Cheney: we, all of us, on Jan 6, we all looked into the abyss, it is our responsibility to take us out of the abyss as Trump tries to drive us into it


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
government functioning without the grizzly harrassment of traitorous rebels like Trump: something we have taken for granted since Appomatox

The govt is corrupt, many of its politicians criminal, and the system is broken.

As we all see now for sure, their is at least a 2-tiered justice system, not 'equal justice'. Most Americans don't trust the govt anymore, and most have definitely lost confidence in the election process.

On J6, IMO, many Americans went to Washington to express their dis-satisfaction with the way things are.

Instead of fixing these problems, politicians / our govt has become more authoritarian, controlling. Many people don't like it. Tensions have grown, and many have said for a while a 'civil war' was coming in which Americans push back to try to 'right the ship' by reclaiming their govt.

I think we saw a small taste of that on J6 and saw the hammer of the US govt come down hard not just to deliver justice but to crush and punish existing / thwart future desire to stand up to govt.

I think Democrats and many Washington Establishment GOP who want to maintain the status quo saw it coming and saw / feared Trump as the catalyst. I think they still see him as a threat to their perverted, corrupt version of our govt they have created, one where they are powerful millionaires above the law.

I think tbe govt (Democrats / govt) wanted a 'controlled explosion', a violent protest but not one that could not be controlled. Having the National Guard on-hand would have prevented that from happening, just as having fencing up around the Capitol would have.

IMO, THis is also why the FBI planned and conducted 3 separate 'EntraPment Scheme' operations against US citizens, to incite violence and entice / lure Americans inside the Capitol. This was the 'controlled explosion'.

People poured inside the Capitol to demonstrate their dissatisfaction with everything mentioned above ... and then their govt did mot just hold them accountable - they made them PAY for it.

The rioters / protestors were not just 'held accountable' - they have been made an example of, used as a warning, to teach every citizen a that no one else thinks of standing up to their govt again and instead just continues to go along with the slow and steady march to Socialism / Fascism.

Americans in DC Gitmo are not just criminals being held accountable for their actions - they are political prisoners, like in some 3rd world country.

They were hunted down, even the least violent of them. Their rights have been denied. Many have been held for more than 2 YEARS without ever getting a trial - a violation of their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.

We have heard the stories - during that time they have been held in conditions we don't allow rapists/thieves/murderers face in normal jails / prisons. Many have been placed into isolation for excessive periods, beaten / mistreated by guards, starved, denied medical attention, their lives ruined...some for just the crime of 'Parading' on Capitol grounds.

Holy shit!

In 'the real world' we have liberal DAs letting thieves, rapists, and even murderers out of jail - released - just as quickly as they are brought in...people / career criminals who have done far worse immediately relessed after being arrested.

We saw Antifa / BLM loot, damage, destroy, burn, assault, and murder in numerous cities across the US, making MILLIONS of dollars in damage, destroying people's lives... Most were not held accountable, were not jailed, were not beaten, sure didn't spend 2 years in jail...and Americans saw our politicians defend them, support them, and even encourage them to continue to engage in violence.

There's that 2-tiered justice system again.

A lot of what J6, or at leadt its aftermath, has been about has been the US govt being as harsh, as brutal, as vindictive - while denying Constitutional / legal rights to teach Americans a lesson:

'Do not rise up against your govt, which is no longer 'WE, the PEOPLE', a govt consisting of politicians intended to be 'servants of the people' but who are now their 'masters', who no longer act with the people's best interests in mind but their own.'

The aftermath of J6 has been more about teaching Americans a lesson, using the J6 political prisoners as the example, instead of being about 'justice'...

Cheney, like many politicians, saw / sees Trump as a threat to the system of 'Elitist, wealthy, self-serving, powerful authoritarian politician who has elevated himself above the law'. 'The status quo must be defended and maintained'.

Whether she became obsessed / made it her personal mission to takecdown Trump, instead of representing her constituents, or was manipulated / groomed / enticed into taking up that goal, doing so became the most important thing in the world to her.

She was like a pilot in a dogfight chasing an enemy, both planes in a dive. She became so focused on getting 'the kill' she never saw the 'ground' until it was too late. She was booted from office by her constituents.

