Chicago Mayor has Terminal TDS, Blames Trump for Smollett Hoax


Feb 3, 2019
Wow! Betrayed by his own corrupt system, the mayor of Chicago is blaming President Trump for Smollett's hoax. This is a very special kind of stupid:

Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for Jussie Smollett controversy, creating 'toxic environment'

The mayor called Chicago a "Trump-free zone" and blamed the president for creating a "toxic" and "hate-filled" environment that allowed Smollett to think he could get away with faking a hate crime.

“Let me be clear about something. The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created,” Emanuel said.

Of course it is someone else’s fault that this looser pulled this stunt. Rahm really thinks Americans are that stupid? Next we will see Jessie, Obama and a host of others joining in with their support of this once again hair brain analysis. A fraud is one thing a fraud designed to further unrest and hatred is another issue all together.
ideological subversion:

"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

Wow! Betrayed by his own corrupt system, the mayor of Chicago is blaming President Trump for Smollett's hoax. This is a very special kind of stupid:

Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for Jussie Smollett controversy, creating 'toxic environment'

The mayor called Chicago a "Trump-free zone" and blamed the president for creating a "toxic" and "hate-filled" environment that allowed Smollett to think he could get away with faking a hate crime.

“Let me be clear about something. The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created,” Emanuel said.

No, the orders were sent down the pipeline to Rahm, one of the atheist socialists of the Democratic Party with the instructions, as per their mentor Saul Alinsky, rules #8 and 13. Their goal, break down the American system into chaos so that they can seize control during the confusion by promising to clean up the mess they created in the first place.

Rules for Radicals - Wikipedia
So he was reamed by the party for showing outrage at the police conference...
ideological subversion:

"What it basically means is: to change the perception of reality of every American to such an extent that despite of the abundance of information no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the interest of defending themselves, their families, their community, and their country."

Absolutely chilling, and totally accurate. A quote from the video:

...there must be a very strong national effort to educate people in the spirit of real patriotism, number one. Number two, to explain them the real danger of socialist, communist, whatever, welfare state, Big Brother government.

If people will fail to grasp the impending danger of that development, nothing ever can help the United States. You may kiss goodbye to your freedom, including freedoms to homosexuals, to the prison inmates. All this freedom will vanish, evaporated in 5 seconds, including your precious lives.

The second thing -- the moment at least part of the United States' population is convinced that the danger is real, they have to force their government, and I'm not talking about sending letters, signing petitions, and all this beautiful noble activity.

I am talking about forcing United States government to STOP aiding communism.
Trump asked the Smollett Nigerians if they needed any help staging their racist, homophobic hoax.
"Nah, bro. We got it". Rahm Emanuel nailed this one!
They were actually born in Chicago.
Maybe. But I've never seen them identified as anything other than "Nigerians". Nigerian brothers paid to beat up Jussie Smollett 'might have worn WHITEFACE,' lawyer says
Yeah, it was reported later-

“We are not racist. We are not homophobic and we are not anti-Trump. We were born and raised in Chicago and are American citizens,” Osundairo brothers said in a statement to CBS Chicago affiliate WBBM that has been confirmed by ABC News.
Brothers tell police ‘Empire’ actor Jussie Smollett paid them to orchestrate and stage attack: Source
Wow! Betrayed by his own corrupt system, the mayor of Chicago is blaming President Trump for Smollett's hoax. This is a very special kind of stupid:

Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for Jussie Smollett controversy, creating 'toxic environment'

The mayor called Chicago a "Trump-free zone" and blamed the president for creating a "toxic" and "hate-filled" environment that allowed Smollett to think he could get away with faking a hate crime.

“Let me be clear about something. The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created,” Emanuel said.
OK now there is the stupid Liberal I know. Rahm's initial sensible statements calling out Smollet and defending Chicago Police confused the heck out of me. Now he is spewing the DEM Party line of "Orange Man Bad". It all makes sense again.
Wow! Betrayed by his own corrupt system, the mayor of Chicago is blaming President Trump for Smollett's hoax. This is a very special kind of stupid:

Rahm Emanuel blames Trump for Jussie Smollett controversy, creating 'toxic environment'

The mayor called Chicago a "Trump-free zone" and blamed the president for creating a "toxic" and "hate-filled" environment that allowed Smollett to think he could get away with faking a hate crime.

“Let me be clear about something. The only reason Jussie Smollett thought he could take advantage of a hoax about a hate crime is because of the environment, the toxic environment that Donald Trump created,” Emanuel said.

Nub finger is just pissed his pal half Black Jesus screwed him over.
Come on, we all knew he would fall in the line with the Dimm
Party line.

They accept no dissent.

Trumps fault for the fake hate crime!

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