China's Unspoken Cold War with The US.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I have been saying this for weeks, that China and Russia have intentionally engaged in "soft attacks" on our economy. I believe it is coordinated and timed to attempt to impact our elections in the hopes of helping get President Trump removed and have someone more pliable and more easily bribed and bought in The White House like they had with Bill Clinton, Barak Obama and hoping to have again.

The sad part is that The Democrat party and their allies in The Media, are not defending America, but are actively taking place in China and Russia's Propaganda campaign against The US, and our President.

Here is just more evidence of what they are trying to accomplish. They want to hold The American Economy Hostage, and I would not be shocked to find some day that they manufactured this new cold variant, infected some of their own people, and had them come in to contact with as many Americans as possible.

Then you have the strange timing of Russia's Oil Feud. And now this:

China hints at denying Americans life-saving coronavirus drugs

In an article in Xinhua, the state-run media agency that's largely considered the mouthpiece of the party, Beijing bragged about its handling of COVID-19, a virus that originated in the city of Wuhan and has spread quickly around the world, killing nearly 5,000 people and infecting thousands more. The article also claimed that China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into "the mighty sea of coronavirus."

The disturbing threats made during a global pandemic as well as the scary consequences if that threat becomes real highlight just how tight China's grip is on the global supply chain. Already, the Food and Drug Administration has announced the first drug shortage related to the coronavirus. Though it did not disclose which drug was in short supply, the FDA did say it could not access enough raw components needed because they are made in China.
97% of antibiotics sold in the US are made in China, to reduce costs.
China has the US by the gonads because we don't manufacture much anymore.
Trump is right to bring back as much manufacturing as he can
What if China stopped all shipments of toilet paper for a few months?
97% of antibiotics sold in the US are made in China, to reduce costs.
China has the US by the gonads because we don't manufacture much anymore.
Trump is right to bring back as much manufacturing as he can
What if China stopped all shipments of toilet paper for a few months?

In the long term it will bring back manufacturing here & it will be GREAT for the USA.

But MAN it's going to be painful in the short term (1 or 2 years). People will die. :(

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