Chinese/Others stealing U.S. intellectual property


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Something needs to be done...


Chinese firm paid insider 'to kill my company,' American CEO says

By Carl Sears and Michael Isikoff
NBC News 8/6/13

A Chinese energy firm offered big money and access to women to entice an engineer at a U.S. company to launch a cyber raid on his employer, stealing sensitive computer codes and “thereby cheating (the firm) … out of more than $800 million,” according to newly unsealed court documents and internal messages and emails obtained by NBC News.

Federal prosecutors call the alleged cyber theft from American Superconductor (AMSC) in Devens, Mass., one of the most brazen cases yet of Chinese economic espionage in the United States. The techniques the Chinese used to rob the company of three quarters of its revenue, half its workforce, and more than $1 billion in market value were straight out of a “spy novel,” the firm's CEO said in an interview with NBC News.


Chinese firm paid insider 'to kill my company,' American CEO says - Investigations
That's what commies do. They back engineer shit like the "Half Arnold Special" back in the day. But to be fair we did the same with German tech.

The Chinese are pulverizing us.
If the Chinese are reduced to copying us then how are they pulverizing us?
If the Chinese are reduced to copying us then how are they pulverizing us?

They don't come up with ideas. That's simply not what China is good at.

We do because we are.

Rs refuse to back US efforts to keep up with the world so China, and others, take our ideas and run with them.

Edited to add - We have become a bedroom community of China. Can anyone say they didn't alreadyknow that's where the R is taking us? Obama wants more tax breaks for companies who bring their business back home. Do you rw's object to that?
If the Chinese are reduced to copying us then how are they pulverizing us?

They don't come up with ideas. That's simply not what China is good at.

We do because we are.

Rs refuse to back US efforts to keep up with the world so China, and others, take our ideas and run with them.

they don't come up with ideas because of their regime.

Ideas can not grow in a cage. even if the cage is golden.
If the Chinese are reduced to copying us then how are they pulverizing us?

They don't come up with ideas. That's simply not what China is good at.

We do because we are.

Rs refuse to back US efforts to keep up with the world so China, and others, take our ideas and run with them.

they don't come up with ideas because of their regime.

Ideas can not grow in a cage. even if the cage is golden.

Actually, although it sounds good and I really do mean that, your first statement isn't true.

But if it were, it wouldn't matter because, to use your metaphor, the idea would be stuck in a cage.

Its moot.
Something needs to be done...


Chinese firm paid insider 'to kill my company,' American CEO says

By Carl Sears and Michael Isikoff
NBC News 8/6/13

A Chinese energy firm offered big money and access to women to entice an engineer at a U.S. company to launch a cyber raid on his employer, stealing sensitive computer codes and “thereby cheating (the firm) … out of more than $800 million,” according to newly unsealed court documents and internal messages and emails obtained by NBC News.

Federal prosecutors call the alleged cyber theft from American Superconductor (AMSC) in Devens, Mass., one of the most brazen cases yet of Chinese economic espionage in the United States. The techniques the Chinese used to rob the company of three quarters of its revenue, half its workforce, and more than $1 billion in market value were straight out of a “spy novel,” the firm's CEO said in an interview with NBC News.


Chinese firm paid insider 'to kill my company,' American CEO says - Investigations

If anyone expects the Obozo Administration to do anything, don't hold your breath. I doubt Obama even knew about the last big incident which involved Chinese hackers stealing plans to some our military's biggest toys (i believe it was reported in the news right before Obozo was suppose to meet with China's Head Red).

If we had a President with balls, all Chinese goods coming into the US would be heavily taxed and all Chinese businesses in the United States would be investigated by the FBI and IRS as punishment for this industrial & military espionage bullshit those Red bastards are pulling.

But, since all we have is Obozo, we'll just have to settle for a very terse statement from the State Department, blubbering about how they should stop it and never do it again.
Yes, and China has been stealing European intellectual property as well.

But don't get overconfident. The Chinese are coming up with new discoveries and new ideas on their own. Chinese are not stupid. And of course, over the last several thousand years, Chinese governments have specialized in outwitting the barbarians.

One thing China has been doing is graduating about 6 million students a year from her universities. That is more than we graduate. In addition, over the last decade, China has been almost doubling her research funding each year, while in America, real dollar research funding by the government in real dollars has shrunk a bit. It won't be long until China is way ahead of us in science and technology.

