CBS Blatantly Edits Out in Speaker Johnson Interview on NC: "People Have Not Been Provided with Resources 2 Weeks After Storm." Revoke CBS License


Diamond Member
Dec 18, 2012

United States
10/15/2024 02:06 PM
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Just wow. The dishonesty is breathtaking. CBS is murdering people stuck in those mountains with no food water or medical help by silencing their calls for help. CBS is a public airwaves station. Those airwaves belong to everyone and are leased by the big three on the condition that they fulfill a public service requirement. CBS should have its broadcast license revoked over this. #RevokeCBSLicense

Just wow. The dishonesty is breathtaking. CBS is murdering people stuck in those mountains with no food water or medical help by silencing their calls for help.

Nah, I have it on good authority from citygator who lives right there that everything is fine and everyone is getting everything they need. In fact, the hurricane was just a passing shower.

United States
10/15/2024 02:06 PM
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Just wow. The dishonesty is breathtaking. CBS is murdering people stuck in those mountains with no food water or medical help by silencing their calls for help. CBS is a public airwaves station. Those airwaves belong to everyone and are leased by the big three on the condition that they fulfill a public service requirement. CBS should have its broadcast license revoked over this. #RevokeCBSLicense

Laughing........the party of free speech, ladies and gentlemen. If Trump doesn't like them, MAGA tries to punish them for protected speech they don't like.
Laughing........the party of free speech, ladies and gentlemen. If Trump doesn't like them, MAGA tries to punish them for protected speech they don't like.
We'll see what happens if he wins. He'll most likely use whatever powers he has, and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty, to go after the press.

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you. He's a child. And he'll have immunity, all set up and ready to go.
We'll see what happens if he wins. He'll most likely use whatever powers he has, and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty, to go after the press.

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you. He's a child. And he'll have immunity, all set up and ready to go.

If you don't like, if you're not nice to him, Trump and MAGA want to use the GOVERNMENT to go after you.

This is what they call 'free speech'.

United States
10/15/2024 02:06 PM
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Just wow. The dishonesty is breathtaking. CBS is murdering people stuck in those mountains with no food water or medical help by silencing their calls for help. CBS is a public airwaves station. Those airwaves belong to everyone and are leased by the big three on the condition that they fulfill a public service requirement. CBS should have its broadcast license revoked over this. #RevokeCBSLicense

A blatant case of MISINFORMATION.
Notice how the three amigos (not including toobfreak) who posted in this thread before this post went full Pavlovian PSYCHO denial mode.
These demented LEFT assholes and the MSM are DANGEROUS.
Nothing short of EVIL
We'll see what happens if he wins. He'll most likely use whatever powers he has, and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty, to go after the press.

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you. He's a child. And he'll have immunity, all set up and ready to go.
Mac with his tired Marxist The Narrative.
We'll see what happens if he wins. He'll most likely use whatever powers he has, and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty, to go after the press.

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you. He's a child. And he'll have immunity, all set up and ready to go.

Video, schmideo. It just can’ be true that the MSM has formed a false narrative by selectively editing, taking quotes out of context or omitting information to make one candidate look bad and the other to look good.

I continue to be amazed how people afflicted by TDS can lose all sense of reality and be completely unaware that they are being fed misinformation, no matter how blatant.
Why shouldn’t their license be revoked if they are constantly spreading….


He'll most likely use whatever powers he has,
What "powers" does he have not afforded any other president?

and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty,
Can you name anyone sworn to blind loyalty? You mean, he could order them to jump off a cliff and they'd do it?

to go after the press.
The press which goes after him? The press which continually weaponizes their position to try to hurt him politically and to assist democrat candidates in his place? The press which continually lies and omits stuff to make him look bad and to help interfere in his administration?

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you.
So, you mean, exactly as Obumma and Biden have repeatedly done that you've been totally silent on?
To edit answers to different questions and present it as an authentic interview is absolutely misinformation.

Let’s go cult, call out CBS for MISINFORMATION!

If Fox News did it with Trump you would be losing your minds…you POS FRAUDS.

I've noticed CM that everytime anyone proves Mac1958 wrong about anything he says, he never argues the point, instead essentially just ADMITTING you are right about him by folding to just give you a like or a funny as if that is the best he's got.

No doubt he will funny this post as well.

I just note how weenie a position to take that he cannot even defend a thing he ever says much less state HIS position, all the while doing nothing but looking down at others with condescension for THEIR views, like he knows so much better.

Pretty easy to do when you never state what your own positions, views, ideas and solutions are for yourself, thus leaving nothing others can criticize about you.

Now watch Mac agree by just merely giving me a like.
To edit answers to different questions and present it as an authentic interview is absolutely misinformation.

Let’s go cult, call out CBS for MISINFORMATION!

If Fox News did it with Trump you would be losing your minds…you POS FRAUDS.
If Fox were doing this it would be on the foor of the Senate. But the GOP RINOS just ignore it.
We'll see what happens if he wins. He'll most likely use whatever powers he has, and those of government employees sworn to blind loyalty, to go after the press.

If you don't like him, if you're not nice to him, he'll go after you. He's a child. And he'll have immunity, all set up and ready to go.
"But, but Dear Leader for life Don Trump won't go after me! He really, really likes me"!

"Right, Dear Leader"?
Have any REPUBLICAN Governors said they aren’t getting what they need?


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