Chat up lines

Actually, Editec was almost right in what he said earlier in this thread. It doesn’t matter what you say, words are a small percentage of the communication that occurs during an encounter with another person. In fact, words only supply 7% of the communication. The other 93% is split up between body language and voice tone, with body language the most relevant.

There is one chat-up line that is superior to ALL others, but it has to be used in the correct manner otherwise it is totally ineffectual. It has to be delivered as part of a five step process using brief conversation, body language and confidence. It is not smutty nor is it based on any double entendre, but it has never failed when delivered by those who know how.

But it remains a closely guarded secret amongst the Corps. Sorry guys.

Whereas 90% (or so), women can simply exist and get the same results. :funnyface:

sorry Bootneck, it had to be said. ;)
If the girl is twirling her hair with her fingers, you're in.

If not, you lost.

It really is THAT simple.
If the girl is twirling her hair with her fingers, you're in.

If not, you lost.

It really is THAT simple.

I do that driving down the road ... constantly. So no, it's not always that simple. :tongue:
OK so what are some of your best...or up lines?
I was waiting around at a hospital, there was this most fetching young nurse.... Working the admissions window.

I finally walked up during a long lull in business, and said,

"Is this the admissions desk?"

She answered, "yes it is."

I go, "Well, I'd like to admit something then. You're the most incredible woman I have ever seen."

We dated, then lived together for six years after that........
Sometimes you just have to go for the direct approach:

A young guy drops off his girlfriend at her home after being out together on a date. When they reach the front door he leans up against the house with one hand and says to her, "How about a blowjob?"

"What! Are you crazy!"

"Don't worry, it will be quick," he ensures his girlfriend.

"No! Someone might see us..."

"It's just a blowjob," he insists, "and I know you like it."

"No! I said no!"

"Baby ... don't be like that."

Suddenly, the girl's younger sister shows up at the door in her nightdress, with her hair a mess and rubbing her eyes. She looks at them and smirks, "Dad says either you blow him, I blow him, mum will come and blow him or he'll come downstairs and blow the twat himself ... but for Gods sake tell him to take his hand off the fucking intercom."


I find the line that works best on me is "Hey honey, the dishes are done and the kids are in bed." Gets me every time.
I'm talking about twirling your hair when in the presence of another person, not just randomly while driving your car.

If a conversation strikes up between a man and woman, and the woman twirls her hair, the guy is in.

A lot of girls probably don't even realize they're doing it. It's something I've studied about women over the years, to be quite honest. Many other females have agreed about it, too. I've also seen sex psychologists confirm it, as well.

Seriously, girls. Try and see if you can catch yourselves doing it, or catch some other girl doing it. It's everywhere once you realize it.

I'm obviously exaggerating when I say "he's in"...but nonetheless, it's a sign that the girl is attracted to the guy. Whether or not the guy can go on and close the deal is obviously up to him.
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I'm talking about twirling your hair when in the presence of another person, not just randomly while driving your car.

If a conversation strikes up between a man and woman, and the woman twirls her hair, the guy is in.

A lot of girls probably don't even realize they're doing it. It's something I've studied about women over the years, to be quite honest. Many other females have agreed about it, too. I've also seen sex psychologists confirm it, as well.

Seriously, girls. Try and see if you can catch yourselves doing it, or catch some other girl doing it. It's everywhere once you realize it.

I'm obviously exaggerating when I say "he's in"...but nonetheless, it's a sign that the girl is attracted to the guy. Whether or not the guy can go on and close the deal is obviously up to him.

I'll give you that. In direct conversation, if a woman is playing with her hair - as opposed to looking for split ends because she's bored - she is probably attracted to the man and possibly open to further advances.
I'm talking about twirling your hair when in the presence of another person, not just randomly while driving your car.

If a conversation strikes up between a man and woman, and the woman twirls her hair, the guy is in.

A lot of girls probably don't even realize they're doing it. It's something I've studied about women over the years, to be quite honest. Many other females have agreed about it, too. I've also seen sex psychologists confirm it, as well.

Seriously, girls. Try and see if you can catch yourselves doing it, or catch some other girl doing it. It's everywhere once you realize it.

I'm obviously exaggerating when I say "he's in"...but nonetheless, it's a sign that the girl is attracted to the guy. Whether or not the guy can go on and close the deal is obviously up to him.

Every word is true in this post...

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