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Challenge to Conservatives: Name a Head of State More Conservative than Obama

Simple task.

Just name a head of state that has Obama's view on any major issue from *his* nation's point of view.

It's not as easy as it may sound initially.

Angela Merkel
benjamin netanyahu

Actually, aside from a few like Castro and the latest ditcator of North Korea, they are all more conservative than Obama. Even Hugo Chavez is more conservative than Obama.

David Cameron.
Hitler a devout Catholic? WHEN? He only attended the Catholic Church in his youth; he stopped taking the sacraments thereafter. Cali Girl has the history correct.


"History" here is a tale told by the winners..who were Christian as well. They've tried to scrub this..and continue on with idiocy like "Pope Pius really hated the Nazis.." and other crapola. Almost every European country is in denial about their treatment of Jews during this time period. It's like a collective amnesia or worse yet..revisionism has set in. Camps? In Poland? Surely you jest. The French helped send the Jews packing? Au Contraire, they were "partisans"!

Hitler incorporated Christianity into his rhetoric. There are passages in Mein Kampf that elude that he was doing "God's Work". And Germany was for the most part, a majority of Christians. Hitler attended church as well. He did the whole "God is on our side" schtick to a "T".

You lied. And I proved it. Stop digging. Idiot.
Past or present ?
Adolf Hitler comes to mind.He is the gawd of the repugniskanks.

I am talking about the present as the past would be way too easy.

And Hitler was a leftist, not a conservative. Had he been conservative he would have restored the Kaiser as promised and he did not.

BTW, name one nationally recognised conservative who has embraced Hitler. You cant because the claim that Republicans admire Hitler is a fucking lie and you know it.

Hitler was right wing. He was extremely conservative. He was a very religious Roman Catholic who sought and got..the approval of the Catholic Pope Pius. He mission was one people, one race, one religion and one nation. He wanted the "hinterlands" and tradition to be state doctrine. There's nothing more conservative then that.

What is conservative about universal gun registration, socialism, government control of the press, etc?

He was somewhat conservative culturally, but he ignored and even despised the Catholic Church and the idea of monarchism, which is not conservative in a European context at all.

His stolerance of Himmlers pagan mysticism seems contrary to any notion of conservatism.

Fascism is an offshoot of Marxist Leninism, and only differences in that while MArxist Leninism is international in orientation, fascism is nationalistic. Mussolini was a former Communist and Geobels wrote in h is diary that the similarity between the two was so strong that they recruited heavily from Marxist Leninist groups.
To the OP?

I can think of many:

-Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
-Bashar al-Assad
-King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia
-Juan Manuel Santos
-Otto Pérez Molina
-Alexander Lukashenko

I am speaking of conservative in the US context that consists of the following core concepts:

1. Constitutional government that is secular though indirectly allows religious influence.

2. Liberty for individuals

3. Gun rights to include concealed carry and no registration.

4. Free/fair market capitalism

None of the named would agree to all of this as Obama does.

I am not speaking of the perverted version of conservatism that many call neoconservatism.
Hitler a devout Catholic? WHEN? He only attended the Catholic Church in his youth; he stopped taking the sacraments thereafter. Cali Girl has the history correct.


"History" here is a tale told by the winners..who were Christian as well. They've tried to scrub this..and continue on with idiocy like "Pope Pius really hated the Nazis.." and other crapola. Almost every European country is in denial about their treatment of Jews during this time period. It's like a collective amnesia or worse yet..revisionism has set in. Camps? In Poland? Surely you jest. The French helped send the Jews packing? Au Contraire, they were "partisans"!

Hitler incorporated Christianity into his rhetoric. There are passages in Mein Kampf that elude that he was doing "God's Work". And Germany was for the most part, a majority of Christians. Hitler attended church as well. He did the whole "God is on our side" schtick to a "T".

You lied. And I proved it. Stop digging. Idiot.

Lied? About what? :lol:
And it's no surprise you come to the defense of Pope Pius..who signed the treaty in the first place.

Are you talking about the Concordate? That was fairly standard with any national government that was willing to have relations with the Vatican.

It was in no way an approval of the German Nazi government.

It was Christians..like yourself..that put Jews into ovens.

You really think Koshergirl wants to put innocent people into ovens?


I am certain she does not, and I doubt you ahve any basis for slandring her like that.
Someone's confusing Hitler with Stalin methinks. The "National" in "National Socialist" was real; the "Socialist" part was only public relations. Those Nazis that took it seriously all bit the dust in the Night of the Long Knives.

Regarding the OP's question, as has already been observed there are many national leaders today who are more conservative than Obama. However, although this was not pointed out it's obvious from the list that none of them head advanced nations. It's easy to find nations further to the right than ours if you go slumming in relatively primitive, poor, third-world countries. But when you compare the U.S., even under Obama, let alone under a Republican, to our actual peers, we consistently come off as the troglodytes of the developed world.

I dont agree as I am refering to principled conservatism as we ahve it here in the US, which includes right to property, posession nd carrying of guns, free markets, free speech and a division of powers in a government, etc.

None mentioned so far would hav eagreed to all of that where Obama does.

The left-right paradigm is the most simplistic referenc to prolitical variations imaginable.

But if you look at the issues surrounding governance, personal fredom and small governemnt with division of powers, none of them compare to OBama who accepts all these principles and is thus more conservative from the American perspective which is based on historical liberalism.
Simple task.

Just name a head of state that has Obama's view on any major issue from *his* nation's point of view.

It's not as easy as it may sound initially.

Angela Merkel
benjamin netanyahu

Actually, aside from a few like Castro and the latest ditcator of North Korea, they are all more conservative than Obama. Even Hugo Chavez is more conservative than Obama.

None of them agree with seperation of powers a swe have in our three branches of government, free speech to include rude speech, gun rights and free/fair markets, while Obama accepts all these and is more conservative from the American perspective.
Simple task.

Just name a head of state that has Obama's view on any major issue from *his* nation's point of view.

It's not as easy as it may sound initially.

Angela Merkel
benjamin netanyahu

Actually, aside from a few like Castro and the latest ditcator of North Korea, they are all more conservative than Obama. Even Hugo Chavez is more conservative than Obama.

David Cameron.

No way CG.

He is not a gun rights person, nor accepts the concept of division of powers for their government. The house of Commons holds allt he power in the UK. Also he agrees with penalizing and even incarcerating people for 'hate speech' that would be little mor ethan rudeness here.

He also embraces Man made global warming and pushes that agenda as much as he can and though Obama agrees on this matter, I mention it only to illustrate how leftish Cameron truly is. The conservatives over their hate Cameron pretty much, and the further to the right the stronger the hatrred..

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