China Gloats as Beijing Buys Iraq


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

China Gloats as Beijing Buys Iraq

Twenty years after the US took down Saddam Hussein,
Beijing is reaping the spoils.
23 Mar 2023 ~~ By Dave Patterson

As is often the case with noble purposes, the results do not meet expectations. What China might do two decades later was not part of the calculus in the US and its allies taking down the Iraqi army and freeing the Iraqi people. The US invasion and liberation of Iraq in March 2003 lasted 21 days, ending on April 9, when Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime collapsed and major combat engagements for US and partner forces stopped. Twenty years later, pundits and perfect-hindsight-seers heap criticism on America for either bungling Operation Iraqi Freedom or for starting it in the first place.
How Much Are Americans Paying? However, some believe the absence of a US military stationed in Iraq has opened wide the door for a Chinese economic and political presence that will prove inimical to US interests. Gloating over what it says is a “brighter future with Chinese companies’ efforts,” Global Times, the CCP’s propaganda mouthpiece, asserts: “For these Chinese constructors, this is much more than just a job opportunity or business project but is a chance to make a meaningful contribution to the local people who have gone through the pain of war.” However, the Muslim Uighurs in the north-western region of Xinjiang, China, who have felt the genocidal persecution of the CCP’s iron hand, might have a different view.
Freeing Iraq Did Not Include China
By way of background, remembering what US and coalition forces did in freeing Iraqis from a vicious dictator is helpful. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz described in a meaningful way in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee what US and coalition intervention in Iraq meant to the Iraqi people. Wolfowitz quoted an Iraqi blogger on the first free election day the country had seen for decades:

When the US Cat Is Away, China Will Play

But the absence of an effective US contingent in Iraq has left a vacuum of influence. Furthermore, the Biden administration seems not to notice. Consequently, current US nonchalance has left a hole in western political and economic shaping, leaving the door open for Beijing to buy its way into Iraq. And the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is taking every advantage to be part of Iraq’s future.

Iraq is one example of when the US does not mind the store, mischief happens. The PRC doesn’t make a secret of its intentions. Liberty Nation has previously reported on the insatiable Beijing appetite for displacing the US as the superpower in the world and is insinuating itself into the economic and military fabric of one nation after another. It’s easy to look back and understand with great clarity what should have been done. Unfortunately, past ills cannot be healed easily. The Biden administration must look forward and do what needs to be done.
One more stupid adventure of the Forever War that has blown up in our faces. The Political clowns that rule will impoverish and slave us if we do not stop them.
The CCP doesn't have to worry about the U.S. anymore. They own us too. Our politicians primarily Democrats, RINOs and Big Business have tied themselves to the tail of China and Maoist Communism.

China Gloats as Beijing Buys Iraq

Twenty years after the US took down Saddam Hussein,
Beijing is reaping the spoils.
23 Mar 2023 ~~ By Dave Patterson

As is often the case with noble purposes, the results do not meet expectations. What China might do two decades later was not part of the calculus in the US and its allies taking down the Iraqi army and freeing the Iraqi people. The US invasion and liberation of Iraq in March 2003 lasted 21 days, ending on April 9, when Saddam Hussein’s brutal regime collapsed and major combat engagements for US and partner forces stopped. Twenty years later, pundits and perfect-hindsight-seers heap criticism on America for either bungling Operation Iraqi Freedom or for starting it in the first place.
How Much Are Americans Paying? However, some believe the absence of a US military stationed in Iraq has opened wide the door for a Chinese economic and political presence that will prove inimical to US interests. Gloating over what it says is a “brighter future with Chinese companies’ efforts,” Global Times, the CCP’s propaganda mouthpiece, asserts: “For these Chinese constructors, this is much more than just a job opportunity or business project but is a chance to make a meaningful contribution to the local people who have gone through the pain of war.” However, the Muslim Uighurs in the north-western region of Xinjiang, China, who have felt the genocidal persecution of the CCP’s iron hand, might have a different view.
Freeing Iraq Did Not Include China
By way of background, remembering what US and coalition forces did in freeing Iraqis from a vicious dictator is helpful. Former Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz described in a meaningful way in testimony to the Senate Armed Services Committee what US and coalition intervention in Iraq meant to the Iraqi people. Wolfowitz quoted an Iraqi blogger on the first free election day the country had seen for decades:

When the US Cat Is Away, China Will Play

But the absence of an effective US contingent in Iraq has left a vacuum of influence. Furthermore, the Biden administration seems not to notice. Consequently, current US nonchalance has left a hole in western political and economic shaping, leaving the door open for Beijing to buy its way into Iraq. And the People’s Republic of China (PRC) is taking every advantage to be part of Iraq’s future.