Both the Republicans and Democrats have failed to deal with this problem. We have a bipartisan problem in which both sides are doing a terrible job.

And of course, over the last several thousand years, Chinese governments have specialized in outwitting the barbarians.
Yeah that big wall sure kept the Huns out.

One thing China has been doing is graduating about 6 million students a year from her universities. That is more than we graduate.
So what? Their system of education is notorious for churning out people who prove merit by being able to memorize for big tests instead of creativity or being able to form independent thought.

Are there smart creative Chinese people? Of course! But comparing raw graduation numbers from their education system is far too blunt a tool to use to make any judgement on the impact on science and technology development.
You're quite right that the Chinese method of outwitting the barbarians didn't always work. But it did set up a large part of the perspective and methods of the Chinese government.

China has been working on improving her educational system so that it promotes creativity, and some of the research I have seen coming out of China is quite good. Even the old Confucian educational approach was more than just memorizing, and there has been much creative thinking in China over the last couple of thousand years.

Meanwhile, American education is far from promoting creativity. For example, children are most creative on creativity tests about first grade, and then their creativity scores drop as they continue to higher grades. In addition, very few American adults are creative. At the very most, perhaps a few tens of thousands of American adults are creative. Everyone else just copies others, with a few minor little personal tweaks at the most.

If we love America, we need to be completely honest with ourselves. If we do that, we can improve things in areas where Americans are falling down.

If we aren't honest with ourselves, America will fall.

If the Chinese are reduced to copying us then how are they pulverizing us?

Their anti ship-technology, combined cyber attacks, emerging sub technology minimizes our ability to launch carrier based aircraft over say...Taiwan. While they're building a small Navy we continue to reduce ours. Bad idea. According to the Rand corporation in 2011 if China wanted to take Taiwan right now it is highly likely that they could do so, and that's not even taking into account all the tech they stole from us with their cyber sleuthing.

As far as pulverizing us, they do it methodically over time. While kill ourselves economically they buy hardened assets in U.S. reserve currency so when this place finally tumbles they will be affected less in the economic chaos. Further, as the U.S. weakens, eastern states will be more inclined to widen China's reach with security agreements.
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China has been working on improving her educational system so that it promotes creativity, and some of the research I have seen coming out of China is quite good.
They have talked about it but have implemented almost nothing, children from early age still learn that to advance they must rote memorize for big tests on certain dates. 高考 is the make or break for a young Chinese person's entire life/career and it tests nothing but ability to temporarily retain vast quantities of information by memory. Where do the best and brightest Chinese want to go to college? Right here in the United States.

In addition, very few American adults are creative. At the very most, perhaps a few tens of thousands of American adults are creative.
This is an impossible to quantify assertion, how could you have possibly come up with this number? Not 5000 Americans, not 100,000 Americans, but around a few ten thousands are creative.

I'm not just rah rah America blindly disbelieving any criticism of the U.S. education system, it has many faults. However to imply creativity and individual thought in Chinese education approaches anything close to the educational methods in the U.S. is naive. It isn't just an outside view, this weakness is well recognized inside China.
I thought Republicans hate intellectuals.

They do but its a problem for them because they can't even recognize intellectualism.

Read Steady Mercury's post. Apparently he doesn't know that, thanks to an incredulously stupid US prez by the name of shrub, US schools teach to the test.

He also doesn't seem to know that China graduates more science majors than we graduate people of any major.

And, it was another rw here who stated that too many US citizens are going to college. Several have said that universities and colleges are just chocked full of intellectual LIB-rules.

They don't get it and never will because they value stupid and ignorant. Anyone who doubts that only has to look at their politicians and presidential candidates.
Their anti ship-technology, combined cyber attacks, emerging sub technology minimizes our ability to launch carrier based aircraft over say...Taiwan.
In what way?

Because it has the capability of sending a carrier to the bottom from 1,500 - 2000 km away from the shore in one hit. Area denial weapon. Quite a concern for the folks at the Pentagram, I mean Pentagon.
The Dong Feng ballistic missile combined with the technologies used to support it that I mentioned briefly. Mobile, land based ballistic anti-ship missile used by the Chinese 2nd artillery Division I believe it is. It's capability or raison d'etre is to send a carrier to the bottom.
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