Chinese satellite gathering intel for Pearl Harbor-style hypersonic missile attack by using green lasers

Gotta have a hobby while doing time on Earth.
If you want some free entertainment, put a birdfeeder in your backyard.
Thanks, Thomas Paine.
Only the drunkest most degenerate revolutionary in all of American History.
Get yourself an education!

Thomas Paine was no degenerate, though he was accused of that in later years by religious fanatics and political enemies … because he stuck to his revolutionary ideals.

Instead of seeking a government sinecure or going into politics or building up his own real estate and financial position like most Founding Fathers did, Thomas Paine went off to revolutionary France, where he played an honorable role, among other things fighting extremists. He was like Lafayette a “Girondist” who opposed executing the deposed King, though he voted to free slavery throughout the French empire — a radical position in those days.

Paine was jailed and almost died while imprisoned. He was scheduled to be executed by Robespierre when that radical was himself overthrown. Later he was offered money and estates by Napoleon to ally with his imperial government, but of course Paine refused.

All the money earned by Paine’s most famous best-selling revolutionary pamphlets went to support the cause. He was later to be ridiculed for his relative poverty, and he certainly didn’t dress like rich Presidents Washington, Adams and Jefferson. He also didn’t speak like these Harvard & University-educated men.

Thomas Paine was a thoroughly self-educated working-class man and revolutionary, which is why his pamphlets were so popular with most Americans … far outselling the Bible in those revolutionary times.

As for drinking, like most revolutionaries in those days Paine liked to drink Beer and Rum. He was indeed a popular speaker at working-class meetings in taverns.

But when listing the heaviest drinkers in the revolutionary movement he wasn’t even mentioned in these articles. He apparently couldn’t hold a candle to these other Founding Fathers …

8 Founding Fathers’ Insane Drinking Habits

The surprising drinking habits of our Founding Fathers

P.S. My own drinking days are long gone. Alas!
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