a 47 percent head start is hard to beat.
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How much was our current health care system costing? This certainly does suck and really so when it comes to science, innovation and r@d within the healthcare field :(

FACTS deal with FACTS and the Internet!!

Health Expenditures - The 2012 Statistical Abstract - U.S. Census Bureau

Projections for 2010 from U.S. Census Bureau National Health Expenditures--Summary, and Projections
$2.150 Trillion from these sources:
$801 billion paid by Private Health insurance
$502 billion Medicare
$373 billion Medicaid
$299 billion paid by individuals out of pocket
$173 billion DoD,Veteran Affairs,other private philanthropic payments.

NOW these are who pays the bills..
NOW the biggest single source of outrageous wasted EXPENDITURES.....
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles
$850 BILLION ALL because of FEAR of Lawsuits!

Yup. And the scum of the earth dimocrap party didn't touch the only other group that rivals them in scumbaggery.... lawyers.

And guess who is the NUMBER ONE, biggest contributor to scum of the earth dimocrap politicians...?


They even give more than Unions.


Rank ......Interest Group ...........Total .......Dem Pct GOP Pct Top Recipient
1 Lawyers/Law Firms $133,499,273 79% 21% Barack Obama (D)
2 Retired $126,401,973 56% 44% Barack Obama (D)
3 Securities/Invest $70,638,174 64% 36% Barack Obama (D)
4 Real Estate $67,213,410 57% 43% Barack Obama (D)
5 Health Professionals $62,220,056 61% 39% Barack Obama (D)
6 Education $41,180,473 89% 11% Barack Obama (D)
7 Business Services $35,619,427 72% 28% Barack Obama (D)
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How much was our current health care system costing? This certainly does suck and really so when it comes to science, innovation and r@d within the healthcare field :(

FACTS deal with FACTS and the Internet!!

Health Expenditures - The 2012 Statistical Abstract - U.S. Census Bureau

Projections for 2010 from U.S. Census Bureau National Health Expenditures--Summary, and Projections
$2.150 Trillion from these sources:
$801 billion paid by Private Health insurance
$502 billion Medicare
$373 billion Medicaid
$299 billion paid by individuals out of pocket
$173 billion DoD,Veteran Affairs,other private philanthropic payments.

NOW these are who pays the bills..
NOW the biggest single source of outrageous wasted EXPENDITURES.....
90% of physicians say they order $850 billion a year in wasted duplicate tests, referrals all out of FEAR of being SUED!
Physicians estimate the cost of defensive medicine in US at $650 to $850 billion per year
Health News Observer ? Physicians Estimate The Cost Of Defensive Medicine In Us At 650 To 850 Bill Articles
$850 BILLION ALL because of FEAR of Lawsuits!

Sorry I am not believing the defensive medicine story line. I believe doctors get paid for each referral. But let us say it is true that a doctor would order a test that a person says they don't need just to CYA. What in Obamacare changes that? IF doctors are ordering more tests to help ensure they are making less mistakes, it apparently does not work:

Well, let's see about that……

2010 Nancy Pelosi states that the ACA (Obarrycare) will yield 4 MILLION jobs with 400,000 IMMEDIATE Jobs. Never happened and it will NOT happen. - the left couldn't care less.

2010 The CBO - that bastion of "non-partisanship" stated that OBarrycare would cost the nation 650,000 jobs - the left says "COOL"!!

2010 Papa Doc Obama says that "Insurance rates will go down to "historic levels" - they have not, they will not and, in fact, healthcare rates are already skyrocketing. The left says "Who cares"!?!?!

2010-2011-2012-2013 Papa Doc Obama tells us that "if you like your healthcare, you can keep it. period" Then "If you like your Doctor, you can keep him - period". And the left goes wild!!! So much for the stinking truth - the left couldn't care less.

2014 The (again) bastion of "non-partisanship" states that "oops" looks like the actual number of jobs lost will be 2,300,000 and not what we said before. Sorry about that….and the left cheers!!

2014 Jason Frome - economic "adviser" to Papa Doc says "what the hell! Now, you don't have to worry about that pesky old 40-60 hour a week job! Just quit and work part time!!!

Folks….this is becoming a clown circus. I can't wait for someone with a little sense is elected as president and kills this total train wreck off. My God - and the left wonders why we (americans) despise them……jeeezzzz

When one thinks about how the mantra of the left was that Bush lied us into war it is interesting their reaction to democrat lying. Now I am willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that MAYBE they just don't know what they are talking about, which seems to be the case or they are really, really big fat liars.

But think about it, the war did effect a lot of people who volunteered to go to war. The Congress had a straight up vote on the war and said OK. But Obamacare was passed in the middle of the night at Christmas with their own party needing to be bought off. How many people is it going to effect? It has already effected many. Yes, 47 percent may be very happy if they get free health care, but the middle class, not so much. Companies are already using Obamacare to cut health care for retirees pushing anyone not 65 onto the exchanges which are extremely outrageously priced. Millions upon millions will be effected and it all started with a fairy story told to us by democrats. I would be very surprised if they won another election, we know they shouldn't but starting out with a 47 percent head start is hard to beat.

My take? Regardless of who takes the WH in the next election, Obarrycare is toast. Hell, it is barely surviving right now. It is a ponzi scheme, designed by fools (academics) that have no clue whatsoever how the world works.

There WILL be another plan.

Anytime a "law" is passed - while shutting out the other side, against the wishes of the American people, it WILL be repealed. Or, as Nancy "The Idiot" Pelosi was fond of saying - "We have to pass the bill to see what's in it". Well, the thugs in the democrat party PASSED the bill and the American people have seen, firsthand, what's IN it and it WILL NOT STAND.
It's bad enough that so many people are being squeezed into part-time work against their will. It's gonna suck when the people who choose to opt out of work and let other people subsidize their health care need to "retire".

Think the strain on entitlements is bad now? Wait until the part-time worker generation ages out.

Do Democrats really think it's smart to campaign against income inequality and then go around boasting about how wonderful it is that some people will now have the choice to cut back on their work hours and let full-time workers finance their lifestyle?
It's bad enough that so many people are being squeezed into part-time work against their will. It's gonna suck when the people who choose to opt out of work and let other people subsidize their health care need to "retire".

Think the strain on entitlements is bad now? Wait until the part-time worker generation ages out.

Do Democrats really think it's smart to campaign against income inequality and then go around boasting about how wonderful it is that some people will now have the choice to cut back on their work hours and let full-time workers finance their lifestyle?

at one time the government told the Indians

to let the government take care of all of their needs

look how that turned out

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