Iraq is one example of when the US does not mind the store, mischief happens. The PRC doesn’t make a secret of its intentions. Liberty Nation has previously reported on the insatiable Beijing appetite for displacing the US as the superpower in the world and is insinuating itself into the economic and military fabric of one nation after another. It’s easy to look back and understand with great clarity what should have been done. Unfortunately, past ills cannot be healed easily. The Biden administration must look forward and do what needs to be done.
One more stupid adventure of the Forever War that has blown up in our faces. The Political clowns that rule will impoverish and slave us if we do not stop them.
The CCP doesn't have to worry about the U.S. anymore. They own us too. Our politicians primarily Democrats, RINOs and Big Business have tied themselves to the tail of China and Maoist Communism.
China is doing everything to try to save itself from demographic collapse. They've apparently succeeded in at least getting some Westerners to push their propaganda, which pictures China as a colossus ready to take over the world. In reality the CCP is in a mad scramble to fix the problems that have developed over the last 20 years, as growth slows and the population becomes more demanding of the fruits of their labor.
China is wise enough to know that the way to global dominance is economic dominance. Their military escapades will then be much easier with far less resistance. They aren't expanding their military for kicks and giggles...
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The US, China and Wall Street’s new man in the middle​


Episode 297- China and the New World order by James Corbett From​

Things. .. are not as simple, as just, the US vs. China, and if folks believe they are, they are not really paying attention. We have funded the GoF that started this virus, our economies are completely intertwined, and we are the ones that built them up since the 1950s.

There will be no war with China, unless the top global oligarchs say there is to be one.

China has signed onto the WHO global pandemic treaty, the G20 global digital ID, and they, like the US are ahead in development of CBDCs. Global government is already here, and only if you are not aware, are you not really in the loop on this.

There will only be a war if too many folks resist this reality, IMO.
The middle class left during and after the war. Iraq is a shithole now, not much to build a country on. they want the oil, of course, but good luck avoiding the locals and their propensity for crime and violence. We should have given it to the Kurds. they could have made something out of it.
China is wise enough to know that the way to global dominance is economic dominance. Their military escapades will then be much easier with far less resistance. They aren't expanding their military for kicks and giggles...

Most locals everywhere hate them even more than they hated us. After a few years of being plundered by the feral animals the locals will be begging for us to come back. Same with Russians, PLO, Iranian Mullahs, etc., etc.
China is wise enough to know that the way to global dominance is economic dominance. Their military escapades will then be much easier with far less resistance. They aren't expanding their military for kicks and giggles...
And their Military is NOT taking "Sensitivity" courses about Fags and Trannies. They have a REAL Military.
And their Military is NOT taking "Sensitivity" courses about Fags and Trannies. They have a REAL Military.
China's military can't hold a candle to the U.S. They're having trouble dealing with the Indian Army in their border dispute, never mind our military.
China's military can't hold a candle to the U.S. They're having trouble dealing with the Indian Army in their border dispute, never mind our military.
A military that takes "Sensitivity" training is a Military guaranteed to lose wars.
One more stupid adventure of the Forever War that has blown up in our faces. The Political clowns that rule will impoverish and slave us if we do not stop them.
The CCP doesn't have to worry about the U.S. anymore. They own us too. Our politicians primarily Democrats, RINOs and Big Business have tied themselves to the tail of China and Maoist Communism.

Actually, the Chinese are being smart.

We think we can impose our will on the world through military might. The problem is, of course, that Americans aren't willing to sacrifice their sons and daughters to prop up an empire that doesn't really improve their lives all that much.

The Chinese, on the other hand, just see the rest of the world as markets for their products. They buy "Good Will" through programs like the "Belt and Road" initiatives, where they help countries develop infrastructure, which in turn makes those countries better trading partners.

You see, we USED to get this. We used to spend a lot of money on foreign aid and Peace Corps workers and such to develop good will. But we forgot how to do that.

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