Check out prison Japanese style

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
I want you to imagine this is how American prisons would be run. Notice the way the prison is spotless. The prisoners are regimented. Very very controlled. The desire is they leave prison and are now good people.

So after this video, would you want American prisons to model off of the Japanese Prisons?


The Japanese value discipline.

Apparently even if you are innocent, they force you to confess. This reminds me of what the Democrats did to those they prosecuted due to Jan 6. If you are a Billionaire in the democrat strongholds, you can afford a defense. But if you are not, you confess or go to prison.
Jan6 is a blight on this nation due to how the protesters were convicted. And they let a cop that murdered an innocent woman not even go to trial.
Apparently even if you are innocent, they force you to confess. This reminds me of what the Democrats did to those they prosecuted due to Jan 6. If you are a Billionaire in the democrat strongholds, you can afford a defense. But if you are not, you confess or go to prison.
Jan6 is a blight on this nation due to how the protesters were convicted. And they let a cop that murdered an innocent woman not even go to trial.

Charles Manson was innocent, right?
I want you to imagine this is how American prisons would be run. Notice the way the prison is spotless. The prisoners are regimented. Very very controlled. The desire is they leave prison and are now good people.

So after this video, would you want American prisons to model off of the Japanese Prisons?

Only if American criminals are clones of Japanese prisoners

Which our feral animals are not
I want you to imagine this is how American prisons would be run. Notice the way the prison is spotless. The prisoners are regimented. Very very controlled. The desire is they leave prison and are now good people.

So after this video, would you want American prisons to model off of the Japanese Prisons?

democrats would call it abusive,,
I want you to imagine this is how American prisons would be run. Notice the way the prison is spotless. The prisoners are regimented. Very very controlled. The desire is they leave prison and are now good people.

So after this video, would you want American prisons to model off of the Japanese Prisons?

You should check out Norway's prison system. Very comfy.
You should check out Norway's prison system. Very comfy.
Thanks friend. I certainly will. What interests me is how can a convict be rehabilitated to the point he or she will never commit a crime. What would it take to cause them to change to that point. I have been told by some who were convicts that jails are extremely noisy. That until the inmates literally pass out, the noise is just amazing. I had a woman client who owned properties that I appraised some of her homes. She was divorced. She was sued for child support by her ex husband and he won. He got the law to arrest her. She was desperate for a loan on one of her properties and my firm was doing the loan for her. Anyway she called me from jail and I could hear the noise that was very loud. She said how terrible it was. Anyway, My firm did the best we could do and she got out of jail.
Only if American criminals are clones of Japanese prisoners

Which our feral animals are not

Correct. The American criminals are already taught to fight and cause trouble daily. Many would have to be killed or locked up in solitary over and over when they acted up. It would take a long time to get control of the American inmates like this. The stupid marxist courts would interfere. Look what they are doing to Trump, to J6. They would not want their inmates under any control. They need to use them to speed up the collapse of Amercian society.

This is how I always imagined it should be. Work, disipline and order. No exceptions. Toe the mark or else. This seems to be the only way to begin to get basic rehabilitation.
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The Japanese prison system requires a high guard to inmate ratio, we probably couldn't do it here in America.

I like the new El Salvadorian prison, seems to be working very well.

Some of El Salvador's neighbors like the Tremendous Republic of Honduras may well be duplicating this for their own realms.
Correct. The American criminals are already taught to fight and cause trouble daily. Many would have to be killed or locked up in solitary over and over when they acted up. It would take a long time to get control of the American inmates like this.

Not really. They know they can get away with that because of how lawyers have fucked up our govt. and legal system.

Toss their lawyers in with them, and let automatic weapons and gas do their jobs. It would get quiet real quick. Sociopaths and psychos understand that perfectly; everything else is just a sign of weakness to feral animals, in or out of prison.

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