Chinese in Syria? Rebutting GOP debate nonsense...

from link:

In other news from the Republican campaign trail, we have what is possibly the stupidest question ever being debated. Jeb Bush would cheerfully go back in time and kill baby Hitler, while Ben Carson would refuse to abort fetus Hitler. No word on what Marty McFly would do, yet. Stay tuned....

A White House spokesman was rendered utterly speechless when asked about Ben Carson's claim that the Chinese military was a big faction in Syria, which we suppose is a sign of the times. Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling" these days, and being rendered speechless is as good a response as any to such sheer lunacy.

Three Republicans (Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal) campaigned at an event organized by a preacher who wants to just kill all the gay people, and the media didn't even blink. Imagine if a Democratic candidate listened to a preacher who said something controversial... oh, wait a minute... that already happened, didn't it? I don't remember the media ignoring it, back then, do you?

There was a Republican debate this week, which we'll address in more detail in the talking points section, but we do have to point out that Ben Carson is so much betterat the whole "word salad" thing than Sarah Palin ever was. Toss a random bunch of key phrases together, and people don't even realize you have not said anything at all!

John Kasich appeared on Stephen Colbert's show (YouTube has the relevant segment), and Colbert forcefully asked a question we've been waiting a long, long time to hear asked of any politician who ever admitted to marijuana use in their past. The question? "How do you think your life would be different -- would you be where you are today -- if you had been caught and arrested for using marijuana back then?" We've been waiting pretty much ever since Bill Clinton tried his whole "didn't inhale" shtick, back in the 1990s, in fact. Kasich absolutely ignored the question, trying to lump marijuana in with heroin, but we certainly applaud Colbert for even asking it.

The times they are a-changing on the entire political issue of marijuana. It used to be treated as a joke -- any politician could use some form of: "Why are you asking me that, what have you been smoking? Hyuck-yuck-yuck!" to skate away from even discussing the issue in any sort of serious way. Now, every Republican candidate for president supports medical marijuana in one form or another. Democrats are about to debate whether rescheduling marijuana down to Schedule II is enough, or whether it should be descheduled altogether -- the most substantive debate on the issue since at least the 1970s. Which is one of the reasons we're looking forward to tomorrow night's debate.
Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling"

Obama is proof that Jaw-dropping idiocy doesn't stop you from getting elected.

Sarah Palin! Zoinks!
from link:

In other news from the Republican campaign trail, we have what is possibly the stupidest question ever being debated. Jeb Bush would cheerfully go back in time and kill baby Hitler, while Ben Carson would refuse to abort fetus Hitler. No word on what Marty McFly would do, yet. Stay tuned....

A White House spokesman was rendered utterly speechless when asked about Ben Carson's claim that the Chinese military was a big faction in Syria, which we suppose is a sign of the times. Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling" these days, and being rendered speechless is as good a response as any to such sheer lunacy.

Three Republicans (Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal) campaigned at an event organized by a preacher who wants to just kill all the gay people, and the media didn't even blink. Imagine if a Democratic candidate listened to a preacher who said something controversial... oh, wait a minute... that already happened, didn't it? I don't remember the media ignoring it, back then, do you?

There was a Republican debate this week, which we'll address in more detail in the talking points section, but we do have to point out that Ben Carson is so much betterat the whole "word salad" thing than Sarah Palin ever was. Toss a random bunch of key phrases together, and people don't even realize you have not said anything at all!

John Kasich appeared on Stephen Colbert's show (YouTube has the relevant segment), and Colbert forcefully asked a question we've been waiting a long, long time to hear asked of any politician who ever admitted to marijuana use in their past. The question? "How do you think your life would be different -- would you be where you are today -- if you had been caught and arrested for using marijuana back then?" We've been waiting pretty much ever since Bill Clinton tried his whole "didn't inhale" shtick, back in the 1990s, in fact. Kasich absolutely ignored the question, trying to lump marijuana in with heroin, but we certainly applaud Colbert for even asking it.

The times they are a-changing on the entire political issue of marijuana. It used to be treated as a joke -- any politician could use some form of: "Why are you asking me that, what have you been smoking? Hyuck-yuck-yuck!" to skate away from even discussing the issue in any sort of serious way. Now, every Republican candidate for president supports medical marijuana in one form or another. Democrats are about to debate whether rescheduling marijuana down to Schedule II is enough, or whether it should be descheduled altogether -- the most substantive debate on the issue since at least the 1970s. Which is one of the reasons we're looking forward to tomorrow night's debate.

Yes, let's ask deep questions such as marijuana use. Never mind record numbers in poverty, 100 million out of work, 60 trillion in unfunded mandates, 19 trillion in debt, isis blowing up planes and cities etc. Colbert is an idiot.
from link:

In other news from the Republican campaign trail, we have what is possibly the stupidest question ever being debated. Jeb Bush would cheerfully go back in time and kill baby Hitler, while Ben Carson would refuse to abort fetus Hitler. No word on what Marty McFly would do, yet. Stay tuned....

A White House spokesman was rendered utterly speechless when asked about Ben Carson's claim that the Chinese military was a big faction in Syria, which we suppose is a sign of the times. Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling" these days, and being rendered speechless is as good a response as any to such sheer lunacy.

Three Republicans (Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee, Bobby Jindal) campaigned at an event organized by a preacher who wants to just kill all the gay people, and the media didn't even blink. Imagine if a Democratic candidate listened to a preacher who said something controversial... oh, wait a minute... that already happened, didn't it? I don't remember the media ignoring it, back then, do you?

There was a Republican debate this week, which we'll address in more detail in the talking points section, but we do have to point out that Ben Carson is so much betterat the whole "word salad" thing than Sarah Palin ever was. Toss a random bunch of key phrases together, and people don't even realize you have not said anything at all!

