China and USA Have a Similar Problem


Platinum Member
Jun 16, 2021
Well, it's not just CCP and the USA....
The EU, UK, and certain countries in South America are also experiencing the problem....

And that is birth rates. Children have become a luxury item. It's too expensive to raise children anymore. Nevermind the prenatal care and initial hospital expenses of giving birth....that's a "nothing" by far comparison of what's coming.....

The clothes, subsequent doctor visits for requisite immunizations, diapers, and especially daycare. Then comes the tutoring and after school sports and activities. (In case Johnny or Janey can't read, write, or rithmatic) and finally the vehicle plus the college education.

Failing to provide any of the requisite "necessities" that your state requires can land you in immediate hot water. If a 3 bedroom house costs $500k and your combined incomes are only sufficient for a $300k don't get to have children. If you somehow find affordable housing but the inner city schools are just prepatory for prison now need private schooling. Starting at $1400/month per child plus increased expenses for field trips and other supplies demanded. (They will provide you a list except for last minute extra fees) Then there's extra $$needed for the tutoring as well. Imitation intelligence is expensive for children not truly gifted with intelligence....but it can be had for a price. (If the child is willing)

And yes, there is a severe birth shortage in each of these countries. All are claiming to encourage child production....but since they have not provided an economic environment conducive for producing's not happening. So these nations have resorted to immigration to solve the problem of aging and declining populations. CCP has a problem attracting they resort to conquest and conscription....just like Russia. CCP is just much more quiet than their Russian counterparts. Europe?
Just ask the average European what they think about immigration lately....
Having fewer children is hardly a problem, it is laudable. It is far better to have quality than quantity when it comes to human population. Our system needs to evolve from the onerous past.
Well, it's not just CCP and the USA....
The EU, UK, and certain countries in South America are also experiencing the problem....

And that is birth rates. Children have become a luxury item. It's too expensive to raise children anymore. Nevermind the prenatal care and initial hospital expenses of giving birth....that's a "nothing" by far comparison of what's coming.....

The clothes, subsequent doctor visits for requisite immunizations, diapers, and especially daycare. Then comes the tutoring and after school sports and activities. (In case Johnny or Janey can't read, write, or rithmatic) and finally the vehicle plus the college education.

Failing to provide any of the requisite "necessities" that your state requires can land you in immediate hot water. If a 3 bedroom house costs $500k and your combined incomes are only sufficient for a $300k don't get to have children. If you somehow find affordable housing but the inner city schools are just prepatory for prison now need private schooling. Starting at $1400/month per child plus increased expenses for field trips and other supplies demanded. (They will provide you a list except for last minute extra fees) Then there's extra $$needed for the tutoring as well. Imitation intelligence is expensive for children not truly gifted with intelligence....but it can be had for a price. (If the child is willing)

And yes, there is a severe birth shortage in each of these countries. All are claiming to encourage child production....but since they have not provided an economic environment conducive for producing's not happening. So these nations have resorted to immigration to solve the problem of aging and declining populations. CCP has a problem attracting they resort to conquest and conscription....just like Russia. CCP is just much more quiet than their Russian counterparts. Europe?
Just ask the average European what they think about immigration lately....

Throughout all of recorded history as a nation increased in wealth their birthrates went down.

Poorer nations/people have more children as the chance of their children surviving to adulthood are lower, thus they make up for it with quantity.
Well, it's not just CCP and the USA....
The EU, UK, and certain countries in South America are also experiencing the problem....

And that is birth rates. Children have become a luxury item. It's too expensive to raise children anymore. Nevermind the prenatal care and initial hospital expenses of giving birth....that's a "nothing" by far comparison of what's coming.....

The clothes, subsequent doctor visits for requisite immunizations, diapers, and especially daycare. Then comes the tutoring and after school sports and activities. (In case Johnny or Janey can't read, write, or rithmatic) and finally the vehicle plus the college education.

Failing to provide any of the requisite "necessities" that your state requires can land you in immediate hot water. If a 3 bedroom house costs $500k and your combined incomes are only sufficient for a $300k don't get to have children. If you somehow find affordable housing but the inner city schools are just prepatory for prison now need private schooling. Starting at $1400/month per child plus increased expenses for field trips and other supplies demanded. (They will provide you a list except for last minute extra fees) Then there's extra $$needed for the tutoring as well. Imitation intelligence is expensive for children not truly gifted with intelligence....but it can be had for a price. (If the child is willing)

And yes, there is a severe birth shortage in each of these countries. All are claiming to encourage child production....but since they have not provided an economic environment conducive for producing's not happening. So these nations have resorted to immigration to solve the problem of aging and declining populations. CCP has a problem attracting they resort to conquest and conscription....just like Russia. CCP is just much more quiet than their Russian counterparts. Europe?
Just ask the average European what they think about immigration lately....
If China was concerned about low birth rates they never would have had the one child policy. It just so happens that the one child policy created a nightmare for China, so they had to abandon it.

But China never gave up on population control, IF you ask me, all the world governments continue to be obsessed with population control. It is therefore, my assertion that this public sentiment on having children is by design. Simply make it as miserable as you can for people to have children, and sit back and grab some popcorn and enjoy the show

Next thing you know, people will begin to volunteer for self genocide, in the form of killing off their own flesh and blood via abortion.

In New York City alone, for example, there have been more black abortions than births.
A constantly increasing population is what is needed for a healthy economy and healthy general welfare of the population.

As ONE EXAMPLE and not an entire reason to reverse this trend is the USA's retirement supplement of Social Security and Medicare services.
This is the only legal ponzi scheme which is allowed by Law and seemed like a good idea as the population continued to increase constantly. (More paying in than recipients of the payments)
However as the population stabilizes at a particular level and even decreases....these systems fall apart due to lack of funding.

There are more issues involved as seen in areas with de-urbanization like Detroit. The utilities are literally falling apart because of the lower tax base of residents. The abandoned neighborhoods can't support the utilities that feed one or two homes.

Human resources have always been THE primary premiere resource for any nation. Most nations try to attract immigrants plus have healthy birth rates to sustain their health and growth. Any other resource can be produced IF you have the human resources to produce them. (Food, clothing, shelter, industrial equipment, energy, and entertainment)

That's why birth rates are important (as some suggest otherwise)
When Europe had ⅓ of their population erased due to bubonic plague....sure the kids became wealthy but also very hungry because they did not have any groceries anymore(no farmers)....and the wealth was evaporated away on daily life. Houses and castles alike became in disrepair. (No workmen)

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