Chinese Leader discusses Democracy coming to China. "It is inevitable" he says

And I wouldn't take a million dollars for the jade elephant my friend gave me.

You should, it's made of glass.

No, you ignorant jackass. It's jade. Not bought from a vendor, but hand carved by my firend Chi. It is likely not expensive jade but it is not glass. Never had it appraised. It was a gift, not an investment. Now go back to sucking off your dog!

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They are the nicest and most civil people on earth. If it weren't for their accent, they could be southern Americans! .

Wow, you really didn't stray far from the tour group.

Obviously you are so unlikeable that NO ONE could be nice to you. An you are jealous to boot! You clearly suffer from short man with small penis syndrome!
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Good thread topic. I wouldn't be so sure 'bout the conclusion however. - Tibet, The Uighurs & Taiwan.
Really big news out of Red China. Over the years they have been washing out the color, and it seems that they recognize that economic change means political change.

They are a bunch of old men. They saw that Russia blew econ and political reform both in major ways. They don't want to go that direction.

Anyway, the speech..

What I find fascinating is the perception by many Americans that China isn't a very conservative nation. I doubt the Chinese people are comforted by the measured words in the video; I suspect they understand that democracy will come to them slowly and without a commensurate increase in personal liberty.

China is an authoritarian nation and its leaders are justifiably concerned that too much freedom will fester discord, as regional differences there are greater than they are in our country. China's leaders also remains fearful of the West, and who can blame them.
Republicans want us to be more like China. Not the other way around.

Ah yes... the glory of the 14 hour day and the seven day work week and the 53 week year at a wage that wont feed a flea. Them republicans talk with snake toungs out of both faces. The talk bout liberty. They want slavery. They talk about free markets. only freedom is too charge to much for crap. Unions are ok for socialsit free economies where they dont need them. But unions here where they are the only thing standing in the way of working workers till they starve they want to prevent.

Regiments of starving workers marching to work singing to the glory of Ronald Raygun, that is what they want to bring to americaca.
Republicans want us to be more like China. Not the other way around.

Ah yes... the glory of the 14 hour day and the seven day work week and the 53 week year at a wage that wont feed a flea. Them republicans talk with snake toungs out of both faces. The talk bout liberty. They want slavery. They talk about free markets. only freedom is too charge to much for crap. Unions are ok for socialsit free economies where they dont need them. But unions here where they are the only thing standing in the way of working workers till they starve they want to prevent.

Regiments of starving workers marching to work singing to the glory of Ronald Raygun, that is what they want to bring to americaca.
WHO is "they"? :doubt: And note the Chinese leaders ditched the Chairman Mao uniforms to wear suits & ties now.
China wants to be a capitalist country. Socially, they are more like the US was 50 or more years ago. I like the Chinese people. China is becoming far more of a free country even as we become less so.

I don't know about them being more like us 50 years ago, since I can remember 50 years ago and I don't recall in my lifetime giving girls up for adoption so we could have the 1 boy child or any group other than the Mormons having an issue with not being able to be polybamous. According to what one friend I have there told me many Chinese men have more than one family on different sides of the city. But we are moving closer toward one another as to economic practice that's for sure. They are the nicest and most civil people on earth. If it weren't for their accent, they could be southern Americans! It hurt my heart to see one of my group crawl all over one she was doing business with. It was over a few pieces of change at the bank in the hotel, less than a couple of pennies in our currency. But when we went to shop, they didn't charge us the change we owed. All our purchases were with full bills, with the price figured in our favor.

Had always planned to go back and spend several months, maybe even a year, and teach at the university nursing school in Beijing. But now that I'm sick, unless I can get off this pump I know I never will. There are many things I would like to see there too, but I particularly liked haggling with the street vendors! And I wouldn't take a million dollars for the jade elephant my friend gave me.

I have many friends and some relatives that are Chinese Nationals. The one thing comparable is that in China to live in the cities, the govenment tells women they can't have more than one child. In the US, democrats through their propaganda tells women they don't want more that one child, preferably not any children at all. In rural China there isn't a one child policy at all. The per capital abortion rate is similar. There are many Chinese kids in my art school. They are intelligent, educated, have excellent manners, can carry on a decent conversation, and are very motivated. Even at 6 a Chinese child knows exactly what they intend to do as an adult and is working toward that goal. They don't take drugs, drink, they aren't promiscuous and prioritize education, then work, then family. We have a few Americans in my school but no American children at all. I doubt if American parents even think about it, or maybe the school doesn't let them in because American kids would be disruptive. In any case we don't have any, and I'm glad of it.