John Kasich appeared on Stephen Colbert's show (YouTube has the relevant segment), and Colbert forcefully asked a question we've been waiting a long, long time to hear asked of any politician who ever admitted to marijuana use in their past. The question? "How do you think your life would be different -- would you be where you are today -- if you had been caught and arrested for using marijuana back then?" We've been waiting pretty much ever since Bill Clinton tried his whole "didn't inhale" shtick, back in the 1990s, in fact. Kasich absolutely ignored the question, trying to lump marijuana in with heroin, but we certainly applaud Colbert for even asking it.

The times they are a-changing on the entire political issue of marijuana. It used to be treated as a joke -- any politician could use some form of: "Why are you asking me that, what have you been smoking? Hyuck-yuck-yuck!" to skate away from even discussing the issue in any sort of serious way. Now, every Republican candidate for president supports medical marijuana in one form or another. Democrats are about to debate whether rescheduling marijuana down to Schedule II is enough, or whether it should be descheduled altogether -- the most substantive debate on the issue since at least the 1970s. Which is one of the reasons we're looking forward to tomorrow night's debate.

Yes, let's ask deep questions such as marijuana use. Never mind record numbers in poverty, 100 million out of work, 60 trillion in unfunded mandates, 19 trillion in debt, isis blowing up planes and cities etc. Colbert is an idiot.
And legal states making tons of money taxing it, and emptying ridiculous Raygun prisons DUH.
Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling"

Obama is proof that Jaw-dropping idiocy doesn't stop you from getting elected.
Example? lol dingbat

Well, Obama, for one.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling"

Obama is proof that Jaw-dropping idiocy doesn't stop you from getting elected.
Example? lol dingbat

Well, Obama, for one.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.
Jaw-dropping idiocy is what passes for "political truth-telling"

Obama is proof that Jaw-dropping idiocy doesn't stop you from getting elected.
Example? lol dingbat

Well, Obama, for one.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.

Total idiocy.

Agreed, total Obama idiocy.

Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working

Really? He out of Crimea and Ukraine yet? LOL!
Example? lol dingbat

Well, Obama, for one.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.

Total idiocy.

Agreed, total Obama idiocy.

Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working

Really? He out of Crimea and Ukraine yet? LOL!
Those areas would vote for him. Remain calm. He's probably your hero anyway. You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution. A snarling idiotic disgrace. Just like 1929-41.
Well, Obama, for one.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.

Total idiocy.

Agreed, total Obama idiocy.

Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working

Really? He out of Crimea and Ukraine yet? LOL!
Those areas would vote for him. Remain calm. He's probably your hero anyway. You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution. A snarling idiotic disgrace. Just like 1929-41.

Those areas would vote for him.

Yeah, because his Chicago style elections are democracy.

He's probably your hero anyway.

No. I don't like their Commie strongman or our Commie weakman.

You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution.

My people caused the Arab Spring? Caused ISIS to take over large chunks of Iraq and Syria? LOL!
That "medical" weed you're smoking isn't helping your IQ.

A snarling idiotic disgrace.

But enough about our idiot boy king.
Example of HIS IDIOCY, dingbat?

Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.

Total idiocy.

Agreed, total Obama idiocy.

Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working

Really? He out of Crimea and Ukraine yet? LOL!
Those areas would vote for him. Remain calm. He's probably your hero anyway. You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution. A snarling idiotic disgrace. Just like 1929-41.

Those areas would vote for him.

Yeah, because his Chicago style elections are democracy.

He's probably your hero anyway.

No. I don't like their Commie strongman or our Commie weakman.

You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution.

My people caused the Arab Spring? Caused ISIS to take over large chunks of Iraq and Syria? LOL!
That "medical" weed you're smoking isn't helping your IQ.

A snarling idiotic disgrace.

But enough about our idiot boy king.
Crimea and E. Ukraine are majority Russian.
Neither ARE commies. The GOP loves oligachists.
Iraq War, stupidest ever. The GOP corrupt World Depression is key too.
When did O ever snarl? Madness.
Supporting ISIS to get rid of Assad.
Supporting the Muslim Brotherhood to lead Egypt.
Being "more flexible" with Putin.
Withdrawing from Iraq and Afghanistan in the weakest possible way.

Just a few examples of his foreign policy idiocy.
Total idiocy. See Maliki, W's boy.
Supporting democracy. They'll learn.
Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working, adhd dupe.

Total idiocy.

Agreed, total Obama idiocy.

Putin is no terrorist, diplomacy now working

Really? He out of Crimea and Ukraine yet? LOL!
Those areas would vote for him. Remain calm. He's probably your hero anyway. You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution. A snarling idiotic disgrace. Just like 1929-41.

Those areas would vote for him.

Yeah, because his Chicago style elections are democracy.

He's probably your hero anyway.

No. I don't like their Commie strongman or our Commie weakman.

You people just bitch and moan about everything, when you caused it and have no actual solution.

My people caused the Arab Spring? Caused ISIS to take over large chunks of Iraq and Syria? LOL!
That "medical" weed you're smoking isn't helping your IQ.

A snarling idiotic disgrace.

But enough about our idiot boy king.
Crimea and E. Ukraine are majority Russian.
Neither ARE commies. The GOP loves oligachists.
Iraq War, stupidest ever. The GOP corrupt World Depression is key too.
When did O ever snarl? Madness.

Crimea and E. Ukraine are majority Russian.

So what? Switzerland is mostly German, so you'd be okay with a German invasion? LOL! Moron.

Iraq War, stupidest ever.

How'd Obama's Libyan and Syrian adventures work out?
Make things more stable? Moron!

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