No matter how right she believed going after Trump was, she forgot why she was in Washington - to represent and SERVE her Constituents back at home, not to carrybout her personal goal of "get Trump'.

ALL politicians, IMHO, should be reminded from time to time why they are there in DC. It is not for themselves, though they have made it so. Cheney learned rhe hard way.

Good riddance - we don't need politicians lile her....not for going after Trump but for forgetting why she was in DC.
Many have been held for more than 2 YEARS without ever getting a trial - a violation of their Constitutional right to a speedy trial.........We have heard the stories - during that time they have been held in conditions we don't allow rapists/thieves/murderers face in normal jails / prisons. Many have been placed into isolation for excessive periods, beaten / mistreated by guards, starved, denied medical attention, their lives ruined...some for just the crime of 'Parading' on Capitol grounds.
I read that long emotional post (#2) by the poster 'easyt65'. There is much to doubt in his long list of allegations. Even....much to disagree with. Still, how do you eat an bite, one bite.

So let's do a small taste test on just this assertion by the poster 'easty65': J6 prisoners held in jail for more than two years, with no trial, with many in 'isolation'....with some ..... for the 'crime' of 'Parading'.

I would demur on that. In fact, I'm down right skeptical that it is true.
But without claiming it is silly partisan nonsense I would simply ask poster 'easyt65' his claim.
Show the forum some authenticated reportage from credible sources that backs up his allegations.

In other words, as we ask all responsible posters.....'easyt65' included.... be able to prove the allegations they make on this venue.

In short, poster 'easyt65'.....prove it.

Show us what you think you know, and how you know it.

Batter up, poster.
I read that long emotional post (#2) by the poster 'easyt65'. There is much to doubt in his long list of allegations. Even....much to disagree with. Still, how do you eat an bite, one bite.

So let's do a small taste test on just this assertion by the poster 'easty65': J6 prisoners held in jail for more than two years, with no trial, with many in 'isolation'....with some ..... for the 'crime' of 'Parading'.

I would demur on that. In fact, I'm down right skeptical that it is true.
But without claiming it is silly partisan nonsense I would simply ask poster 'easyt65' his claim.
Show the forum some authenticated reportage from credible sources that backs up his allegations.

In other words, as we ask all responsible posters.....'easyt65' included.... be able to prove the allegations they make on this venue.

In short, poster 'easyt65'.....prove it.

Show us what you think you know, and how you know it.

Batter up, poster.
Already psted sevetal times in other tbreads. Will look for them; in the meantime try tp edicate yourself, too, instead of demanding to be spoonfed.
"...instead of demanding to be spoonfed."

Oh, it is not a question of needing to be spoonfed.
Rather, it is an issue of my avatar simply not believing your avatar....and thinking that what was posted was frivolous partisan nonsense.

The questions have been asked of others before who have posted similar partisan nonsense. To wit:

  • How many are in this solitary confinement situation for any reason?
  • How do you know?
  • How many are in solitary confinement simply because they were 'parading'?
  • Who are these prisoners?
  • Do you have their names?
  • The charges levied against them?

See, the thing is poster EasyT65' it is way way too easy to come on to a social media site such as this and make allegation after allegation with no accountability. You are posting anonymously using a fake name. You have no skin in the game. So any irresponsible assertion or allegation or statement....can be spewed out, and you skip away with no accountability to the truth or to your real-life reputation.

In short, of the allegation you made in your long emotional post (#2) I simply do not believe. I ain't calling your avatar a liar. But I can have no respect for those who cannot back up their they real people in my real life, or be they fake named people on a social media site.

The burden in on your avatar easyt65 to prove true --- what you say is true.

Saddle up, mi amigo.
government functioning without the grizzly harrassment of traitorous rebels like Trump: something we have taken for granted since Appomatox

Who the hell is Cheney?
government functioning without the grizzly harrassment of traitorous rebels like Trump: something we have taken for granted since Appomatox

Given what we know about how the Xiden family stole and hide classified documents for the past 6 years....and still ordered a Stalinist raid of the former cooperating President's home....this article didn't age well at all

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