I find the Chinese an admirable people. Far superior to the local Americans in every way.
Republicans want us to be more like China. Not the other way around.

Ah yes... the glory of the 14 hour day and the seven day work week and the 53 week year at a wage that wont feed a flea. Them republicans talk with snake toungs out of both faces. The talk bout liberty. They want slavery. They talk about free markets. only freedom is too charge to much for crap. Unions are ok for socialsit free economies where they dont need them. But unions here where they are the only thing standing in the way of working workers till they starve they want to prevent.

Regiments of starving workers marching to work singing to the glory of Ronald Raygun, that is what they want to bring to americaca.

That hasn't been true for a number of years. Although, a kid that wants to screw off WILL find themselves living in a dormitory working 16 hours a day for a bowl of rice. Which is what we SHOULD be doing to our spineless young. Education is free in China, college educations are free. Because the government is paying, failure is not an option. The Universities don't have keg parties. Sex is prohibited. If they are paying the government expects something for their investment. Social consciousness raising courses that do not provide a way to employment don't get a degree.
China wants to be a capitalist country. Socially, they are more like the US was 50 or more years ago. I like the Chinese people. China is becoming far more of a free country even as we become less so.

I don't know about them being more like us 50 years ago, since I can remember 50 years ago and I don't recall in my lifetime giving girls up for adoption so we could have the 1 boy child or any group other than the Mormons having an issue with not being able to be polybamous. According to what one friend I have there told me many Chinese men have more than one family on different sides of the city. But we are moving closer toward one another as to economic practice that's for sure. They are the nicest and most civil people on earth. If it weren't for their accent, they could be southern Americans! It hurt my heart to see one of my group crawl all over one she was doing business with. It was over a few pieces of change at the bank in the hotel, less than a couple of pennies in our currency. But when we went to shop, they didn't charge us the change we owed. All our purchases were with full bills, with the price figured in our favor.

Had always planned to go back and spend several months, maybe even a year, and teach at the university nursing school in Beijing. But now that I'm sick, unless I can get off this pump I know I never will. There are many things I would like to see there too, but I particularly liked haggling with the street vendors! And I wouldn't take a million dollars for the jade elephant my friend gave me.

I have many friends and some relatives that are Chinese Nationals. The one thing comparable is that in China to live in the cities, the govenment tells women they can't have more than one child. In the US, democrats through their propaganda tells women they don't want more that one child, preferably not any children at all. In rural China there isn't a one child policy at all. The per capital abortion rate is similar. There are many Chinese kids in my art school. They are intelligent, educated, have excellent manners, can carry on a decent conversation, and are very motivated. Even at 6 a Chinese child knows exactly what they intend to do as an adult and is working toward that goal. They don't take drugs, drink, they aren't promiscuous and prioritize education, then work, then family. We have a few Americans in my school but no American children at all. I doubt if American parents even think about it, or maybe the school doesn't let them in because American kids would be disruptive. In any case we don't have any, and I'm glad of it.

I find the Chinese an admirable people. Far superior to the local Americans in every way.

Well, China does have a drug problem. They have police hospitals where they treat their heroin addicts. In those hospitals the nurses have the authority to arrest the patient if he decides to leave. If the person cannot be rehabilitated, he is given clean needles to keep him from sharing and spreading disease.
Republicans want us to be more like China. Not the other way around.

Ah yes... the glory of the 14 hour day and the seven day work week and the 53 week year at a wage that wont feed a flea. Them republicans talk with snake toungs out of both faces. The talk bout liberty. They want slavery. They talk about free markets. only freedom is too charge to much for crap. Unions are ok for socialsit free economies where they dont need them. But unions here where they are the only thing standing in the way of working workers till they starve they want to prevent.

Regiments of starving workers marching to work singing to the glory of Ronald Raygun, that is what they want to bring to americaca.

That hasn't been true for a number of years. Although, a kid that wants to screw off WILL find themselves living in a dormitory working 16 hours a day for a bowl of rice. Which is what we SHOULD be doing to our spineless young. Education is free in China, college educations are free. Because the government is paying, failure is not an option. The Universities don't have keg parties. Sex is prohibited. If they are paying the government expects something for their investment. Social consciousness raising courses that do not provide a way to employment don't get a degree.

They have a billion people.

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